Monday, February 28, 2011

Age Of Empires 1 Free Full Game

Downshifting per me, per voi, per tutti.

Nei paesi anglosassoni dicono che si stia diffondendo in maniera sempre più massiccia coinvolgendo soprattutto professionisti di livello medio-alto e lavoratori con carichi di responsabilità sopra la norma.
Ora sembra che anche in Italia ci sia una tendenza a questo tipo di comportamento.
Si chiama downshifting, e significa letteralmente "scalare marcia", ridurre la velocità, riprendere a respirare.
Ci hanno insegnato che non bisogna mai stare fermi, che bisogna correre.
Che bisogna aumentare il ritmo, non accontentarsi mai.
Che tutti gli sforzi saranno retribuiti profumatamente.
Che le percentuali da raggiungere sono da raggiungere, sennò che cazzo di obiettivi sono?

Il downshifting starts from here.
work less, pull your breath away.
Sure, it means lower incomes, but then we really need to pay subscription TV? Last phone model? Of
vacamze by force of at least two weeks in exotic places? Click

downshifting does not mean abandoning everything and running away to the mountains to make the hermit. It does not mean
philosophizing and living with your head in the clouds.
means resume the speech of his life in his hand, trying to enjoy their existence and not simply use the free time to recover from the blows of the working days.
I think I'll start thinking about it seriously. My
apparatus digestive system, my nervous system, my body are asking me.
And I will listen to them.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Uk Caught Speeding In Florida

La dignità di Alessandra Amoroso

I heard the interview on You Tube to Verdena Savino and Linus, of course, a Radio DJ. The same
stated that the interview was more difficult and embarrassing their whole career.
You feel it absolutely.
Alberto said in half an hour but not more than 20 words, Roberta tried to say something but just did not come the words, concepts.

Their disappointment at being there at that time was evident, as well as indifference to that world who did not understand and wanted to continue to not understand.
Tiredness, reluctantly.
desire to distance, to take the piss out of a world of decerebration, DJ pigeonholed and terribly embarrassed in dealing with two parties with a surly approach and different. Verdena
I hate interviews but do it their way, waiting for the record companies finally deign to say enough of this rigamarole.
also hate playing in playback and if they go on Top Of The Pop do it in style, taking the piss out of all the ridiculous system where the program is based.
( Verdena
I do not want to talk, explain, laugh and make jokes.
They want to play and communicate with their weapons, leaving the rest outside their door.

few days ago the show was the Cabello Alessandra Amoroso. The
did do everything on command. Arisa
Before singing a song with both did not know, only with the la-la-la.
Then they did sing a piece of a song with the voice as a child, debased, to the sound of laughter of the study. Then
Cabello ordered, "Now do a verse with the baby voice and then a verse with a normal voice ..."
Then they said that is a fetish of the left shoulder bare because all the photos wearing clothes that leave discovery that part of the body. Then they made
spat with Arisa.
Then they took the piss for the laughter from hen taken at regular intervals.
a real frenzy of deficiency, a program of shit
A little girl unable to manage their own person.

The mainstream is not.
If you create, if it gives you something to eat then you keep on a leash, humiliates you.
takes only the weak, unable to say no.
you build a world of sequins and keeps you in his hand telling you that those rules are followed and if not you certainly do a bad end.
What can go back in the dust with the same speed with which you were raised on the altars. The mainstream

We all try, even with the wrong people, those that just do not hear from that ear.
tries to corrupt them by making them smell a heady aroma, that of fame and glory.
There are people who do not fall for it, who remain steadfast to their rudder bar. What
say no thanks.
And which of the different shape, whereas the abnormal are those that sell their own lives and their dignity. Those who
just to stay afloat stir as much as possible.
not realizing that actually ended up in the quicksand and the more it will agitate more thoroughly.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Map Of Mississippi River With Cities

Capovilla, coleremo a picco. Svegliati.

Interview with Pierpaolo Capovilla, voice de Theatre Of Tragedy.
I see on TV Rock, and I hope it comes out something interesting.
so often happens when you are talking about the musicians. Indeed
something interesting happens.
These summarize the most significant passages.

"At this time I rode a lot up and down Italy, islands included. I found a different country, who wants to change. We have to send home as soon as this political class. The people I met were ready to change page and this is the right time. "

Again: "The Theatre of Horrors and a break. If we can help and think che siamo stati anche solo in piccola parte un elemento che ha portato la società al cambiamento... Beh, ne saremo veramente orgogliosi."

Mi chiedo che paese abbia visto, in tutta sincerità.
Certo, fare 50 concerti in sei mesi può dare l'illusione di vedere una nuova Italia.
Si parte con il furgone si arriva nei piccoli club o nei centri sociali, tutti ti acclamano, fonici e organizzatori che ti ringraziano per quello che fai e per quello che dici.
Persino in pizzeria (convenzionata con il locale) sono tuoi fan e ovviamente di sinistra. Tutte le sere fai il tutto esaurito... 1500-2000 persone che la pensano come te perchè amano quello che dici e suoni.
Bello, ma siamo sicuri che il Paese Reale sia davvero this?

While playing the Oppressed by paying 2000 airs "You've Got Mail" which is more than 9 million shares and that wipes out entire generations by proposing a model of emotion as dangerous as uranium. While
Capovilla in an interview room at the Fnac in Turin with 150 people present (and already all on his side) that is aired on TG5 million hits ago for impersonating news stories fabricated to silence and things that should be shouted.
parody with his cookery book that shatters Umberto Eco.
No hard rock independent at the top of the charts for 15 years (the last to make the company were the CSI Tabula Rasa electrified).
Should I continue?
E questa spocchia nel considerarsi elemento di rottura con LA SOCIETÀ che ha intenzione di cambiare?

Capovilla parla come un quindicenne infatuato da Marx, sbandierando un contatto con il mondo che non ha, portando avanti una visione romantica di cambiamento e di società dedita a un nuovo corso che non è possibile individuare allo stato attuale.
Dice che molti ragazzi preferiscono spegnere la televisione e andare ad un concerto.
Balle: per uno che ci va, cinquanta vanno in discoteca a farsi di ecstasy. E gli altri rimangono a casa sognando di entrare al Grande Fratello.

Ci sono voluti due decenni del mezzo più potente in assoluto - la televisione berlusconiana - per mutare pelle alla società italiana and this one claims to do the capopopolo and sees the company changed. From
sbellicarsi laughter.
And the beauty is that which has the more than 40 years ... Ultimately
perfect for the role of new secretary of the Democratic Party.

About: One Dimensional Man (the first group of Capovilla) was ten times better than the current project.
Theatre of the Oppressed has simply stolen the public Marlene Kuntz occupy the market segment.
And the lyrics are just as crap.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Diagram Of Trinity Rings

Il cinema e l'esofagite di grado severo

suffer from gastric reflux "severe", as the histological examination that I have made some giorno fa.
E' una gran rottura di palle, tant'è che anche per il 2011 sono a posto con le visite al pronto soccorso (vedi profilo a lato..) visto che ci sono finito due settimane fa.
Mentre mangio a volte ho l'impressione di avere un corpo estraneo in gola, come se il boccone non andasse nello stomaco ma rimanesse in gola.

Ieri sera sono in pizzeria con mia moglie e decido che è meglio staccare il primo bottone dei pantaloni e la cintura per evitare il fattaccio.
Un po' più di agio, cazzo.
Esco dal ristorante e decido di riagganciare la cintura al primo buco (quello più largo) e di continuare a tenere slacciato il primo bottone dei pantaloni.
help me with a hand to hold up his pants, just enough time to get in the car and then to the movies.

In the hall, before the screening, I make a mistake.
I decide to fuck the place assigned to me and convinced my wife to sit down wherever it happens.
Remove coats, then she decides to go to the bathroom before the movie starts.
comes a party of ten people and behold! that combination! their places are the ones where we sat ...
apologize and I'm leaving.
take my hand and down with a coat of my wife with the other. Individual
our seats.
are at the bottom of the line C, No chairs 16 and 17.
I do the whole row asking permission and giving our backs on the people already seated.

We use no less than 30 seconds, with a side step snail seen from space minimized.
"sorry ..." "Sorry ..." "I arriavare down at the bottom ..."
The problem is that I have pants that I fall, I do not know how to keep them up because my hands are busy.
Sometimes I pull them up somehow, but three seconds later I'm at the point before.
Drama, I assure you ...
I did see a whole row on the back of my sweatshirt with the word "nirvana", but this should not have caused a sensation. However
I'm afraid you for showing your ass with his pants down to well more than one person, and more at close range.

get to our seats but two are occupied.
little further down there are free.
decide to dislodge the two types, do not want any more pictures of shit at least for tonight.
The two stand up and look at me like, 'Well? Could also sit in the row below that was free of all "
People do not understand a tube.
And do not have "severe esophagitis"

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Joyeux Noel Phillippe Rombi Sheet Music

Una testa di maiale

seems a horrible thing, but in reality I can assure you that the homemade salami which we eat can not be separated from him.
early, from pork.
The pig's head is cut off and then being ravaged.
short, is an integral part of our precious sausages.

The pig's head is also a warning-style gangster.
is left hanging on the door of the victim, sometimes with a knife stuck in his throat.
definitely not be a surprise.
I remember in the past was also used by fans of Torino Calcio to push the President to do what I do not remember.

In my book there is a pig's head.
is the protagonist of a chapter, in my opinion really stimulating and fun.
It is not used to make salami or not to tremble.
is used to create a setting for the set of a photo.
course is used in a dynamic and not static.
serves to create tension, to disorient.

few days ago a friend shows me the photos.
"I was invited to make salami ... I did a little 'photographs ..."
I remain stunned.
Exactly what I imagined.
a severed pig's head.
Watch the goal as if he were still alive, as if he could breathe.
It makes me think of one thing after all to admire, to look carefully to grasp the details of expression. You

a fierce animal, the pig.
Strong and determined.
Viewed this way, mutilated in its essence, does not lose an ounce of its charm.
"Can I do the download of this picture?" I ask.
"I need to make a concept on my blog"
probably not able to explain the photo, but in any case, it is really impressive.
Give her a look with a bit of attention, possibly driving out prejudice.
At the end you will agree with me that a severed pig's head is nothing but a piece of emotion anchored in our porcine heart.

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