Saturday, April 24, 2010

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health and safety prevention in cold rooms

Health and Safety in the cold

The Ministry of Labour has prepared an area in which answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the Consolidated.

What are the rules that govern the safety of work in the cold?

The Leg. April 9, 2008, No 81 and subsequent amendments or additions, also known as "Unified for the protection of health and safety in the workplace", developed in full compliance with EU directives and international conventions relating to Title II, entitled "places of work has provided many burdens imposed by the employer to ensure proper working conditions to reduce the risk of accidents and occupational diseases.

In particular, Article. 63, TU, paragraph 1, refers to Annex IV to the detailed provisions on safety in the workplace by providing in section, in relazione all’argomento in esame, che “quando non è conveniente modificare la temperatura di tutto l’ambiente, si deve provvedere alla difesa dei lavoratori contro le temperature troppo alte o troppo basse mediante misure tecniche localizzate o mezzi personali di protezione”.

A tal uopo è essenziale, tra l’altro, la conoscenza degli ambienti e la individuazione di ”rischi interferenziali”, che possono sussistere per il fatto che, nel medesimo contesto, si trovano ad operare addetti con mansioni diverse (addetti ad attività di installazione, manutenzioni edilizie, attività di produzione, ecc.) e dei rischi ambientali e intrinseci. I lavoratori che prestano la loro attività in low temperature environments should be equipped, under the general rules laid down in Title III of TU, \u200b\u200bthe personal protective equipment appropriate to ensure their adequate protection against the cold weather (jackets, gloves, etc.).

Given the above it indicates a good technical standards established by UNI EN ISO 15743:2008 on the "Ergonomics of the thermal-jobs in the cold-Assessment and Risk Management" which sets out the requirements to be followed in the workplace low temperature for safety and health of workers.
This rule, applicable both indoor and outdoor environments, indicating in particular models and methods for evaluation and appropriate risk management, a checklist for the identification of problems related to cold, a standard questionnaire dedicated to healthcare professionals, guidelines for the application of scientific rules for the problems of work at low temperature and also a practical example. "

Source: Ministry of Labour
April 21, 2010


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