Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Causes Of Night Binges

with the operation comes the amnesty register

with the operation comes the amnesty will register
regularization of land changes. Reduced the possibility of building amnesty circulated in recent days

Paolo Mammarella Read 1633 times Vote Results 4 votes
25/05/2010 - CdM will be discussed tonight in the decree on emergency measures for financial stabilization and economic competitiveness. The budget for 2011 and 2012, which among other measures providing for the regularization of "property fantasma”, ha fatto discutere per il possibile inserimento del condono edilizio, che sembra al momento escluso.

Nel testo sul tavolo del Consiglio dei Ministri resta quindi la razionalizzazione catastale, una misura che consentirà la regolarizzazione degli immobili sconosciuti al Catasto, ma che risultano dai rilievi fotografici ottenuti con un’operazione di verifica avviata due anni fa.

Per la regolarizzazione degli immobili fantasma ci sarà tempo fino al 31 dicembre con sanzioni ridotte di un terzo. In caso di mancata risposta, all’immobile sarà applicata una rendita presuntiva. Decorsa tale data si rischierà d vedersi attribuita una rendita presunta, e di pagaare una multa fino ad un terzo value catastale.Il working group also examined three possibilities:

- the immediate regularization within two months after the entry into force of the norm, with the payment of taxes due in the last two years without penalties;

- by the regularization six months with the payment of the last five annual installments without penalty;

- the payment of the last five annual installments added to the sanctions.

It is estimated that the regularization of undeclared property could generate a revenue of 1.5 billion euro.

However, it remains to solve the unknowns of unauthorized. According to many practitioners, in fact, buildings are not declared in some cases may also be associated with the building permit violations. For this purpose the Government had thought that the amnesty planning, along with further declarations land, approximately 6 billion would be handled.

The hypothesis of amnesty, as well as agreed on property ghost, however, has aroused a wave of criticism and controversy. "A new amnesty - said ANCE - would be a serious mistake. Especially at a time of economic crisis like this, such a measure is likely to play a role of unfair competition and damage companies that operate under conditions of transparency and legality. "

After meeting with Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, President of Italy Carlo Sangalli Network Enterprises has declared himself optimistic about the possibility of permanent deferral of the building amnesty.

On the other hand, without amnesty municipalities may face a number of buildings in areas where it would not be possible to build, having to turn on long, costly for demolition.

The ball is now in the CDM, from which 18 will start the debate on the maneuver.

(reproduction reserved)


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