Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sonicare Won't Charge

Sezze and problems of the safety camera

Martedì 27 Luglio 2010 Il messaggero

Crea sempre più difficoltà per il Comune di Sezze la vicenda degli autovelox giudicati irregolari dal giudice di pace, che nelle ultime settimane ha accolto decine di ricorsi presentati dagli automobilisti multati. A dirsi preoccupato dagli ultimi sviluppi e a chiedere informazioni al sindaco Andrea Campoli è addirittura il collegio dei revisori dei conti del Comune lepino. L’organo chiamato a vigilare sulle casse comunali ha chiesto conferma all’amministrazione degli ultimi sviluppi del caso sottolineando che «le notizie apprese attraverso la stampa locale, se confermate, prospettano rilevanti conseguenze per il bilancio dell’ente». Asking to know what steps the City intends to put in place to protect its position, the three components of the audit calls the junta "to a prudent management of all budget items associated with the management of speed cameras." The consideration of the appeal of
fined, after the technical assessment has highlighted numerous irregularities in the permit and the installation of two speed cameras on street Lepinis is actually producing negative consequences for the city. After the presentation of a copy of the order confirming the reduction of ANAS speed limits from 90 to 70 mph, but was related to a road other than the one chosen to place speed cameras, the City has been condemned by the justice of the peace for "vexatious litigation", thus tripling the legal fees for the appeal won by fined. The latest developments also fueling criticism of political opposition: the director of the PDL Rinaldo Ceccano presented a new question to the mayor, asking, among other things, "because the administration still does not appeal the cancellation of fines in self-defense and which chapters of the budget will accommodate the planned spending for lawyers "to which the City has relied on after the acceptance of first appeals. PLAY PRIVATE

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Head Table Seating Plan Template

"Risk-stress for employees, a further five months to comply"

"Risk-stress for employees, still five months to comply "source
Italy Today / Safety at Work
19/07/2010 - Five more months to adapt security measures to combat stress at work. The entry into force of the provisions of the Tu scheduled for the August postponed to December 31. For both AR (already provided for under Decree Law No. 78/2010) and for companies. The management of risk from work-related stress has made debut in You (Legislative Decree No. 81108), which with explicit reference to the principles of the Europe October 8, 2004. Amendments to Legislative Decree No. 106/09 established that the assessment of the risk must be carried out in accordance with specific indicators to be developed by the Standing Advisory Commission and the new obligation stress risk assessment, and pa for businesses, starting on 1 August 2010, a term which, with the approval of corrective action, postponed to 31/12/2010. The move then another 12 months to "the actual identification of specific needs for services performed or to the specific organization," which must be identified with specific ministerial decrees. The rule affects the armed forces and police, firefighters, civil protection services, judicial structures prisons, universities, educational institutions, the Carabinieri, the police. The extended period (one year) was established 24 months after the entry into force of You (May 15, 2008). http://www.prevenzionesicurezza.com/news.asp?id=3558

Pro Keds, Royal Court, Skittles

buildings acoustics Classification: Published UNI 11367

buildings acoustics Classification: UNI 11367
published shortly in the Council of Ministers decree on the classification of the acoustic requirements of buildings
Ross Calabrese 23/07/2010 - It was published last July 22 to the UNI 11367 "Acoustics in buildings - Rating of sound housing units - Evaluation and verification work."
The standard defines the acoustic classification of buildings based on measurements taken at the end of the work, which will inform future owners / residents on the acoustic characteristics of the dwelling and to protect the various actors involved in the construction process (designers, manufacturers of building materials, manufacturers, vendors, etc.). from possible future claims.

The UNI 11367 applies to all types of buildings, except those used for agricultural, industrial and handicraft. Within the scope of the rule, the acoustic requirements of hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and schools are defined by a specific appendix.

The UNI 11367 provides four different classes of acoustic efficiency, ranging from Class 1, which identifies the highest level (quieter), class 4, which is the lowest (louder): It is considered that, although the level performance "Basic" is represented by the third class, the vast majority of Italian buildings that currently exist do not even reach the fourth grade.

The class is given - on the basis of measurements of noise levels and not only design data - with the individual units and not the whole building (for example, in the case of a condominium, the class must be assigned to each of the apartments that compose it, and not generically to the entire building). If, on the one hand, this makes it difficult to determine acoustical efficiency, the other is a better guarantee on the final result.

The overall evaluation of efficiency must be accompanied by tests for each requirement considered: they are subject to a classification of facade insulation, isolation from neighbors (both for aircraft noise, both for foot traffic noise) and the noise level of the plant. In the case of the hotels are also considered as the noise insulation between rooms in the same housing unit (eg, between the rooms).

development of standards was attended by over 60 experts representing all interests "at stake". In fact, all the steps that converge in the completion of the building are key to the acoustic results: planning, execution of works, the laying in place of the materials, construction management, any inspections during construction, etc..

"The rule of acoustic classification of buildings - Piero said Torretta, UNI-President is in addition to the energy performance of buildings (UNI TS 11300), by improving the information available to the user of the asset building. Framework, with the mechanism of graded classification gives the building a fine new economic value related to the ability to meet the needs of that user often intangible (convenience, privacy, CO2 emissions, material consumption ...).

Recall that by July 2010, the Government must enact the new rules on sound insulation in buildings, implementing the delegation referred to in Article 11 of Law No 88, July 7, 2009.

One of the next Ministerial Council will consider two measures:
- an enactment relating to noise standards;
- a legislative decree on the classification of the acoustic requirements of buildings.

The definition of "criteria for the design, construction and renovation of buildings and construction of transport infrastructure, in order to protect against noise" will come with a decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, in consultation with Minister for the Environment (read more).

Source: UNI (reproduction reserved)


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Drinking Chicken Eggs

Deductions 36% 55%: Apart from the withholding tax of 10% of expenditure on subsidies

Deductions 36% and 55%, apart from the withholding tax of 10% of expenditure on subsidies
07/05/2010 - It is operational from 1 July 2010, the withholding tax of 10%, as stated by art. 25 of Decree-Law May 31, 2010, No 78 entitled "Urgent measures for financial stabilization and economic competitiveness," which banks and Poste Italian SPA will be made for the payment of income tax due to the beneficiaries, with the requirement rivalsa, all'atto dell'accredito dei pagamenti relativi ai bonifici disposti dai contribuenti per le spese agevolate con la detrazione del 36% per il recupero edilizio delle abitazioni, o con quella del 55% per la riqualificazione energetica degli edifici.

Per far fronte all'operatività della ritenuta, l'Agenzia delle Entrate, lo scorso 30 giugno 2010, ha emanato il provvedimento n. 94288 concernente appunto l'effettuazione delle ritenute alla fonte ai sensi dell'articolo 25 del decreto-legge 31 maggio 2010, n. 78, sui pagamenti relativi ai bonifici disposti dai contribuenti per beneficiare di oneri deducibili o per i quali spetta la detrazione d'imposta. In particolare, con il provvedimento n. 94288/2010 l'Agenzia ha individuato types of payment made by bank transfer or check, in relation to areas covered by withholding, as well as certification and reporting requirements imposed on banks and one of the Italian SPA, which should include:
operate, when 'crediting the withholding tax, with the obligation of revenge;
transferring the corresponding amount in the manner provided for in Article 17 of Legislative Decree 9 July 1997, No 241;
issue a certification of withholding made to the beneficiary;
indicated in the declaration of withholding data on the payments made.

The measure establishes the Agency, In addition, the withholding tax of 10% must be placed on payments for transfers to storage costs
recovery of the housing stock within the meaning of Article 1 of the Law of 27 December 1997, no 449 and amended;
cost energy saving measures under Article 1, paragraphs 344, 345, 346 and 347 of Law December 27, 2006, No 296, as amended. The measure

Agency has also given other obligations, and subsequent attached, which are required financial players:
pay the withholding F24, using the tax code 1039, established by Resolution No. 65 E
certify the same to the beneficiary's bank by 28 February of the following
made in the declaration of withholding (770).

Finally, we the ANCE initiative that is seeking a reconsideration of the Government on this restraint in the belief that, for companies 'regular', this only translates into lower cash flow, which goes to add to the already huge financial problems linked to the current economic downturn and the "credit crunch" is going through the area. In any case, the operational difficulties related to the implementation of the withholding by the Banks and the Italian Post Office, it seems likely that, in the conversion of DL 78/2010 (Currently before the Senate), is provided for an extension of the entry into force of the provision.

Access Focus Deductions 55%, and read all about it.
By Ilene Cicirello

[Playing reserved]
http://www.lavoripubblici.it/news/2010/07/energia/Detrazioni-36-e-55--parte-la-ritenuta-del-10- on-credit-payment-of-the-spese_6843.html