suffer from gastric reflux "severe", as the histological examination that I have made some giorno fa.
E' una gran rottura di palle, tant'è che anche per il 2011 sono a posto con le visite al pronto soccorso (vedi profilo a lato..) visto che ci sono finito due settimane fa.
Mentre mangio a volte ho l'impressione di avere un corpo estraneo in gola, come se il boccone non andasse nello stomaco ma rimanesse in gola.
Ieri sera sono in pizzeria con mia moglie e decido che è meglio staccare il primo bottone dei pantaloni e la cintura per evitare il fattaccio.
Un po' più di agio, cazzo.
Esco dal ristorante e decido di riagganciare la cintura al primo buco (quello più largo) e di continuare a tenere slacciato il primo bottone dei pantaloni.
help me with a hand to hold up his pants, just enough time to get in the car and then to the movies.
In the hall, before the screening, I make a mistake.
I decide to fuck the place assigned to me and convinced my wife to sit down wherever it happens.
Remove coats, then she decides to go to the bathroom before the movie starts.
comes a party of ten people and behold! that combination! their places are the ones where we sat ...
apologize and I'm leaving.
take my hand and down with a coat of my wife with the other. Individual
our seats.
are at the bottom of the line C, No chairs 16 and 17.
I do the whole row asking permission and giving our backs on the people already seated.
We use no less than 30 seconds, with a side step snail seen from space minimized.
"sorry ..." "Sorry ..." "I arriavare down at the bottom ..."
The problem is that I have pants that I fall, I do not know how to keep them up because my hands are busy.
Sometimes I pull them up somehow, but three seconds later I'm at the point before.
Drama, I assure you ...
I did see a whole row on the back of my sweatshirt with the word "nirvana", but this should not have caused a sensation. However
I'm afraid you for showing your ass with his pants down to well more than one person, and more at close range.
get to our seats but two are occupied.
little further down there are free.
decide to dislodge the two types, do not want any more pictures of shit at least for tonight.
The two stand up and look at me like, 'Well? Could also sit in the row below that was free of all "
People do not understand a tube.
And do not have "severe esophagitis"
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