deserted streets and brothels "full. If, in the light of the new draft law on prostitution, the sun will set on traditional ways of sex, the ring, not to lose their business, will be forced to exercise indoors in an apartment. With the result that dramatically increasing the "palaces of sex" but the value of the real estate collapse. This seems to be the scenario where we will be faced when the decree sought by Minister Mara Carfagna diventerà effettivo. Le strade del sesso, che contano una mappatura variegata e chilometrica, da via Sammartini a via Novara passando per l’Isola, saranno dunque rimpiazzate dai “bordelli”. Perché di questo si tratterà.
Le “case chiuse”, a onor del vero, ci sono sempre state. Alla faccia della legge Merlin. E’ il segreto di pulcinella. Sono infatti almeno 100, a Milano, i palazzi dove si esercita giorno e notte il mestiere più antico del mondo. La mappatura dell’eros mercenario in casa è tracciata su strada, annuncio dopo annuncio, palazzo dopo palazzo, citofono dopo citofono. Disseminati a raggiera dalle periferie Hidden in the center and crumbling opulence and discreet. There's something for every taste and every budget. Prices range from 50 to 500 euro per performance. Including accessories and comfort. A deja vu in black and white for an entire generation of diehard customers.
hot areas
buildings more or less anonymous, apart from the one of Via Sammartini, the focus of many investigations, and the one of Via Lambrate, where the improbable urban legend has it that women work and leisure " most beautiful in the world. " Or as the less-known but equally "hot" street Arquà. The epicentres of the demographic phenomenon are three. The triangle Station Central-Loreto-Lambrate, the 'pleasure island' between the canals, the Dock and Ticino, and along the arteries, resulting in square Maciachini, starting from the front of the stage of the nightlife district of Isola and Brera.
A racket invisible, hidden behind the home and the anonymous faces of urban housing, which operates in Brazil (40 percent), Italian (25%), Eastern Europe for another quarter, Chinese and Japanese for the remaining 10 per cent. But the two great worlds of prostitution of apartment in Milan are Eastern Europe and Brazil. The Brazilians, in particular, work in the stable center entirely used for prostitution, buildings in the high board. Most come from Salvador de Bahia, Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo. The age varies from 16 to 30 years. They arrive in Milan with a debt to the patron, the boss of trafficking and sexual slavery racket of the new luxury of going from 15 thousand euro. They must also pay, the organization that runs the brothel, a daily allowance of € 300 per week for work. As an alternative to daily subsistence allowance, the monthly rent is around € 2-3 thousand per month. In addition to these costs must be added the cost for your ads. Each window on the electronic city is 260 euro.
Confedilizia This scenario worries, fearing that prices the buildings where prostitutes will be forced to rent apartments, real estate value will fall. And in the next month promises to battle.
Source: CronacaQUI
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