Monday, December 20, 2010

I Love Lingual Braces


What I would like to save: the skyline aligned on different levels
The river makes a winding path that leads to an expanse of roofs and chimneys lined up on different levels, including bell towers and arches of a bridge old, destroyed and rebuilt after a war. The town is a tangle of narrow alleys and solitar i, old buildings with brick facades in brick rosso, finestre murate o affrescate da secoli. I portoni , diversi l’uno dall’altro, sono sempre chiusi e lasciano immaginare che, oltre, in quei cortili domestici, raccolti e nascosti allo sguardo, qualcuno non voglia essere disturbato . Le torri antiche rimaste in piedi sono poche ma restano a difendere la città e a mostrare la grandezza di chi le ha fatte costruire.
Torri nuove sono cresciute: c’è un grattacielo a guardia del fiume, c’è la torre Aids ed ora il nuovo Policlinico, a difendere la salute e a dar lustro alla città in campo medico.
L’Antica Città dei saperi vive con la sua storica e prestigiosa Università che keep up with the competitors large and small, a new university center outside the city walls is ready to accept students of all backgrounds in its colorful buildings.
The profile of the city today include modern forms and functional, the service of vital centers of the cities that feel a strong need for continuous renewal, that is, its hospitals and its universities. However, it remains always a little 'hard to identify the places of social and cultural spaces to be together .
When I return to Pavia, in the evening, I am reassured to see at a distance the outline of the dome of the cathedral and the sleek tower of Caramel. E ' This foreshortening of Pavia that best applies, speaks to me clearly and I orientation for years, so I did not lose more.
I like
The fountain in Piazza Petrarca
The people coming out of theater and the street that comes alive
Go in New Road during the graduation sessions, see the guys with the laurel wreath in head, hear the joyful songs of their friends and participate in their joy.
The museum which is open to citizens free of charge as often as I can
fio dla fog, their songs, poems and dialect of Pavia.

Historical memory 65-70 years:
For those who lived in the country, Pavia was:
  • the city where he attended high school only if they intend to subscribe to 'universities in Milan offered many alternative job opportunities and guidance
  • the town where care , because Milan was the most complicated move in traffic
  • the city's covered market and Piazza Petrarca where to find what you need
  • the miccone to try, soft, lightweight, single
  • pasta route Demetrius, good and cheap
  • the butcher and equine cacciatorini tasty horse


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