Sunday, October 3, 2010

Largest Frog Ever Caught

Ministry of Simplification: The trail is also applicable to common building

20/09/2010 - Arrivano i primi chiarimenti del Governo sulla Segnalazione certificata di inizio attività (Scia) con una nota firmata dal capo dell'Ufficio legislativo del ministero della Semplificazione, Giuseppe Chinè, inviata alla Regione Lombardia, che il 30 agosto scorso aveva posto un quesito.
"La nota - precisa Chinè - è frutto di un lavoro di coordination with the Ministries of Public Administration, Infrastructure and Economy and expresses, therefore, the government's position. "
remember that the trail (Article 49, paragraph 4-bis of Legislative Decree 31 May 2010, n.78, converted the Law of 30 July 2010, n.122) entered into force for over a month and a half and so far was creating doubts as to interpretation, applicability to construction but also on coordination with the Consolidated Building.

The note states that the Ministry takes place in the wake of "any act of authorization, license, grant is not constitutive, permit or cleared however denominated, including applications for entries in books or roles required for the performance di attività imprenditoriale, commerciale o artigianale, il cui rilascio dipenda esclusivamente dall'accertamento di requisiti e presupposti richiesti dalla legge o di atti amministrativi a contenuto generale e non sia previsto alcun limite o contingente complessivo o specifici strumenti di programmazione settoriale per il rilascio degli atti stessi" ed è corredata dalla documentazione specificamente richiesta dalla normativa di settore.

Sulla base delle precedenti premesse il Ministero, nella citata nota precisa che il quesito in ordine all'applicabilità della disciplina della segnalazione certificata di inizio attività alla materia edilizia non può che trovare risposta positiva, sulla base del fatto che assume rilievo l'argomento letterale, because, pursuant to Section 4 - ter of Article 49 of Law No 122, 2010, the terms "certified signaling the beginning of activity" and "Wake" substitute, respectively, those of "declaration of commencement activities" and "Dia", "everywhere also occurs as part of a wider expression, both in regulations state that in those regions.

The note is also made clear that the discipline of Shah applies to their building while maintaining the same field of application than the DIA, thus not interfering with the scope of the other qualifying title (eg planning permission, which is characterized by a discipline detailed in the text and complete single building, the which is not attributable to either the literal level, nor on the functional one, that of the new Trail).

Note, finally, with respect to construction matters, clarifies the following additional points of relevance:
in the case of building work in the area under constraint, there remains the burden of acquiring and reporting the allegation of the specific act of certified agreement the entity responsible for the protection of the bond itself, such an act, by virtue of the express provision of Article 19, paragraph 1, of Law 241, 1990 ("with the exception of cases where there are environmental, heritage and cultural") can not be replaced by the Shah, Dia
for building filed before the entry into force of the news article 19 of Law No 241 of 1990, even in the event that the date of entry into force had not yet expired the deadline for the exercise of power by inhibition of the administration, applicable regulations can only be that which applied at the time of the Dia , the possibility for the private use of the effects of presenting news, for the same action, a wake.

By Paul Oreto

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