La dignità di Alessandra Amoroso
I heard the interview on You Tube to Verdena Savino and Linus, of course, a Radio DJ. The same
stated that the interview was more difficult and embarrassing their whole career.
You feel it absolutely.
Alberto said in half an hour but not more than 20 words, Roberta tried to say something but just did not come the words, concepts.
Their disappointment at being there at that time was evident, as well as indifference to that world who did not understand and wanted to continue to not understand.
Tiredness, reluctantly.
desire to distance, to take the piss out of a world of decerebration, DJ pigeonholed and terribly embarrassed in dealing with two parties with a surly approach and different. Verdena
I hate interviews but do it their way, waiting for the record companies finally deign to say enough of this rigamarole.
also hate playing in playback and if they go on Top Of The Pop do it in style, taking the piss out of all the ridiculous system where the program is based.
( Verdena
I do not want to talk, explain, laugh and make jokes.
They want to play and communicate with their weapons, leaving the rest outside their door.
few days ago the show was the Cabello Alessandra Amoroso. The
did do everything on command. Arisa
Before singing a song with both did not know, only with the la-la-la.
Then they did sing a piece of a song with the voice as a child, debased, to the sound of laughter of the study. Then
Cabello ordered, "Now do a verse with the baby voice and then a verse with a normal voice ..."
Then they said that is a fetish of the left shoulder bare because all the photos wearing clothes that leave discovery that part of the body. Then they made
spat with Arisa.
Then they took the piss for the laughter from hen taken at regular intervals.
a real frenzy of deficiency, a program of shit
A little girl unable to manage their own person.
The mainstream is not.
If you create, if it gives you something to eat then you keep on a leash, humiliates you.
takes only the weak, unable to say no.
you build a world of sequins and keeps you in his hand telling you that those rules are followed and if not you certainly do a bad end.
What can go back in the dust with the same speed with which you were raised on the altars. The mainstream
We all try, even with the wrong people, those that just do not hear from that ear.
tries to corrupt them by making them smell a heady aroma, that of fame and glory.
There are people who do not fall for it, who remain steadfast to their rudder bar. What
say no thanks.
And which of the different shape, whereas the abnormal are those that sell their own lives and their dignity. Those who
just to stay afloat stir as much as possible.
not realizing that actually ended up in the quicksand and the more it will agitate more thoroughly.
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