Tar Puglia agrees surveyors seismic design
Progettazione in zona sismica: il Tar Puglia dà ragione ai geometri
Annullata la circolare regionale che limitava la competenza dei
geometri alla zona 4
di Rossella Calabrese
23/11/2010 - È illegittima la Circolare interpretativa del 6 luglio
2010 con cui la Regione Puglia stabiliva che i geometri potessero
progettare esclusivamente nella zona sismica 4, perché non in possesso
delle conoscenze tecniche richieste dalla normativa sismica. Lo
afferma il Tar Puglia, con la Sentenza 3920 del 18 novembre 2010,
accogliendo il ricorso dei geometri pugliesi.
Secondo i giudici, la Circolare non è meramente “interpretativa” ma
introduce delle limitazioni oggettive all’attività di progettazione
dei geometri, in violazione delle norme sulle competenze
professionali, ed è quindi lesiva e modificativa dell’ordinamento
La vicenda
Con la Circolare interpretativa del 6 luglio 2010, il Servizio Lavori
Pubblici della Regione Puglia ha chiarito che “la competenza della
categoria professionale dei geometri in zona sismica può essere
consentita per la esclusiva zona classificata 4, alle attività di
progettazione, direzione lavori e vigilanza su lavori di riparazione
delle costruzioni esistenti, […] con esclusione, in ogni caso, di
opere che prevedano l’impiego di strutture in c.a. and steel. "
According to the Region Apulia, in the light of technical rules on
Construction (DM 14/01/2008) and Council Resolution 1626/2009 on
throughout the region you plan and carry out checks on the buildings following the rules
earthquake resistant structures
and testing the so-called "threshold states". In order to incorporate these methodologies
, engineers, architects and geologists
updated their knowledge gained in college courses for high school
the surveyors, however, does not teach technical
graduates to design in seismic verification methods with comparable
those within the competence of graduates.
On October 13, 2010
surveyors Puglia have appealed to the Tar
for the annulment of the Circular, arguing that it violates the rules
on skills of the surveyors. The ruling
According to the Tar, the Circular of the Puglia region circumscribing the
where surveyors can design buildings in seismic zones, has introduced
limitations not related to State legislation,
neither justified by the particular situation
Apulian territory.
says in fact that the Tar
the identification of individual figures and their professional skills up to the State, the Regions can
solo disciplinare gli aspetti strettamente connessi
alla realtà regionale.
Per questi motivi, il Tribunale amministrativo ha annullato la
Circolaree condannato la Regione Puglia al pagamento delle spese
(riproduzione riservata)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Queen Ariana From The Island Princess
scaffolding, plastic components to cover pipes and joints
L'elemento in plastica impiegato per rivestire i giunti dei ponteggi a tubi e giunti
Con la Circolare n. 29 del 27 agosto 2010 il Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali risponde ad alcuni quesiti concernenti le norme per la prevenzione degli infortuni sul lavoro nelle Construction and working at heights (Chapter II, Title IV, Leg. No 81/2008 and subsequent amendments).
Question No 7
element plastic used to cover the joints of scaffolding pipes and joints can be one of the solutions to fulfill the provisions of paragraph 1.5 of Annex XVIII of the Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, for what concerns the projections of the dangerous crossing points? In addition, the plastic element is subject to authorization / omlogazione compulsory subject issued by the public?
"The realization of that element with the objective of limiting the risks due to projections of the coupling parts is to be established in connection with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 108 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, which reads "Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 (Traffic in yards) of Annex XVIII, while working on construction sites must be ensured the viability of people and vehicles." Therefore, in the first question, it is believed that the realization of this dispsitivo may be one of solutions to meet the said Article 108. Regarding the second question aimed to know if there must be a possible authorization / approval of this device, note that the rules do not provide for any type of authorization / approval for the element of that question. "
Source: Ministry Labour
L'elemento in plastica impiegato per rivestire i giunti dei ponteggi a tubi e giunti
Con la Circolare n. 29 del 27 agosto 2010 il Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali risponde ad alcuni quesiti concernenti le norme per la prevenzione degli infortuni sul lavoro nelle Construction and working at heights (Chapter II, Title IV, Leg. No 81/2008 and subsequent amendments).
Question No 7
element plastic used to cover the joints of scaffolding pipes and joints can be one of the solutions to fulfill the provisions of paragraph 1.5 of Annex XVIII of the Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, for what concerns the projections of the dangerous crossing points? In addition, the plastic element is subject to authorization / omlogazione compulsory subject issued by the public?
"The realization of that element with the objective of limiting the risks due to projections of the coupling parts is to be established in connection with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 108 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, which reads "Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 (Traffic in yards) of Annex XVIII, while working on construction sites must be ensured the viability of people and vehicles." Therefore, in the first question, it is believed that the realization of this dispsitivo may be one of solutions to meet the said Article 108. Regarding the second question aimed to know if there must be a possible authorization / approval of this device, note that the rules do not provide for any type of authorization / approval for the element of that question. "
Source: Ministry Labour
November 7, 2010
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