Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sonicare Won't Charge

Sezze and problems of the safety camera

Martedì 27 Luglio 2010 Il messaggero

Crea sempre più difficoltà per il Comune di Sezze la vicenda degli autovelox giudicati irregolari dal giudice di pace, che nelle ultime settimane ha accolto decine di ricorsi presentati dagli automobilisti multati. A dirsi preoccupato dagli ultimi sviluppi e a chiedere informazioni al sindaco Andrea Campoli è addirittura il collegio dei revisori dei conti del Comune lepino. L’organo chiamato a vigilare sulle casse comunali ha chiesto conferma all’amministrazione degli ultimi sviluppi del caso sottolineando che «le notizie apprese attraverso la stampa locale, se confermate, prospettano rilevanti conseguenze per il bilancio dell’ente». Asking to know what steps the City intends to put in place to protect its position, the three components of the audit calls the junta "to a prudent management of all budget items associated with the management of speed cameras." The consideration of the appeal of
fined, after the technical assessment has highlighted numerous irregularities in the permit and the installation of two speed cameras on street Lepinis is actually producing negative consequences for the city. After the presentation of a copy of the order confirming the reduction of ANAS speed limits from 90 to 70 mph, but was related to a road other than the one chosen to place speed cameras, the City has been condemned by the justice of the peace for "vexatious litigation", thus tripling the legal fees for the appeal won by fined. The latest developments also fueling criticism of political opposition: the director of the PDL Rinaldo Ceccano presented a new question to the mayor, asking, among other things, "because the administration still does not appeal the cancellation of fines in self-defense and which chapters of the budget will accommodate the planned spending for lawyers "to which the City has relied on after the acceptance of first appeals. PLAY PRIVATE


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