Saturday, January 1, 2011

Men's Retirement Cake Designs

La migliore generazione del Paese

Ignazio La Russa said the soldiers in Afghanistan represent the highest point of the generation of young Italians. The best part.

I understand that the moment of mourning for the loss of a young soldier can play tricks on me but I beg to differ.
In my opinion the best part of the country who are in part a zero euro affiliate to Doctors Without Borders or Emergency. He
in those who decide to do something for their country (or even better for their people) without the burden of militarism disguised as humanitarian mission.
Away from the concept of work (paid on the verge of commercialization) disguised as a lifestyle choice.

I do not have absolutely with the guys who are on a mission of war in Iraq or Afghanistan. They do this to work.
There is a contractor who hires staff by sending him to the slaughter for political reasons, getting paid by salaries of tens of thousands of euro.
would pay 1500 € per month no one would risk his skin, you can be sure of this.
I come from in the '80s in several departed to "paint poles.
The work consisted in climbing to tens of meters above the ground clinging to a kind of harness driving to paint the light poles.
Some fell, others were returning home on weekends to show off the latest model BMW.
stories of human misery to be met and why.
In the United States military recruit in the Middle East in deprived areas, suburbs ghetto where no one has anything to lose.
It 's the old story of the rich who send the poor to die for their effort by paying with blood.
sacrificial victim that, evidentemente, รจ necessario anche riconoscere la patente di "migliore generazione d'Italia".
Falsa come i funerali di stato e la ridicola commozione del Ministro.

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