Saturday, April 17, 2010

Phased Array Sat Dish

common Pontinia offering amnesty

No resolution for City Council 72, April 1, 2010
Subject: Determination offering for notification of activity beginning in sanatoria, Art. 22, paragraph 2, lett. c, regional law 11/08/2008, n. 15.

Given that:
- on 11/08/2008 Lazio Region has legislated on the subject of town planning and construction supervision, by adopting the Regional Law 15/2008
- financial penalties and the payment of sums by way of oblation, in the case of conformity assessment, commensurate with the type of abuse committed, are laid out, with the entry into force of the above mentioned regional law 15/08, in an amount between a minimum and a maximum ;
- still, at present, a dual system of penalties for violations of administrative building: the first provided for under Title IV of Decree 380/01 and the second is contained in Chapter II of the Regional Law 8.15;
-in the past this administration has already done so, with various acts, to dictate policies, procedures and amounts for the procedures laid down in Title IV of the DPR 380/01;
-identified, then la necessità ed urgenza, ai fini del buon andamento e di trasparenza dell’azione amministrativa, di fornire primi criteri per la concreta applicazione della nuova disciplina in materia sanzionatoria dell’attività edilizia, relativamente, in questa prima fase, ai procedimenti più urgenti, contemplati dall’art. 22, comma 2, lett. c, della legge regionale 15/08, inerenti la richiesta di sanatoria edilizia per denuncia di inizio attività, nelle more dell’approvazione di una disciplina organica che regolamenti tutte le fattispecie previste dal vigente ordinamento;
Richiamata la legge regionale n. 15 del 11/08/2008;
Richiamato il DPR 380/01;
Visto il D. Lgs 267/2000;

1) - to establish that the submission of a complaint Logon for amnesty in the case provided by art. 22, paragraph n. 2, lett.c of Regional Law No 15/08, is applied to a penalty payable in respect of offering of € 1,000.00;
2) - to establish that the amount referred to in paragraph 1 above, must be considered on a presumptive and "subject to compensation", since that, upon approval of a general framework for regulating all cases referred by the existing regulatory framework, can be changed;
3) to authorize the Planning Sector of the abuse that the person responsible to take note of this fact and impegni a versare l’eventuale importo residuo dovuto, a semplice richiesta dell’Amministrazione;
4) di dichiarare la presente deliberazione immediatamente esecutiva.


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