booklet accompanying the assembly of scaffolding
When it is attached to 'buy the book for ministerial?
With Circular No. 29 of 27 August 2010 the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy answers some questions concerning the standards for the prevention of occupational accidents in construction and the work in part (Chapter II, Title IV, Leg. No 81/2008 and subsequent amendments).
Question: Every time you buy them
elements of scaffolding must be attached to ministerial authorization to purchase the book?
Answer: In this
roposito please note that paragraph 6 of art. 131 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, Arranges states that "anyone who intends to use scaffolding by the manufacturer must obtain a copy of the ministerial authorization referred to in paragraph 2 and the instructions and diagrams referred to in paragraph 1, letter d), e), f) and g) Article 132 "of the same Decree is called the book of ministerial authorization. In addition to paragraph 1) of Article 134 of the same decree establishes che "nei cantieri in cui vengono usati ponteggi deve essere tenuta ed esibita, a richiesta degli organi di vigilnaza, copia della documentazione di cui al comma 6 dell'articolo 131" del decreto di cheui trattasi, "e copia del piano di montaggio, uso e smontaggio (Pi.MU.S.)".
fonte: Ministero del Lavoro
2 ottobre 2010
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