Sunday, October 26, 2008

Degenerative Osteophytes

Illegal or prostitute?

Often there is confusion between the crime of illegal immigration and that of prostitution, which does not even exist ...

A Valdobbiadene a 48 year old Chinese woman, Li Yog, is reported in prostitution received his guests in the house. The woman already weighed down a deportation order issued by police headquarters in Bolzano in 1997, because it does not hold a residence permit. The police have carried out a few weeks for the investigation, applied directly under the apartment of the Chinese middle class, where we see a continual coming and going of men. Then, last week, decided to step in and broke into the woman, just when he received a customer. The surveys, however, are not yet concluded, we are trying to find the owner of the apartment to consider whether it may be the possibility of a wider traffic of prostitutes.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Brazilian Wax-explanation

Even the apartments are safer techniques

seal to a house meeting in Terni, where the police raided discovered inside a young Chinese national who used the apartment for prostitution. To her other servants of the squad are recovered as part of a monitoring center of occupied dwellings in Terni from outside the EU. In particular, some residents away from Giandimartalo Vitalone had reported to the police constantly coming and going of men coming and going from the apartment occupied by young Chinese. Then the blitz led to ensure that the property was made available to the woman by her compatriot, who lives out of Terni and is suspected of facilitating prostitution and exploitation. Investigations are underway to determine whether the tenant is suspected of other apartments in other cities of central Italy, thus playing the role of nominees for appointment of homes similar to that of Terni.

Source: AGI

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

You Jizz Lilli Carati

a criminal

The police in Caserta have arrested a Chinese citizen who, under an assumed name, entered into leases for the rental of housing used for the exercise of prostitution, and company through advertising, place ads erotic su quotidiani e periodici.

L'indagine è partita da due appartameni a luci rosse scoperti a Caserta e San Nicola la Strada. Le donne che lavoravano negli appartamenti non hanno fornito alcuna informazione per verificare l’esistenza di possibili favoreggiatori e sfruttatori.

Il nome fornito per le richieste di inserzione degli annunci e per i contratti di locazione hanno condotto ad una stessa persona di nazionalità cinese, la quale si è rivelata essere un onesto ed ignaro imprenditore di Milano, in Italia da diversi anni con regolare carta di soggiorno, il quale rivelava che da tempo gli venivano recapitate bollette dell’Enel e di forniture idriche relative ad appartamenti ubicati in various Italian provinces where, moreover, had never been.

The false tenant, alias Chen Yang, 38 year old, was arrested on his way to pick up yet another lease by the owner of a house in Via Arena. The accusations are false declaration of identity and compliance with a removal order issued in April 2006 by the superintendent of Prato.

The arrested had rented apartments and in Milan, Sondrio, Arezzo, Pordenone and Caserta. Investigators do not rule out that behind the activities of the arrested person is via a larger criminal organization that operates throughout the country.

Sources: Inside 18 , Caserta Seven

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Warranty Tommy Hilfiger

Along the streets

comes news of a police raid Messina after which we identified two Chinese women who prostituted themselves in the street (in the area The tract Farina, Maddalena and Vespers). A Messina both prostitutes and the customers are hit by fines of 490 €.

Also in the same day the association On the Road gives the data collected during outings in the street along the Clearance of the Tronto, and that I have come into contact with 24 Chinese women.

In the center of Milan, Viale Abruzzi in the area, the Chinese working di notte sono quasi tutte scomparse dopo l'estate. Di giorno, invece, la presenza sembra essere costante, pur se contenuta. Non è stato rilevato uno spostamento di questa utenza verso la periferia.

Fonte: Nettuno Press , Il Resto del Carlino

Friday, October 10, 2008

Recipe For A Motorbike

Bologna: criminal arrests in the circuits

Sfruttamento della prostituzione ed estorsione. Con queste accuse gli agenti della Squadra Mobile di Bologna hanno arrestato otto cittadini cinese, sette dei quali clandestini. Le indagini hanno appurato che cinque di loro, Yunfang Zheng, 33 anni, Shui Qian Chen, di 34, Wufeng Bai, di 36, Dong Mei Huang di 37, ed il fratello Qiulin Huang, di 38, gestivano sei case d'appuntamento in zona Bolognina.

each apartment yielded about 600 € per day. 60% of revenues going to the exploiters, who took care of the ads in newspapers and housing, while the remaining 40% went to the girls who demanded € 60 to benefits. Prostitutes receive the first guests from 7 am. The first, for good luck, did not have to pay. Law enforcement in the mesh are over three other Chinese, two of which came from Brescia, who wanted to open a house of appointment under the Two Towers. This is the 35enneYongchang Hu, who previously collaborated with five other countrymen, and Liangmin Cai, 27, and Lili Hu, 28. Between the two organizations is a kind of war broke out, with threats and extortion. To avoid the clash was the police.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Homemade Indoor Rabbit Cages

Growing Nigerian

Boom landings of the women (over 2,400 in 2008 compared to 650 in the same period of 2007) on the Italian coast. And between undocumented migrant women, Nigerian women excel (until 15 September 1128 were 166 in 2007). One thing that is triggering the alarm. It is noted that the IOM, International Organization for Migration, which, for the second consecutive year, and 'among the supporters of "O'scià'", an event organized by Claudio Baglioni 24 to 27 September in the islands Lampedusa and Linosa just to raise awareness on immigration issues.

"The number of Nigerian girls arrived on the island in 2008 and 'increased exponentially," said Peter Schatzer, IOM Head of Mission in Rome. In Generela says, the IOM has "experienced a strong and alarming growth of female representation." More than 2400 women landed in 2008, compared to about 650 arrived last year. But "given the very clear concerns often young women from Nigeria: until 15 September this year it came 1128, compared with only 166 in 2007. These numbers are too high to be random - says Schatzer- fear, in fact, based on interviews conducted by our staff at the center, that such a flow conceal a vast phenomenon of trafficking in human beings . "Therefore, the IOM has" attracted the attention of the judiciary "on the phenomenon." We hope the head-ends mission-so that in a 'dramatic and complex, "O'scià'" succeeds with its awareness-raising, once again attracting the attention of public opinion ".

Source: Social Editor

These reports fit with what is found along the streets of Milan hinterland. In recent weeks, immediately after the summer, there was an increase in Nigerian girls, often very young, and along the Paullese Rivoltana. The places of prostitution are the same, there are no new "colonization" and this suggests that the criminals are always the same circuits.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hair Extentions Head Lice


E 'was reported that a group of four Chinese ran a brothel in Sassuolo (MO). A Korean woman in the apartment worked for 35 years, in Italy illegally. The property was the same as last year where an illegal immigrant was arrested for drug dealing, but strangely the owner of the property is unrelated to the events.

Source: Il Resto del Carlino

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How To Write Replacement Letters

Korean Chinese Chinese advantage: a quest to promote health care access

Chinese community and access to health services: a report to say the least complex, which in many cases contributes to prejudice and mistrust in the indigenous population. On this fact the Roman Caritas wants to investigate through "action research" conducted between 2001 and 2007 at the Clinic of Via Marsala on a sample of 1,351 citizens of Chinese nationality. The research builds on the observation that from 1983 to 2001 Chinese patients who went to the Caritas Clinic were only 183 of more than 65 thousand immigrants. A fact that operators of Caritas thought nothing short of astonishing, considering that Chinese immigrants in Rome, representing approximately 3.5% of the foreign population and that in some special districts, including the Esquiline, the percentage doubles or even triples.

Research has therefore provided an initial response to poor access to medical care on the part of Chinese citizens , which concerns not only the Caritas Clinic, but in general public health services and private social services especially in relation to primary care. Among the reasons for this difficult relationship were highlighted an inadequate response of health services to the community, strong work commitment and the difficulty of requiring permits for the prevention and the protection of their health and community capacity to respond to demand through the traditional system of health of its members, who then use the health facilities only in severe cases.

Thanks to research and the constant presence of interpreters, Chinese patients of the Clinic are gradually increased. From the few units of the nineties, we have moved to 122 patients in 2002 and from there to a subsequent steady increase: 214 in 2003, 193 in 2004, 261 in 2005, 317 in 2006, until 2007 they were visited 235 new patients. Currently for new Chinese patients reached the second place after that of Romania and represents 13% of all new patients. In particular, women account for 8, 2% of people who go to the Clinic and also the influx of children is increasing. The research shows also that 39% of Chinese patients report that they have no regular employment, only 19% are over 12 years of schooling and 70% are without a residence permit. And in this regard - check the research - even patients in good standing and enrolled in the National Health System, and should therefore be visited by doctors, prefer to go to the Clinic because of the interpreting service that is offered. Among

barriers to access to basic health services patients report the first fear and mistrust , however, especially regarding irregular migrants. Other significant barriers are then language and administrative paths, which are considered too complex and lack transparency. Only the last position and with a much lower weight are reported aspects of the priority of work on health, socio-cultural and, with regard to the Caritas Clinic, religious.

Source: Social Editor

Wedding Messages To Bestfriend

Reggio Emilia: violence Empoli

Five cinesi in manette e due appartamenti sequestrati. E' il bilancio dell'operazione messa a segno dalla polizia di Reggio, che ha concluso le indagini cominciate dopo un tentato omicidio verificatosi a giugno, nei pressi della stazione ferroviaria, quando un cittadino cinese era stato aggredito violentemente da suoi connazionali che lo avevano colpito brutalmente al capo e al ventre con più fendenti di arma da taglio. Dopo poche ore la Squadra mobile aveva arrestato i due autori del ferimento e avviato le indagini per capire il contesto in cui era maturato l'episodio.

L'attività investigativa ha consentito di individuare quello che attualmente era il gruppo incontrastato nell'ambito della comunità cinese cittadina, i whose members had formed a criminal organization aimed at aiding the exploitation of prostitution, including child labor, the Board of extortion against their fellow entrepreneurs, to drug dealing, especially during parties held in clubs and to facilitate the stay of illegal throughout the country.

During the operation were seized, among other things, two apartments in the availability of the association, used to prostitute young women, a bar considered the place where the groups meet regularly to plan the activities of the association and two cars. What emerged from the investigation, the group was headed to a Chinese made use of supporters to commit extortion and to promote the association also took advantage of the strong bond of solidarity that 'Guanxi', rooted in Chinese culture as the magic word that can 'open to any Chinese port', and thus to obtain undue sums of money.

Source: Il Resto del Carlino

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Showing Breast In Indian Culture

in prostitution: the oppression of the "regular"

E 'was stopped in a couple of Chinese Empoli regular intervals of 26 and 27 years for forced prostitution and aiding illegal immigration. The findings of fact, the 27 year old as a prostitute with two other young compatriots without residence permit. The house where the activity took place was rented out regularly. It is unclear whether there is a relationship of exploitation with respect to clandestine, that are not found in the apartment, and their testimony could shed some positions.

Source: The Nation