Sunday, October 31, 2010

What Is The Best Mouse For A Laptop In 2010

security, including security costs

"Sicurezza, costi omnicomprensivi"
fonte Italia Oggi, Carla De Lellis / Sicurezza sul lavoro
25/10/2010 - Le spese di manutenzione, quelle di riscaldamento/ condizionamento e di pulizia dei baraccamenti si computano tra i costi della sicurezza dei cantieri temporanei o mobili. È quanto precisa il ministero del lavoro nella nota protocollo n. 17549/2010, rispondendo a un quesito formulato dall'Ara' ce, l'associazione nazionale dei costruttori edili. I costi della sicurezza. Il codice dei contratti pubblici (digs n. 163/2006) prevede, tra l'altro, che, gli oneri e i costi relativi alla sicurezza sul lavoro, che derivano dall'aggiudicazione di un appalto, devono essere evidenziati nei bandi di gare and are not subject to reduction of the auction. This is to, obviously, to avoid that companies can reduce the estimate of the costs of security measures. The Tu Security (Legislative Decree No 81/200) provides that, when it is planned the preparation of the security plan and coordination (PES) in the cost of security should be estimated for the entire duration of the work provided on site, charges relating to: ) What to do to set the PSC; b) the preventive and protective measures and personal protective equipment may be provided in the PSC for processing interfering c) to track and protect against lightning, the fire safety systems, plant evacuation smoke; d) means, and security services collective e) the procedures contained in the PSC and planned for specific security reasons, f) to any interventions aimed at security and the time lag required for spatial or temporal processing of interfering g) measures to coordinate the use of preparing common , equipment, infrastructure, transport services and public protection. For works falling within the scope of the Procurement Code (Legislative Decree n.163/2006) and pearls which no preparation of the PSC also provides that the contracting authorities can justify you in security costs should be estimated for the entire provided for the duration of working in the yard, the cost of preventive and protective measures aimed at safety and health of workers. The estimate must be fair, analytical individual items, or a body to measure, referring to price lists, standard or specialized, or based on official price lists or price lists in force in the area concerned, or the list price of the security measures of the client; if a list price is not applicable or not available, will be referenced to complete and cost derived from market surveys. Individual items of security costs, still must be calculated by considering the cost of their use for the site concerned, including, when applicable, the installation and subsequent removal, any maintenance and depreciation. The security costs as identified sono compresi nell'importo totale dei lavori, e individuano la parte del costo dell'opera da non assoggettare a ribasso nelle offerte delle imprese esecutrici. Il T.u., infine, stabilisce che il direttore dei lavori liquida l'importo relativo ai costi della sicurezza previsti in base allo stato di avanzamento lavori, previa approvazione da parte del coordinatore per l'esecuzione dei lavori quando previsto. Relativamente alle spese che possono rientrare nei «costi della sicurezza», come detto non soggetti a ribasso d'asta' negli appalti, l'Ance ha sottoposto al ministero del lavoro un quesito in cui ha chiesto di conoscere se, in relazione ai «baraccamenti», possano essere ricomprese oltre alle spese di installazione iniziale degli stessi, including those relating to heating / air conditioning, cleaning and maintenance. The Ministry replied in the affirmative. First, he recalled that Annex XV of the security you provide, ja alia, that "in the cost of security should be estimated for the entire duration of the work planned on the site, the costs of What to set the security plan and coordination (PSC). " In addition, it pointed out that the same Annex XV recalls the preparations between the "... toilets, washing rooms, dressing rooms, canteens, shelter and rest rooms and dormitories ;...», adding that, Grandma, What to them are made by using prefabricated cylinder blocks, commonly referred to as 'barracks'. Ultimately, in light of the circumstances and taking into account, again, that more and Annex XV provides that "each item of security costs should be calculated by considering the cost of their use for the site concerned, including, when applicable, the laying on site and subsequent removal, any maintenance and depreciation., the Ministry concludes that the costs of maintenance of 'barracks' may be (indeed 'go') part of those security costs. Similarly, he adds, finally, the ministry, including heating costs and those of packaging and cleaning costs, are required to use the horn of the same barracks, should be included among the costs of security. Facilities classified according to use. The machines' and equipment, for safety at work, are classified according to their function and not to denominazione.E As stated, inter alia, by the Ministry of Labour in the note Protocol 17495/2010. The clarification came in response to a question put by ISPESL, in which he was asked to explain what rules should be subject to the use of auxiliary hoists installed in cars and piling equipment. The first explanation is that the ministry is on the classification of the machines, then the classification from which they derive constraints for security. The classification of a machine is identified by the function it performed in practice and not by its name. So, the actual classification is determined by its intended use and not the way it is called by the manufacturer or by type of construction to which the manufacturer declares that it belongs. The consequence of so much, then, is the manufacturer to identify and use the correct mode of use, emphasizing the possible misuse and those reasonably foreseeable misuse, defining, thus intrinsic. cally the features of the machine. Entering the specific question, then, the ministry noted that the lifting part and parcel of machines that target specific operational such as winches for pile-driving, apparatus for performing drilling, drilling, therefore do not fall into the category of lifting equipment (listed in Annex VII of the Tu safety) which require testing with predetermined intervals (at pursuant to paragraph 11, Article 71 of. digs No 81/2008). However, the ministry added, when the auxiliary winch has such a design to be used outside of its specific destination, then it becomes in effect for lifting equipment of undifferentiated material for which there is an obligation of periodic checks. In this case, the ministry noted, the use can be considered as inappropriate behavior but reasonably foreseeable and that this may result in risks not taken into account in the design and construction of the machine. Therefore, if not properly highlighted in the manual, you can configure it gives the manufacturer the violation of the relevant requirements of Annex I to the digs No 17/2010. In conclusion, the ministry says that, with respect to security requirements related to its functionality, although associated with the drilling as a hoist, winches installed in the auxiliary machinery and piling equipment: - from the construction point of view, must be meet the safety requirements for risks relevant to this type of functionality, whether this is expressly provided by the manufacturer, whether this is the result of improper use but reasonably foreseeable in relation to the specific target of the same - with regard to safety during the period, are be brought under control and, if included among the equipment identified in Annex VII of the Tu security, should be subject to procedures dl occurs periodica.http: / /

Posters Milena Velba Pregnant

barracks heating costs to void contract

"Security, domestic cost under penalty of nullity
source Il Sole 24 ore, Peter Manzari / Safety at Work
25/10/2010 - The legislation sicurezza del lavoro prevede particolari misure per ridurre e prevenire i rischi legati alle prestazioni lavorative svolte durante un appalto. I contratti di appalto devono contenere, a pena di nullità (articolo 1418, codice civile), i costi concernenti la sicurezza del lavoro. Sono le disponibilità necessarie per eliminare o ridurre i rischi da interferenza delle lavorazioni, inoltre tali costi non sono soggetti a ribasso, secondo il disposto di cui all'articolo 26 del decreto legislativo n. 81/2008. Il datore di lavoro, in caso di affidamento di lavori all'impresaappaltatrice o a lavoratori autonomi all'interno della propria azienda deve: verificare l'idoneità tecnico professionale delle imprese appaltatrici o dei lavoratori autonomi in relazione the work by subcontract, to provide companies with detailed information about those specific risks that exist in the environment in which they are intended to operate and on prevention measures and emergency measures. Employers, including subcontractors, are also required to cooperate in the implementation of both prevention and protection from occupational hazards incidents with the working of the contract is to coordinate the actions of protection and prevention Uzziah risks workers are exposed. The client altresìla promotes cooperation and coordination by creating one document for risk assessment (DUVRI), which must state the measures taken to eliminate or, where that is. possible reduce the risk of interference. The DUVRI must be attached to the contract or work and should be adjusted to reflect the work, services and supplies. The requirement to prepare a document evaluating the risks of interference does not apply to services of an intellectual nature, the mere supply of materials or equipment, as well as works or services which do not last longer than two days, provided that they do not their risks arising from the presence of carcinogens, biological, explosive or by the presence of particular risks to health and safety is believed that the two days will be computed with reference to temporal aunarco not necessarily continuous, but result of a combination of individual performance, anche episodiche (nota del ministero del Lavoro del 12 maggio 2010). L'imprenditore committente risponde in solido con l'appaltatore, nonché con ciascuno degli eventuali subappaltatori, per tutti i danni per i quali il lavoratore non risulti indennizzato dall' Inail. Tuttavia questa responsabilità non si applica ai danni che siano conseguenza dei rischi specifici propri dell'attività delle imprese appaltatrici.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Average Spine Surgeon Salary

Lazio, the new house plan

Piano Casa Lazio, i numeri della nuova legge
Incluse zone agricole, sopraelevazioni, demolizione e ricostruzione di edifici industriali
di Paola Mammarella
05/10/2010 - Via libera al nuovo Piano Casa del Lazio. La norma, approved last Friday by the Government, the Regional Law 21/2009 amends by introducing more permissive for the volumetric expansion of buildings and replacement buildings through demolition and reconstruction. Ever since the installation of the new regional government president Polverini had indeed expressed a willingness to introduce more liberalization to support the revitalization building.
The main novelty is the extension of measures to raise agricultural areas, the green light to the elevations and demolition and reconstruction for industrial buildings, but also the ability to monetize the secondary infrastructure works are impossible to achieve with the payment of an extraordinary contribution equal to 50% of the concession fees payable under the Presidential Decree 380/2001.

The buildings consist of several building units can be extended in proportion to the percentage applicable to individual homes.

The seismic resulting from enlargement of the right to a premium of 35% in a seismic zones and subzones 2a and 2b. In sub-3a and 3b, however, accept a bonus of 25%.

The intended use must remain unchanged for five years. The change from non-residential to residential use is permitted instead, except in areas D and E, for the renovation or replacement building with extension to 30%, aimed at the recovery of housing to meet the population live.

The demolition and reconstruction of residential buildings and production areas that fall outside the C and E pay a bonus of up to 35%, rising to 60% on multi-family residential buildings over 500 square meters state of decay. In any event must be observed distances and heights provided by the NTC.

interventions can be made with Dia and building permits to be submitted by December 31, 2013. The new draft does not incorporate the innovations of the maneuver and then summer, which brought the Shah in place of the Notice of logins. The municipalities may decide a reduction in concession fees up to 30%.

I can find common areas to be allocated to the construction of residential housing and public office. Are obliged to do so municipalities with more than 25 000 inhabitants.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

درايفرsound Blaster Extigy

booklet accompanying the assembly of scaffolding

When it is attached to 'buy the book for ministerial?

With Circular No. 29 of 27 August 2010 the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy answers some questions concerning the standards for the prevention of occupational accidents in construction and the work in part (Chapter II, Title IV, Leg. No 81/2008 and subsequent amendments).

Question: Every time you buy them
elements of scaffolding must be attached to ministerial authorization to purchase the book?

Answer: In this
roposito please note that paragraph 6 of art. 131 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, Arranges states that "anyone who intends to use scaffolding by the manufacturer must obtain a copy of the ministerial authorization referred to in paragraph 2 and the instructions and diagrams referred to in paragraph 1, letter d), e), f) and g) Article 132 "of the same Decree is called the book of ministerial authorization. In addition to paragraph 1) of Article 134 of the same decree establishes che "nei cantieri in cui vengono usati ponteggi deve essere tenuta ed esibita, a richiesta degli organi di vigilnaza, copia della documentazione di cui al comma 6 dell'articolo 131" del decreto di cheui trattasi, "e copia del piano di montaggio, uso e smontaggio (Pi.MU.S.)".

fonte: Ministero del Lavoro
2 ottobre 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Largest Frog Ever Caught

Ministry of Simplification: The trail is also applicable to common building

20/09/2010 - Arrivano i primi chiarimenti del Governo sulla Segnalazione certificata di inizio attività (Scia) con una nota firmata dal capo dell'Ufficio legislativo del ministero della Semplificazione, Giuseppe Chinè, inviata alla Regione Lombardia, che il 30 agosto scorso aveva posto un quesito.
"La nota - precisa Chinè - è frutto di un lavoro di coordination with the Ministries of Public Administration, Infrastructure and Economy and expresses, therefore, the government's position. "
remember that the trail (Article 49, paragraph 4-bis of Legislative Decree 31 May 2010, n.78, converted the Law of 30 July 2010, n.122) entered into force for over a month and a half and so far was creating doubts as to interpretation, applicability to construction but also on coordination with the Consolidated Building.

The note states that the Ministry takes place in the wake of "any act of authorization, license, grant is not constitutive, permit or cleared however denominated, including applications for entries in books or roles required for the performance di attività imprenditoriale, commerciale o artigianale, il cui rilascio dipenda esclusivamente dall'accertamento di requisiti e presupposti richiesti dalla legge o di atti amministrativi a contenuto generale e non sia previsto alcun limite o contingente complessivo o specifici strumenti di programmazione settoriale per il rilascio degli atti stessi" ed è corredata dalla documentazione specificamente richiesta dalla normativa di settore.

Sulla base delle precedenti premesse il Ministero, nella citata nota precisa che il quesito in ordine all'applicabilità della disciplina della segnalazione certificata di inizio attività alla materia edilizia non può che trovare risposta positiva, sulla base del fatto che assume rilievo l'argomento letterale, because, pursuant to Section 4 - ter of Article 49 of Law No 122, 2010, the terms "certified signaling the beginning of activity" and "Wake" substitute, respectively, those of "declaration of commencement activities" and "Dia", "everywhere also occurs as part of a wider expression, both in regulations state that in those regions.

The note is also made clear that the discipline of Shah applies to their building while maintaining the same field of application than the DIA, thus not interfering with the scope of the other qualifying title (eg planning permission, which is characterized by a discipline detailed in the text and complete single building, the which is not attributable to either the literal level, nor on the functional one, that of the new Trail).

Note, finally, with respect to construction matters, clarifies the following additional points of relevance:
in the case of building work in the area under constraint, there remains the burden of acquiring and reporting the allegation of the specific act of certified agreement the entity responsible for the protection of the bond itself, such an act, by virtue of the express provision of Article 19, paragraph 1, of Law 241, 1990 ("with the exception of cases where there are environmental, heritage and cultural") can not be replaced by the Shah, Dia
for building filed before the entry into force of the news article 19 of Law No 241 of 1990, even in the event that the date of entry into force had not yet expired the deadline for the exercise of power by inhibition of the administration, applicable regulations can only be that which applied at the time of the Dia , the possibility for the private use of the effects of presenting news, for the same action, a wake.

By Paul Oreto

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