Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Warranty Tommy Hilfiger

Along the streets

comes news of a police raid Messina after which we identified two Chinese women who prostituted themselves in the street (in the area The tract Farina, Maddalena and Vespers). A Messina both prostitutes and the customers are hit by fines of 490 €.

Also in the same day the association On the Road gives the data collected during outings in the street along the Clearance of the Tronto, and that I have come into contact with 24 Chinese women.

In the center of Milan, Viale Abruzzi in the area, the Chinese working di notte sono quasi tutte scomparse dopo l'estate. Di giorno, invece, la presenza sembra essere costante, pur se contenuta. Non รจ stato rilevato uno spostamento di questa utenza verso la periferia.

Fonte: Nettuno Press , Il Resto del Carlino


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