Saturday, December 11, 2010

Arabic Wedding Table Name

Cacciati due dita nel cuore. E vomita...

Ieri sera ho visto un programma fantastico.
Ok, probabilmente era sull'orlo del trash, ma in quanto tale certamente interessante.
Un team di esperti si occupava di recuperare alla vita una ragazza mollata a pochi giorno dal matrimonio, con il vestito da sposa nell'armadio e il ristorante prenotato.
C'erano una sessuologa, un personal trainer, parrucchieri ed estetisti, un chirurgo plastico e perfino un love trainer (che cazzo sarĂ  poi un love trainer dio solo lo sa).

Non si trattava di uno di quei programmi farsa tipo Forum, la ragazza era davvero disperata. Non riusciva ad entrare in bedroom and his attitude flowed into fetishism.
he kept the hair on the pillow, crazy stuff.
Well, the pundits have all risen.
The diary of the heart, the slippers that he had given her, the first plush.
you always in tears.
And I wonder what ever.
How do you identify a story of love with objects?
How do you feel better to burn? What
mentally handicapped human being must exit from a situation before exiting material from a mental situation?
fact the chick threw all objects with desperation, perhaps as evidence that in fact did not want to do it.
Like if you were talking about a dead man. But
he was not dead, it was probably to get the cocks her with another girl
Maybe a little 'smarter and smarter.
If I were a team of pundits would have had only one tip for the poor wretched moaning.
"Driven two fingers in his heart. ... And vomits"

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