Monday, March 29, 2010

Wasps Rugby Birtday Cake

for DIA in the revolt of shareholders Piccollo Acea

RICORSO AL TAR SULLO STATUTO di Giovanna Lantini il fatto quotidiano 30 marzo 2010
Entro domani al massimo, l'associazione dei piccoli azionisti Acea impugnerà d’urgenza davanti al Tar le modifiche statutarie approvate il 22 marzo e in base alle quali la nomina degli amministratori della concessionaria dell’acqua della capitale avverrà in proporzione alle quote azionarie, lasciando spazio solo per i 5 consiglieri del Comune (51 per cento), i 2 del socio Gdf-Suez (9,981 per cento) e i 2 di Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone (8.94 percent). Out of small investors and employees. If the Court should grant the request for urgency, we could arrive within 10 days of a suspension of the pending change of the merits. It is therefore assumed that the new mechanism for appointment of counsel may be used for the meeting of April 30, when there is the renewal of the Board of Directors of ACEA, the intent of the City, should the ferry company to privatization. It is not ruled out that the story also intervenes Consob, which today will be lodging a complaint, although his powers on this issue is limited to moral suasion.


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