Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tiffany Towers Covers

"La gente ormai va solo in discesa..."

È questo quello che ho pensato ieri mattina quando percorrevo in macchina il nuovo tratto della Ss 42 che porta da Brescia in Valle Camonica.
Tutte le macchine in coda a 50 km/h, costanti come una maledizione che grava sul capo di un derelitto.
Poi si apre un tratto di rettilineo in discesa e uno pensa: "cazzo, adesso sorpasso questi handicappati del volante..".
E invece niente da fare.
All you accelerate and lead to a speed that would make impossible any overtaking safely.
you return to a normal cruising speed? Nothing to do, just finished the downhill all changes back, the pace of the grandmothers.
A flock of sheep, that's what they seem.

I am reminded of a barber.
As I cut my hair told me that he never in a hurry in the car.
Go around the state at 70 and 30 in towns.
He looks around, he says.
When you're on the third lane on the freeway at 90 and said to surpass the combination of vehicles playing and cursing.
He cares.
When he wants to exit the highway un casello qualsiasi e si ferma in un bar a bere un caffè per guardarsi in torno, vedere dove si trova.
Non ha mai fretta, dice.

Quel barbiere ha il negozio a qualche centinaia di metri da dove vive.
A mezzogiorno va a casa a mangiare.
Poi ritorna a tagliare i capelli.
Così da 30 anni, forse più.
Ha un tremila turbo-diesel e usa la macchina 4-5 volte l'anno.
Cambia la macchina ogni 2 anni perché così non diventa troppo vecchia.
Io faccio 30.000 km all'anno, in media quasi 10 ore a settimana di automobile.
Ha ragione lui, sono un coglione.
La prossima volta che vedo una discesa rallento.
Dopotutto, che cazzo me ne frega.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

I Love Lingual Braces


What I would like to save: the skyline aligned on different levels
The river makes a winding path that leads to an expanse of roofs and chimneys lined up on different levels, including bell towers and arches of a bridge old, destroyed and rebuilt after a war. The town is a tangle of narrow alleys and solitar i, old buildings with brick facades in brick rosso, finestre murate o affrescate da secoli. I portoni , diversi l’uno dall’altro, sono sempre chiusi e lasciano immaginare che, oltre, in quei cortili domestici, raccolti e nascosti allo sguardo, qualcuno non voglia essere disturbato . Le torri antiche rimaste in piedi sono poche ma restano a difendere la città e a mostrare la grandezza di chi le ha fatte costruire.
Torri nuove sono cresciute: c’è un grattacielo a guardia del fiume, c’è la torre Aids ed ora il nuovo Policlinico, a difendere la salute e a dar lustro alla città in campo medico.
L’Antica Città dei saperi vive con la sua storica e prestigiosa Università che keep up with the competitors large and small, a new university center outside the city walls is ready to accept students of all backgrounds in its colorful buildings.
The profile of the city today include modern forms and functional, the service of vital centers of the cities that feel a strong need for continuous renewal, that is, its hospitals and its universities. However, it remains always a little 'hard to identify the places of social and cultural spaces to be together .
When I return to Pavia, in the evening, I am reassured to see at a distance the outline of the dome of the cathedral and the sleek tower of Caramel. E ' This foreshortening of Pavia that best applies, speaks to me clearly and I orientation for years, so I did not lose more.
I like
The fountain in Piazza Petrarca
The people coming out of theater and the street that comes alive
Go in New Road during the graduation sessions, see the guys with the laurel wreath in head, hear the joyful songs of their friends and participate in their joy.
The museum which is open to citizens free of charge as often as I can
fio dla fog, their songs, poems and dialect of Pavia.

Historical memory 65-70 years:
For those who lived in the country, Pavia was:
  • the city where he attended high school only if they intend to subscribe to 'universities in Milan offered many alternative job opportunities and guidance
  • the town where care , because Milan was the most complicated move in traffic
  • the city's covered market and Piazza Petrarca where to find what you need
  • the miccone to try, soft, lightweight, single
  • pasta route Demetrius, good and cheap
  • the butcher and equine cacciatorini tasty horse

Friday, December 17, 2010

Making Popcorn In Trangia

Roma e l'inverno dentro di noi

Rome is cold as I've ever heard.
A beautiful and mysterious city, perhaps the last open-air museum in the world.
I'm here for work, but a little distance from home 'burden to me, was nothing but the habits die hard.
This blog helps me feel at home, but the cold out of this stagnant superalbergo asking you for a € 5.5 wi-fi for an hour ...

would hate to ever travel for work frequently, my kind of animal from the province, under these circumstances, manifests itself with all its force. But I think

if you were born and lived in a big city would have something together.
People born in the province but if you combine something I wonder why the combine in the city.
People move from the periphery of the empire to the city, only to discover that that city is none other than the periphery of something else.
and start again as if nothing had happened.
Looking for another great city in which to try to achieve anything in life.
Looking for someone with whom to share an idea, experience or just the cold that envelops us.
With the conclusion that perhaps there is no point at all and that coleremo peak, whether we like it or not.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Arabic Wedding Table Name

Cacciati due dita nel cuore. E vomita...

Ieri sera ho visto un programma fantastico.
Ok, probabilmente era sull'orlo del trash, ma in quanto tale certamente interessante.
Un team di esperti si occupava di recuperare alla vita una ragazza mollata a pochi giorno dal matrimonio, con il vestito da sposa nell'armadio e il ristorante prenotato.
C'erano una sessuologa, un personal trainer, parrucchieri ed estetisti, un chirurgo plastico e perfino un love trainer (che cazzo sarà poi un love trainer dio solo lo sa).

Non si trattava di uno di quei programmi farsa tipo Forum, la ragazza era davvero disperata. Non riusciva ad entrare in bedroom and his attitude flowed into fetishism.
he kept the hair on the pillow, crazy stuff.
Well, the pundits have all risen.
The diary of the heart, the slippers that he had given her, the first plush.
you always in tears.
And I wonder what ever.
How do you identify a story of love with objects?
How do you feel better to burn? What
mentally handicapped human being must exit from a situation before exiting material from a mental situation?
fact the chick threw all objects with desperation, perhaps as evidence that in fact did not want to do it.
Like if you were talking about a dead man. But
he was not dead, it was probably to get the cocks her with another girl
Maybe a little 'smarter and smarter.
If I were a team of pundits would have had only one tip for the poor wretched moaning.
"Driven two fingers in his heart. ... And vomits"

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Remedies For Puffy Upper Eyelids

Moltheni. Air and light to my eyes

am speaking out of time to express my amazement at the beauty of the DVD "Novus ingredient" of Moltheni.
know you do not give a shit to anyone but now are so few things that surprised me positively that I wanted to do this in a late afternoon all, including a fix for a chapter and reinterpretation of another.
not stop to these lines.
Below I have written another post.
read that too.

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Free Online Getting Pregnant Games

Someone has to do the dirty work ... First

I started a few days to "clean up" the pages of my new book.
What seems more difficult than expected.
I saw almost in its entirety the first chapter (and the public preview at the time on this blog is now quite useless) while I'm using dozens of hours to fix terms, streamline shape, eliminating frills.

The need is to run the floor more, making it less heavy and more fluid. Remove the unnecessary details, the pedantry is not desired, the loophole without justification.

Writing a novel is obviously not how to make a record, of this I had already noticed long ago.
But I realized something.
When writing songs for an album comprises the first and is judged fit for purpose. Then it goes ahead with the second and so on.
In the meantime, however, continues to play well as earlier and these are gradually changed in the light of subsequent developments of the album.
In summary: When the last piece ends with all the songs are updated and last updated in some way the development of things.
For this you have a product that reflects the taste and photographed at that instant the artist.

By writing a book that does not happen. Once
certainly be re-read a chapter, but it is impossible to get 23eimo chapter and reread everything from the beginning.
This causes a disconnect between the first and last chapters I am trying to dab with a vigorous review of almost any material.

is not content but the form of exhibition.
But it is a big problem.
It takes time and patience, and both begin to run low.

I did the final bill and have exactly 25 chapters, spread over about 160 pages in A4 format.
I should do conto precise delle cartelle, ma non l'ho ancora fatto.
Ecco i nomi:

1 La stanza (parte I)
2 Il ballo dell'Est (maggio '86)
3 S.B.C. Solito Blocco Creativo
4 I mocassini del Professor Mangari
5 La scena dello scantinato
6 L'urlo di Rivetti
7 Funny Farm
8 Succhiare e farsi succhiare
9 Amore, lussuria ed eternità (parte I)
10 L'ennesima dimostrazione della pazzia dilagante di mio fratello
11 E' forse ora di cena?
12 Amore lussuria ed eternità (parte II)
13 Piccolo cuore-atomico-animale
14 Sala d'aspetto per un'inconcepibile serata d'estate
15 La stanza (parte II)
16 Eccesso di lucidità
17 The iron maiden
18 Meeting with Dr. Ceretti. The sixth line
19 Lessons of thermo-fluidics: the behavior of liquids
20 Wrath of the Righteous 21
three fingers and four cards yet to be discovered
22 Nice 23
worth a mass change of clothes, and a wild taximeters 24 The warning
room (Part III) 25
Photography final

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