Monday, September 29, 2008

Joining The Ambulance

Prato: prostitution "in" Chinese

A new way to advertise the sexual services of Chinese women immigrants in Italy ...
Meet sexy hairdresser? Just turn in Chinatown, to know a little 'and read the Chinese on the walls. Yes, because being Pistoia, via Filzi Becagli away and all roads in the community where he lives east you can find illegal billboards and ads everywhere, written on leaflets of luck or directly on the plaster walls. Indeed, some have seen fit to leave their message to the doors Pistoia, without forgetting the front Tazebao all'Unicredit that disappeared for a few hours in the days of the close of the checks and then promptly reappeared a few hours later, a bit 'as laboratories full of illegal immigrants. But this time the residents are not left to watch and decided to see what is written in the myriad of flyers hung everywhere who were also photographed.

With the help of those who know the Chinese have been translated three. The first flyer put under scrutiny by residents of the area said: "Major meetings. Opening May 6 closing May 30. New girls full-service meetings transparent crystal, crystal-carved". Then there are the signs and reference numbers, which, moreover, are often visible on the walls because written in red letters.

number two in the leaflet are also the image of a rose and a stylized map, so the Italians, arrangers, could find the place. Who attacked must have thought: you never know to whom it may concern ... Here is a translation obtained by the residents: "Recommended / Exclusive center haircut and hairstyles new service. ... Availability girls Excellent cut." Then here is the inevitable telephone numbers. The 'lesson' of China did not stop here, although now it is clear what kind of message is carpeted Chinatown. If you want to multiply the two leaflets translated by residents for the thousands who are in the streets, even on the cabin of Enel, is not it hard to understand that the offer spreads and many more. In fact, the third text is no exception: New massage center, located in Chinatown. Sexy young girls and clean, staff helpful and considerate. " Follow details (...).

Source: The Nation

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wordpress Warning: Realpath()

Sunrise: China denounced pimp

Again Alba was spotted at a house meeting where a prostitute is illegal in China. The woman was exploited by his compatriot and regular resident of Milan, which was part of the proceeds of the activity. The man had entered into a lease with a real estate site, unbeknownst to the owner. Dual criminal complaint for the exploiter of China for aiding and abetting clandestina e sfruttamento della prostituzione, mentre per la donna sono state avviate le procedure di espulsione.

In base alle osservazioni delle forze dell'ordine nell'appartamento si recavano circa 4/5 clienti al giorno, per un guadagno giornalieri di circa 600 euro.

Fonte: TargatoCN , La Repubblica

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mcculloch Edge Trimmer Starting Recoil Spring

Apartments Red Light on the Adriatic coast

Il confine tra Marche e Abruzzo, nella zona della Bonifica del Tronto, continua ad essere popolato da cittadine cinesi che si dedicano alla prostituzione.

E' stato individuato a San Benedetto del Tronto un appartamento a luci rosse dove una donna cinese di 30 anni, già titolare di un provvedimento di espulsione dal territorio italiano, prestava servizi sessuali. L'attenzione delle forze dell'ordine è scaturita dal viavai di clienti. La donna ha tentato di dare un nome falso e di far credere di essere in Italia da pochi giorni, ma è stata tradita dal rilevamento delle impronte digitali.

Fonte: Il Resto del Carlino ,

Sunday, September 21, 2008


The gray area of \u200b\u200bthe Italian health

La salute dei neocomunitari non è uguale per tutti: il ministero ha deciso che dipende dai singoli Sistemi sanitari regionali. Alcuni hanno istituito il tesserino Eni (europeo non iscritto) per poter chiedere il rimborso al paese d’origine, altri no. A causa di un vuoto amministrativo, bulgari e rumeni non iscritti alla sanità regionale perché magari lavorano in nero o non sanno che in Italia serve la tessera europea di assicurazione malattia (Team) se si resta nel nostro paese meno di tre mesi, rischiano di vedersi negare l’assistenza sanitaria se non ricorrono a un’assicurazione privata, nonostante la legge nazionale e una direttiva regionale gliela garantiscano. “Il problema è nato con l’allargamento dell’Unione europea e non è ancora stato risolto – spiega Salvatore Geraci, presidente della Società italiana di medicina delle migrazioni –. Il ministero della Salute ha detto di applicare la normativa comunitaria a tutti i cittadini Ue, ma poi ha delegato alle Regioni la scelta di come fare con i neoentrati”.
“Ecco che allora alcune amministrazioni hanno istituito il tesserino Eni (europeo non iscritto) e altre no, creando non poche discrepanze. Il problema si pone soprattutto per quelle persone che lavorano in nero, che non sanno che in Italia serve la tessera europea di assicurazione malattia (Team) o che non possono permettersi un’assicurazione privata. A peggiorare il quadro – continua il dottor Geraci –, quest’estate è arrivata la legge 133 del 6 agosto 2008 che ha modificato il testo unico sull’immigrazione abrogando la parte che diceva che ai cittadini comunitari si applicano le norme più favorable. "
Neither illegal immigrants nor citizens enrolled in the Regional Health Service, many new EU citizens are thus caught in a gray area in which they are not guaranteed health care. The reason? The lack of technical guidance from the Region, on separate accounts to be kept within the Local Health services provided to Bulgaria and Romania. In short, the region says what to do, but does not say how. Thus, "the right to assistance, which was reaffirmed by national law and a regional management, in fact, is guaranteed to be obstacles," said Chiara Bodini of Sokos. But "in our clinics - said medical volunteer association that assists illegal aliens Bologna -, Romanians have continued to come even after the Ministry of Health had confirmed their right to have health care by Ausl, especially for emergency services and can not be postponed ". "Operators of the ASL does not know what to write about the recipes and have created situations that impact the rebound of the responsibilities and exacerbate the operators."

Source: Social Editor

Friday, September 19, 2008

Following Up Email After Interview

Romagna and the Marches: stories of Chinese women

Marina di Ravenna there are reports of two Chinese women, 33 and 35 years for aiding and proestituzione: esercitavano la professione nello stesso appartamento. Una delle due era già stata raggiunta da un provvedimento di espulsione ed è stata arrestata.

Una simile sorte è toccata alle due cinesi, di 54 e 35 anni, accusate di favoreggiamento e induzione alla prostituzione per aver gestito delle case di appuntamento nella periferia dell'Aquila nelle quali giovani connazionali venivano segregate nelle abitazioni. Le due donne provvedevano di tanto in tanto a fare spesa e a gettare l'immondizia. Le cinesi erano sempre controllate con un telefonino cellulare attraverso il quale le due donne che gestivano la prostituzione riuscivano a controllare gli incassi.

Fonte: e Il Centro

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why Doesnt John Cena Wear A Wedding Ring

reactions from the Chinese world

From Turin reactions of the "masseuses" Chinese who work in the apartments.
"We do massages, the law does not concern us because we do not do anything wrong," says a 55 year old prostitute, who works with his nephew, 25. "We only massage, why should we worry?".
The apartment costs 500 euro per month, almost half of what is asked of an European (800-900 euro) and earnings performance easily cover the costs.

Source: CronacaQui

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How Many Episodes Is Nightmare Campus

Ddl Carfagna: one of the possible consequences

deserted streets and brothels "full. If, in the light of the new draft law on prostitution, the sun will set on traditional ways of sex, the ring, not to lose their business, will be forced to exercise indoors in an apartment. With the result that dramatically increasing the "palaces of sex" but the value of the real estate collapse. This seems to be the scenario where we will be faced when the decree sought by Minister Mara Carfagna diventerà effettivo. Le strade del sesso, che contano una mappatura variegata e chilometrica, da via Sammartini a via Novara passando per l’Isola, saranno dunque rimpiazzate dai “bordelli”. Perché di questo si tratterà.

Le “case chiuse”, a onor del vero, ci sono sempre state. Alla faccia della legge Merlin. E’ il segreto di pulcinella. Sono infatti almeno 100, a Milano, i palazzi dove si esercita giorno e notte il mestiere più antico del mondo. La mappatura dell’eros mercenario in casa è tracciata su strada, annuncio dopo annuncio, palazzo dopo palazzo, citofono dopo citofono. Disseminati a raggiera dalle periferie Hidden in the center and crumbling opulence and discreet. There's something for every taste and every budget. Prices range from 50 to 500 euro per performance. Including accessories and comfort. A deja vu in black and white for an entire generation of diehard customers.

hot areas
buildings more or less anonymous, apart from the one of Via Sammartini, the focus of many investigations, and the one of Via Lambrate, where the improbable urban legend has it that women work and leisure " most beautiful in the world. " Or as the less-known but equally "hot" street Arquà. The epicentres of the demographic phenomenon are three. The triangle Station Central-Loreto-Lambrate, the 'pleasure island' between the canals, the Dock and Ticino, and along the arteries, resulting in square Maciachini, starting from the front of the stage of the nightlife district of Isola and Brera.
A racket invisible, hidden behind the home and the anonymous faces of urban housing, which operates in Brazil (40 percent), Italian (25%), Eastern Europe for another quarter, Chinese and Japanese for the remaining 10 per cent. But the two great worlds of prostitution of apartment in Milan are Eastern Europe and Brazil. The Brazilians, in particular, work in the stable center entirely used for prostitution, buildings in the high board. Most come from Salvador de Bahia, Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo. The age varies from 16 to 30 years. They arrive in Milan with a debt to the patron, the boss of trafficking and sexual slavery racket of the new luxury of going from 15 thousand euro. They must also pay, the organization that runs the brothel, a daily allowance of € 300 per week for work. As an alternative to daily subsistence allowance, the monthly rent is around € 2-3 thousand per month. In addition to these costs must be added the cost for your ads. Each window on the electronic city is 260 euro.

Confedilizia This scenario worries, fearing that prices the buildings where prostitutes will be forced to rent apartments, real estate value will fall. And in the next month promises to battle.

Source: CronacaQUI