Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Someone has to do the dirty work ... First

I started a few days to "clean up" the pages of my new book.
What seems more difficult than expected.
I saw almost in its entirety the first chapter (and the public preview at the time on this blog is now quite useless) while I'm using dozens of hours to fix terms, streamline shape, eliminating frills.

The need is to run the floor more, making it less heavy and more fluid. Remove the unnecessary details, the pedantry is not desired, the loophole without justification.

Writing a novel is obviously not how to make a record, of this I had already noticed long ago.
But I realized something.
When writing songs for an album comprises the first and is judged fit for purpose. Then it goes ahead with the second and so on.
In the meantime, however, continues to play well as earlier and these are gradually changed in the light of subsequent developments of the album.
In summary: When the last piece ends with all the songs are updated and last updated in some way the development of things.
For this you have a product that reflects the taste and photographed at that instant the artist.

By writing a book that does not happen. Once
certainly be re-read a chapter, but it is impossible to get 23eimo chapter and reread everything from the beginning.
This causes a disconnect between the first and last chapters I am trying to dab with a vigorous review of almost any material.

is not content but the form of exhibition.
But it is a big problem.
It takes time and patience, and both begin to run low.

I did the final bill and have exactly 25 chapters, spread over about 160 pages in A4 format.
I should do conto precise delle cartelle, ma non l'ho ancora fatto.
Ecco i nomi:

1 La stanza (parte I)
2 Il ballo dell'Est (maggio '86)
3 S.B.C. Solito Blocco Creativo
4 I mocassini del Professor Mangari
5 La scena dello scantinato
6 L'urlo di Rivetti
7 Funny Farm
8 Succhiare e farsi succhiare
9 Amore, lussuria ed eternità (parte I)
10 L'ennesima dimostrazione della pazzia dilagante di mio fratello
11 E' forse ora di cena?
12 Amore lussuria ed eternità (parte II)
13 Piccolo cuore-atomico-animale
14 Sala d'aspetto per un'inconcepibile serata d'estate
15 La stanza (parte II)
16 Eccesso di lucidità
17 The iron maiden
18 Meeting with Dr. Ceretti. The sixth line
19 Lessons of thermo-fluidics: the behavior of liquids
20 Wrath of the Righteous 21
three fingers and four cards yet to be discovered
22 Nice 23
worth a mass change of clothes, and a wild taximeters 24 The warning
room (Part III) 25
Photography final

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