Sunday, January 30, 2011

Belkin Tunebase Alternatives?

Verdena, le Major, il file sharing e tutto il resto

Coming out two disks from which I expect a lot.
I'm talking about Mogwai and new work by System Of A Down.
In the meantime I brought home the last of Verdena, double CD with 27 pieces of beauty.

Fifteen years ago it cost a record 38,000 pounds, now I bought a double for the price of 12.90 (for sending more majors, Universal to be exact).
There's something I do not come back, it seems obvious.
Two alternatives: either took it in his pocket at the time, cheerfully and without knowing it or give them to us now discs.
am inclined to the first solution, adding that the digital revolution, file sharing, Napster, and the first E-mule then, they did a great asset to the music business is a reflection of those like me who buy music on repeating material support.

I have never downloaded music illegally, to me is a point of pride.
discs buy them, I want my money going to the musicians, their work, their labels, and why not, to record dealers.
I'll say more. He's right
Godano that one of the new pieces of Marlene Kuntz asks: "how much music you have downloaded? And what you heard?"
download music without material support means separate from an intrinsically linked to the music on which is engraved.
The cover, booklet with lyrics and pictures ... Loans ...
why I can not help it and I think it is appropriate to give it up. Speech

different books and magazines.
In this case, the support material adds nothing to the content, which corresponds perfectly to the container. For this
for convenience I prefer to download that does not detract from speed increases and cutting costs.

I wanted to talk about the CD Verdena but I could not, as usual I have breached the time.
In any case I have yet to listen thoroughly.
One thing I must say they are crazy wild.
And despite this impact to a major label promoting experimental music at times and certainly out of the system. How do
, God only knows ...
Sometimes the devil (corporations) is not as bad as they paint it.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Body Armor For Neck Braces

Flavio Briatore Forever

write on live television to bear witness to comic aspects of dramatic reality.
Flavio Briatore by Bigner.
Log in and you must immediately declare Berlusconi. After five minutes
attacks "some courts" and says that if a doctor is wrong to act is now "taken from the book of surgery. THE BOOK OF SURGERY

Perhaps alluding to the order of physicians.

pass another five minutes and Bigner refers to his son Falco named Nathan that "soon takes a year in March ..." Briatore
the stops ... "No. .. I think that the years they have already made ..." The
Bignardi embarrassed ... "No look, it takes a year in March ..."
He shut up.

pass another five minutes.
"In Sardinia there should be more clubs and more golf courses"
"Italy should live on luxury, exploit it. So we need a government that makes reform"

I do not think there's anything to add.
Going Home.
If this goes down I moved into politics in Nicaragua, I swear.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Diet Coke Hinders Weight Loss


Sai che cosa mi piacerebbe vedere realizzato nell'area dismessa? Un luogo di sperimentazione sociale ed urbanistica. Può costituire supporto un centro sportivo, come luogo di aggregazione per il tempo libero completato da spazi bar, biblioteche, lettura, musica, internet point.
Residenze per famiglie, studenti ed anziani in modo da poter realizzare scambi di compagnia, assistenza ed aiuto reciproco, un luogo di sperimentazione di nuove forme di aggregazione e relazioni, come si stanno realizzando in altre città university. Homes for the elderly on the ground floor of the buildings are easy to find and reach a service, space crafts, music, art and exhibitions that can also serve as a guide for young people.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Naisyono Soumaka English

Crepare è sempre crepare

I know people whose only goal is to try to get to the end of the day free.
In them there is something extraordinary and mean, something that I really could not determine whether these two words appear to contradict each other.
survive, not to engage with the life of any kind of battle.
Being able to carry on everyday without a hitch, never fall.
Or rather, do everything possible to minimize the possibility of possible slippage of the routine.
seems to somehow want to get to the day of departure (that'll be there ... Fuck ... if there will be) free. The best dress of the party and without excessive fatigue.
survival instincts even on his deathbed.
that meet: die while you think - after all - has not been a great effort to get there.

Last Monday I was traveling to work in Reggio Emilia, in the car.
A truck with the bucket up in front of me.
At one point I see that makes the arrow and passes.
I'm going back to the blind.
is overtaking a bee.
The van is part of a pile having made a pass a bit 'risky.
I find myself in front of a truck yellow like the flames of hell.
steering slightly to the right and the IRR is the same.
All in a split second. Let
in three.
The IRR, and I l'ape.
A cinque centimetri gli uni dagli altri.

Avviso ai parenti:
Se crepo pubblicate lo stesso il mio libro.
Lo trovate sul pc nella cartella "I miei libri".
Oppure nella chiavetta che troverete al mio collo all'obitorio.
È finito, anche se mi mancano ancora 9 capitoli da sistemare.
Sono indeciso se considerarlo un grande libro o una cagata magistrale.
Più lo osservo dall'esterno e più ho questa sensazione.
Comunque pubblicatelo lo stesso.
Magari va a finire come Larsson con la trilogia di Millennium che ha venduto milioni di copie quando era morto.
Tutto nelle casse degli eredi.
Almeno loro con tutti quei soldi non tireranno a campare.
E sul letto di morte potranno dire " cazzo se me la sono goduta con tutti quei soldi ho scopato come un riccio, ho mangiato come un porco e ho vissuto da nababbo".
Che poi è la stessa cosa che morire senza avere combinato un tubo.

PS le foto che sto importando da un qualche tempo sono tutte sgranate. Non è colpa mia, non so che cazzo stia succedendo a blogspot o blogpress.
Fanno cagare lo so.
Ma non è colpa mia.
Chiedo venia. Speriamo tutto si sistemi.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kates Playgroundgalleries

Pino Scotto e il gesto delle corna con il pollice esterno.

Pino Scotto è un simpatico signore over sessanta che conduce un programma di video musicali su Rock Tv. È un musicista tutt'ora in attività, pieno di energia e luoghi comuni sul rock 'n roll, con i capelli tinti e il giubbino di pelle perennemente addosso.

Fondamentalmente è molto divertente da seguire, è davvero grezzo e talvolta volgare nei modi e nell'atteggiamento ma in fondo dice cose condivisibili in larga parte.
Qualche giorno fa aveva come ospite Francesco de Le Vibrazioni.
Arriva una mail che viene letta in studio che critica fortemente i Talent Show come Amici e X Factor.
Ovviamente Pino non perde occasione per scagliarsi immediatamente contro quel tipo di trasmissione.
"Vergogna! Fanno davvero schifo! Questa è televisione di mmmerda!"
Cresce l'imbarazzo.
"No... Beh... Noi a X Factor ci siamo stati proprio l'altro giorno... Ma era solo per promuovere il nostro singolo... Noi dobbiamo farlo... Del resto del programma non ce ne frega un cazzo..."
Il buon Pino ha un attimo di scoramento e deglutisce cambiando tono.
"Ma... Ma... Ma certo... Dovete promuovere la vostra musica... Dovete in qualche modo esibirvi..."
Francesco: "Beh... Abbiamo conosciuto anche i ragazzi nel pomeriggio, abbiamo degli amici all'interno del programma... I ragazzi credono in quello che fanno... Loro ci credono..."

Pino Scotto non sa più che pesci pigliare.
"Adesso esplode e lo manda affanculo...", penso.
E invece no.
Francesco è un amico, uno della tribù.
Qualsiasi cosa faccia va bene, poco importa se non corrisponde ai dettami del "Pino-Pensiero".
Due pesi e due misure.

Se ci fosse stato Malgioglio gli sarebbe saltato alla carotide, ma Francesco è un suo amico.
Un ospite, un musicista che stima.
Guai a dire che non la pensa come lui, guai a manifestare diversità di pensiero.
Meglio uniformarsi, fare finta che le differenze non esistano.
Ipocrisia allo stato puro, a 24 carati.

A dimostrare, forse definitivamente, che il rock 'n roll style (se mai sia esistito uno stereotipo riferito a questa definizione) non risiede certo nei giubbotti di pelle, nei tatuaggi, nelle creste o nei capelli lunghi corvini.
And even at that idiot of the horns gesture with his thumb out.
What a hypocrite like so uptight and boring Pino Scotto.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Can You Hook Up Two Battery Chargers To A Battery

Io muovo il culo. Voi non so.

"This thing will never work. Too difficult. People do not understand what the desert and you can sure of that."
few days ago I heard him say so in response to my idea about the possibility of organizing a music event in my home country, aided by the usual group of friends and some institutional support is possible and desirable.

organize a concert of indie music, not to bring Elvis Presley in the town square ... a feasible thing, in fact.
Yet sometimes this way of responding to the stress is really inconceivable, irritating.
"You're shooting a lot of crap," I was told.
And for a moment, that position has been emulated at the table where I sat.

Then fortunately after a short ever returned to a more proactive.
"I want to do? Ok, let's see if you can ... without prejudice and with a minimum of unconsciousness. People do not come? Cocks let's do them for ourselves and for those who appreciate it. There will be people? Well, in this case we won all those "
This in my opinion should be the right attitude. But
not always the case.
In Italy, for example, the common lament accompanied by flattery and idleness is popular as football. The old vice
italic complain and not do shit in the end.
To think that your life begins and ends with the alarm clock in the morning and the film on TV of 21.
To think that much will never change anything, so what's the bump?

Can I share the general idea that a certain immutability of things is in the logic of this country.
But I am also of the view that individually have the right and duty to do something to avoid drowning.
being called complicit in a situation that pleases no one.

Makes you shudder to hear the usual cover band Vasco Rossi as the main attraction of the summer holiday in your country, but despite this there were with our arms folded?
At the end you are much worse than the one who really appreciates the music of shit.
Mirror yourselves and say unmistakably, "I did not understand anything that happens around me."

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Men's Retirement Cake Designs

La migliore generazione del Paese

Ignazio La Russa said the soldiers in Afghanistan represent the highest point of the generation of young Italians. The best part.

I understand that the moment of mourning for the loss of a young soldier can play tricks on me but I beg to differ.
In my opinion the best part of the country who are in part a zero euro affiliate to Doctors Without Borders or Emergency. He
in those who decide to do something for their country (or even better for their people) without the burden of militarism disguised as humanitarian mission.
Away from the concept of work (paid on the verge of commercialization) disguised as a lifestyle choice.

I do not have absolutely with the guys who are on a mission of war in Iraq or Afghanistan. They do this to work.
There is a contractor who hires staff by sending him to the slaughter for political reasons, getting paid by salaries of tens of thousands of euro.
would pay 1500 € per month no one would risk his skin, you can be sure of this.
I come from in the '80s in several departed to "paint poles.
The work consisted in climbing to tens of meters above the ground clinging to a kind of harness driving to paint the light poles.
Some fell, others were returning home on weekends to show off the latest model BMW.
stories of human misery to be met and why.
In the United States military recruit in the Middle East in deprived areas, suburbs ghetto where no one has anything to lose.
It 's the old story of the rich who send the poor to die for their effort by paying with blood.
sacrificial victim that, evidentemente, è necessario anche riconoscere la patente di "migliore generazione d'Italia".
Falsa come i funerali di stato e la ridicola commozione del Ministro.

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