Thursday, April 29, 2010

On Time In Full Calculation

Lazio, via the certification of sustainability of buildings

can enroll at 'Lazio also list the certification on the lists of other regions

12/04/2010 - has been published in the Bulletin of Lazio No 11 of 20 March 2010, the Council Resolution of 72 until February 5, 2010 approving the Rules for Regional System for the Certification of the environmental sustainability of the interventions of green building certification and accreditation of individuals. "The regulations, developed in collaboration with University "La Sapienza” e dell’Istituto ITACA, attua laLR n. 6 del 27 maggio 2008 in materia di architettura sostenibile e bioedilizia. Si rifà al “Protocollo ITACA”, sulla base del quale la Regione Lazio aveva elaborato un elenco di criteri approvato con la Delibera 634/2009.
Il Regolamento definisce: a) la procedura e le modalità per la richiesta ed il rilascio della certificazione di sostenibilità degli edifici; b) le procedure, le modalità ed i tempi per l’effettuazione dei controlli sugli interventi edilizi, per accertarne la conformità alla certificazione rilasciata; c) il sistema di accreditamento dei soggetti abilitati al rilascio della certificazione di sostenibilità degli edifici e l’individuazione dei requisiti professionali, in coerenza, relativamente alla certificazione energetica, con l’articolo 4 del Dlgs 192/2005.

La certificazione di sostenibilità degli edifici ha carattere volontario e ricomprende la certificazione energetica obbligatoria di cui al Dlgs 192/2005 e alle Linee Guida Nazionali (DM 26 giugno 2009).

Il sistema di certificazione è articolato su 5 aree di valutazione: qualità del sito, consumo di risorse, carichi ambientali, qualità ambientale indoor, qualità del servizio.

Per essere abilitati al rilascio della certificazione, i soggetti in possesso dei requisiti richiesti devono accreditarsi preso un apposito Organismo regionale, che si occupa anche to manage the land for sustainability of buildings, to develop software for the calculation of the certification and to develop guidelines for training courses.

can subscribe to the list of regional certification engineers working either as employees of public utilities or public or private (including engineering company), and free of professional or associate members to its orders and colleges professional degrees in engineering, architecture, agricultural sciences, forestry, environmental science and chemistry. They are also enabling the diplomas of a land surveyor, surveyor, valuer industrial or industrial expert graduate, graduate agronomic or agro-technicians. It is mandatory, Furthermore, having participated in a special training course approved by the Lazio Region.

can also subscribe to the list certifiers on the lists of other regions and qualified professionals to design buildings and systems that operate within its competence.

(reproduction reserved)à-degli-edifici_18446_27.html

Rossella Calabrese

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Letter For Disconnecting Telephone

closing afternoon cadastre Latin

The office of the province of Latina (Cadastre) indicated that for 3 months the office will be closed in the afternoon is open from Monday to Friday from 8 to 12.45

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road construction manual

"road works, a Handbook for the Prevention Inail"
source inail / Safety at Work
23/04/2010 - The road construction is a complex work environment that presents a multiplicity and variability risks both for the workers, and for those who are somehow in contact with the area of \u200b\u200bwork. The Provincial Advisory Committee Inail by sharing the direction of the registered Inail of Verona, has developed the "Project Work safety in roadworks." Aim of the project is to provide industry support and a tool for knowledge on the general risks and specific road construction site to facilitate the full implementation of existing legislation on health and safety in the workplace, with particular reference to the necessary preventive measures and information and training for workers. The manual provides a general guide on the main risks and prevention measures are not exhaustive, but must be accompanied by mandatory training implemented by the employer, including through the Operational Safety Plan (POS) and the Security Coordination Plan (SGP) specific each site, the user manual and maintenance of equipment and other information tools. The project also aims to develop a simplified version, translated into several languages, for direct information and distribution to employees, including a questionnaire to be used to verify the actual level of understanding of knowledge and information gained from the work in training provided by employers.
for the document

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health and safety prevention in cold rooms

Health and Safety in the cold

The Ministry of Labour has prepared an area in which answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the Consolidated.

What are the rules that govern the safety of work in the cold?

The Leg. April 9, 2008, No 81 and subsequent amendments or additions, also known as "Unified for the protection of health and safety in the workplace", developed in full compliance with EU directives and international conventions relating to Title II, entitled "places of work has provided many burdens imposed by the employer to ensure proper working conditions to reduce the risk of accidents and occupational diseases.

In particular, Article. 63, TU, paragraph 1, refers to Annex IV to the detailed provisions on safety in the workplace by providing in section, in relazione all’argomento in esame, che “quando non è conveniente modificare la temperatura di tutto l’ambiente, si deve provvedere alla difesa dei lavoratori contro le temperature troppo alte o troppo basse mediante misure tecniche localizzate o mezzi personali di protezione”.

A tal uopo è essenziale, tra l’altro, la conoscenza degli ambienti e la individuazione di ”rischi interferenziali”, che possono sussistere per il fatto che, nel medesimo contesto, si trovano ad operare addetti con mansioni diverse (addetti ad attività di installazione, manutenzioni edilizie, attività di produzione, ecc.) e dei rischi ambientali e intrinseci. I lavoratori che prestano la loro attività in low temperature environments should be equipped, under the general rules laid down in Title III of TU, \u200b\u200bthe personal protective equipment appropriate to ensure their adequate protection against the cold weather (jackets, gloves, etc.).

Given the above it indicates a good technical standards established by UNI EN ISO 15743:2008 on the "Ergonomics of the thermal-jobs in the cold-Assessment and Risk Management" which sets out the requirements to be followed in the workplace low temperature for safety and health of workers.
This rule, applicable both indoor and outdoor environments, indicating in particular models and methods for evaluation and appropriate risk management, a checklist for the identification of problems related to cold, a standard questionnaire dedicated to healthcare professionals, guidelines for the application of scientific rules for the problems of work at low temperature and also a practical example. "

Source: Ministry of Labour
April 21, 2010

Strategie Fischer Tennis

work-related stress

Risk Assessment of work-related stress: a guide operators in the region

In connection with the provisions specified in Article. 28 Legislative Decree No. 81/08 regarding smi assessment of work-related stress, the technical committee of the Inter-prevention in the workplace found it necessary to activate a specific working group, responsible for coordinating the Lazio region.

Following the invitation to participate in the group's extended to all the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, have given their support (in addition to Lazio) Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Tuscany and Veneto.

The group was established December 16, 2009 in Rome. On that date has been identified documentation, including their addresses and proposals already developed by individual regions, which the group was inspired for the preparation of the operational guide. The drafting of individual chapters was given to group members on a basis that valued the documents already adopted by some regions.

The products are developed gradually been discussed in meetings of the entire group on a monthly basis. The work took a total of four meetings, the last of which, 15 March 2010, in Florence, they arrived to the final draft of the document.

The operational guide was approved March 25, 2010. The region of Lombardy has approved the document some reserves that are reported in Appendix.





communicative actions 5.2 Analysis of documents and information

5.3 Actions 5.4 Risk assessment training

5.5 Risk Management 5.6 The risk assessment document

6.1 1 ° phase: objective indicators of risk
6.2 2 ° phase: investigation of subjectivity
6.3 Companies with fewer than 10 workers
6.4 Examples of assessment tools




The document is available in the Annex:

source: April 21, 2010 = 8731

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Converter Of Internet

guarantee economic divestment photovoltaic Pontinia

No resolution for City Council 73, April 8 2010Premesso:

that DCC No 7 of 18.2.2010 were made to the Guidelines for the implementation of photovoltaic systems in the area identified as agricultural in the current PRG

that DCC No 22 of 23/03/2010 were repealed the guidelines referred to in the preceding paragraph, subject to certain unspecified requirements in the same deliberation;

having DGRL No 16 of 13/01/2010 for approval of Guideline regional installation for the production of electricity from renewable sources.

noted that the single authorization under Article. 12 of D. Decree n. 387/2003 for the construction and operation of photovoltaic systems, is issued by the relevant Province with the provision that, as a guarantee for the decommissioning of the disposal or in case of inactivity, is produced appropriate insurance policy for an amount commensurate with the value calculated from common territorial jurisdiction;

considered that with the repeal of the municipal guidelines, operated with DCC No callback 22/2010, failed also to the provisions of paragraphs 3-4 - the same guidelines with respect to commitments and guarantees that the proponents of the economic construction of the plant must be provided;

felt obliged to provide to identify the commitments and financial guarantees related to the dismantling and restoration of the rule of forgiveness in place in case of idle plant PV made;

seen the Legislative Decree. No 267/2000;


1) determine that the installation of photovoltaic systems of any kind in the agricultural zone by the existing PRG, where these systems have a generating capacity of more than 20 kWp peak, both subject to the signing of a unilateral act of obligation for the City recorded and transcribed, in which the responsible entity and the landowner agree to the dismantling and restoration of sites in remission when idle the plant for a period exceeding six consecutive months or divided over the year 's operating system itself. To this end, before the work will be taken out special insurance surety, for the duration of plant operation, for the City of an amount to the cost of rehabilitation work to be indexed using the coefficients Istat. This amount related to the cost of rehabilitation work in the absence of other regional or provincial or other determination, is assumed to be equal to 3% of construction cost (initial value subject to indexation).

to declare this immediately enforceable and in accordance with art. 134, paragraph 4 of the TU, approved by Legislative Decree 267 of 18/8/2000.

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common Pontinia offering amnesty

No resolution for City Council 72, April 1, 2010
Subject: Determination offering for notification of activity beginning in sanatoria, Art. 22, paragraph 2, lett. c, regional law 11/08/2008, n. 15.

Given that:
- on 11/08/2008 Lazio Region has legislated on the subject of town planning and construction supervision, by adopting the Regional Law 15/2008
- financial penalties and the payment of sums by way of oblation, in the case of conformity assessment, commensurate with the type of abuse committed, are laid out, with the entry into force of the above mentioned regional law 15/08, in an amount between a minimum and a maximum ;
- still, at present, a dual system of penalties for violations of administrative building: the first provided for under Title IV of Decree 380/01 and the second is contained in Chapter II of the Regional Law 8.15;
-in the past this administration has already done so, with various acts, to dictate policies, procedures and amounts for the procedures laid down in Title IV of the DPR 380/01;
-identified, then la necessità ed urgenza, ai fini del buon andamento e di trasparenza dell’azione amministrativa, di fornire primi criteri per la concreta applicazione della nuova disciplina in materia sanzionatoria dell’attività edilizia, relativamente, in questa prima fase, ai procedimenti più urgenti, contemplati dall’art. 22, comma 2, lett. c, della legge regionale 15/08, inerenti la richiesta di sanatoria edilizia per denuncia di inizio attività, nelle more dell’approvazione di una disciplina organica che regolamenti tutte le fattispecie previste dal vigente ordinamento;
Richiamata la legge regionale n. 15 del 11/08/2008;
Richiamato il DPR 380/01;
Visto il D. Lgs 267/2000;

1) - to establish that the submission of a complaint Logon for amnesty in the case provided by art. 22, paragraph n. 2, lett.c of Regional Law No 15/08, is applied to a penalty payable in respect of offering of € 1,000.00;
2) - to establish that the amount referred to in paragraph 1 above, must be considered on a presumptive and "subject to compensation", since that, upon approval of a general framework for regulating all cases referred by the existing regulatory framework, can be changed;
3) to authorize the Planning Sector of the abuse that the person responsible to take note of this fact and impegni a versare l’eventuale importo residuo dovuto, a semplice richiesta dell’Amministrazione;
4) di dichiarare la presente deliberazione immediatamente esecutiva.