Monday, March 14, 2011

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Giuliano Ferrara Back to Tonight on TV with his "Here Radio London" The Tribune

By Carla Fi

Giuliano Ferrara, the great liberal journalist and biting, back in Rai
with its transmission "Here Radio London" After so many
year absence back in prime time the real journalism, Anti conformist, liberal, scratchy,
that has long lacked.
I can only say "Finally" A lone voice, a voice
crooked and biased, that intelligence
Rai will bring a breath of fresh air for the pleasure of us viewers. The Director
"Leaf" diligent journalist, will not show sympathy and antipathy towards those who are going to interview
and, with his smart and sharp tongue, is sure to have fun.
will surely have to say different, Marco Travaglio, Michele Santoro , Concita De Gregorio, Giuliano Ferrara
but it will not be intimidated hijacking, and
will give us a wonderful show to the delight of us all . Welcome back

Giuliano Ferrara

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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plebis Antonio Ingroia: with great generosity of arrogance tries the number of mass hypnosis

M Ilano to drink: The proscenium seems to be the extension of the gown. Antonio Ingroia tribunus plebis long-time moves at ease on stage. Educate media processes, moreover, is his second job, almost a mission has taken the field since the current chairman of the board.
" With this counter " repeatedly drugged haranguing the crowd with his usual complacency " game is the separation of careers, but the equality of all citizens before the law ." the tone of his delirium resembles a sermon and it sounds like ear dell'astante un'editto.
A Ntonio Ingroia "Torquemada " to his friends is the guest-star office of the " Constitution Day" organized by the usual troublemakers in Piazza del Popolo in Rome.
His attack from the back to the government and Berlusconi, is vehemently targeted detailed as that of political leader.
In these tense days, the opposition is all about spending and spread to the streets antipremier. In honor of The Constitución Day there are all over Italy, the organizers usual talk of one million participants, including the Interior Ministry has a population of unsuspecting passers-by about 43 thousand .. of which 25 thousand in the capital.
in Rome is that the deputy prosecutor of Palermo close to the leaders of opposition parties held states his speech to the crowd dispensing his dissident thought. " The fact that there are many Italians is proof that you understand that the so-called reform of justice is actually a counter. reminds the crowd of onlookers "It's not just retaliation against the judiciary, there is a stake in the game much bigger. If we were to pass a rule of law crippled and disfigured in its basics as well as designed by the founding fathers . "
His speech is an epitome of petty demagoguery and conspiracy. ( Ingroia a surname a guarantee, a magistrate impassable and indefensible)
Antonio Ingroia .. .. just not as convincing wins it does not convince the messaggino sent by the young old president ANM, Luca Palamara subtitled " membership and solidarity "

A t the end of the fair the day Constitution has proved yet another media fiasco .. ordered by an opposition that define deceased would be an understatement

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When the class is not water.

by Carmen Fasone

The eclectic Lucia Annunziata has delighted us for half an hour of the presence of our honorable Minister Angelino Alfano, a man of great political when we consider what he is doing in this term as opposed from the left but much loved by all of us who support it very strongly. The broadcast is hosted by RAI 3, which as we all know which side is managed, has finally had a rare moment of great composure, education and intellectual honesty of a man about to undergo an interrogation that even 3rd degree, was able to argue so sublime and so simple and straightforward language that anyone seguito ha potuto comprendere. Ringraziamo il Ministro Alfano, figlio della mia Sicilia, che con la sua grande competenza e grande umiltà, ci sta portando finalmente, con questa riforma, ad una nuova conquista della società civile. Grazie Ministro.

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Questo è solo un post commemorativo. 10.000 volte click

Sono diecimila i contatti di questo blog e a me sembrano tantissimi.
15 mesi di pensieri, sfoghi, riflessioni e per che no anche di cazzate ed errori.
Illusioni, forse.
Delusioni e sorprese, pure quelle ci metterei.

10.000 volte click vuol dire un progetto che funziona, la voglia di non mollare.
Sapere che dall'altra parte c'è qualcuno che osserva e legge.
Che mi degna del suo tempo prezioso.

L'unica cosa che cambierei in tutto questo sono stati gli insulti che talvolta sotto forma di commenti mi sono arrivati.
Ovviamente non sono stati pubblicati.
Al contrario ho pubblicato commenti critici e velenosi, ma questi worth reading and remain in the life of this blog.
course thank you all.

I'd write more but I assure you that they are already at the maximum effort possible.
But something more you can always do. Now
invitation to sentimentality.
read below that I posted yesterday.
This post is just a memorial, one of the shit that I've ever written.

- Posted by iPad with Blogpress

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Costitution The Day: The paper tries pd mass hypnosis!

by. Manuela Mele @
  N ella giornata di ieri ,il popolo dei girotondini si e' nuovamente riunito nelle piazze italiane ,unito dal solito collante:l'ODIO PER silvio Berlusconi.
Qualsiasi persona sana di mente pensava che ,dopo il flop della raccolta di firme e la patetica esibizione dell'8 March, the left would try to change strategy but it was wishful thinking.
L or show staged yesterday and 'was more' painful solito.Questa time of the disaster, an inconsistency with Guinness World Records, marched waving tricolor flags posing as the staunchest defenders of the Constitution and the Nation . It is not necessary to have the memory of Pico della Mirandola, to remember how many times the same flag and 'hands were burned by sinister events in equally meaningless and equally important value of the protesters gave the concept of homeland, I
new champions of the Tricolor and the Constitution yesterday pretended to be desperate for the fate of Italian democracy and so '( many Democrats ) some of their icons, such as Dario For ( jester who makes me laugh from time immemorial ) have decided to pay homage to the populace with pearl sublime wisdom such as:-Dream Bossi in exile and the Arabs who invaded Italy ...... But they were not in the streets to defend the homeland in danger of DSB A rcore ??????????

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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The wait-European and the regaining of Gaddafi


I want to be against the current Gaddafi seems to win over rebels. I wonder what they would do
U.S. GB, France, Germany if
in their provinces were armed revolts erupted to demand the resignation of their presidents and had tried to evict them in any way?
sometimes I wonder, who has supplied weapons to the rebels? I've seen weapons that fired in the air for joy
wasted ammunition, anti-aircraft missiles in piles. We
obeying the dictates of Europe we have found Gaddafi, no longer our
party, although we have put in a position to not only depend
France and Russia for energy, and has entrusted to Italian companies work
to 10 billion euros.
Now they call us traitors, what should we say?
In Europe there are people who are willing to seize of benefits that were only Italians. Who was the first to
officially recognized the government to take advantage of the insurgents who
over England always tends to put us in a state of subjection?
invite all to reflect on what happened

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The square does not displace any more. Marco Travaglio

BY CARMEN Fasone @
As it turned even the C-Day was yet another opportunity to be exploited to talk about the "dictatorship" word several times used by those who took turns on stage in Piazza del Popolo in Rome, and that refers to our Prime Minister and its government. It seems to attend the rallies Peppone nothing but defend the Constitution!
We talk about the public school ban by the recent reform, dissemination of culture that no longer exists because of spending cuts, children paraded with placards used as puppets to say between the lines "of the Constitution go Berlusconi molester" singers openly left, Flack in the first place, which are the number one enemy of Berlusconi, accompanied by boos. Even

Di Pietro said: "Today, the IDV participates enthusiastically in the demonstrations in defense of the Constitution, to promote our referendum on the legitimate unable to get rid of Berlusconi. "

lords But there seems to be a beautiful thing trample the Constitution as you are doing?
Use it only to speak with the arrogance and anger that distinguishes you, talk with students writing ad hoc so that they more effect, making havoc of all that until now has been done by the government and you think it is wrong to cry we always fight?

short, everything they say they want this good for Italy Where ' and if everything is full of hatred and contempt?

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Esaurimento Nervoso per uno Scrittore Molesto

My first book I threw it down in just over a year.
Before I re-read the prints to give no more than 3 times.
Ok, it was di una raccolta di 12 mini-storie e le pretese tutto sommato non eran molte... Ma non avevo fatto granchè fatica nell'arrangiare tutto il discorso, tutto era filato abbastanza liscio.
All'epoca mi ero illuso di poter scrivere con facilità.
In realtà mi sono accorto già da tempo che le cose non stanno propriamente così.

Ho finito si scrivere "Io Mi Carico Di Rabbia" verso la fine dell'anno scorso.
Sono più di tre mesi quindi che sono in fase di correzione.
Prima a video, poi su pagina scritta.
Il lavoro è stato immane ma sembra che sia riuscito a venirne a capo.
Il problema grosso è un altro.
Il Maledetto primo capitolo.

Tutto il libro fila liscio come piace a me.
È fluido, diretto.
Il Fottuto, Maledetto Primo Capitolo non gira.
Non è mai girato.
L'avrò corretto almeno una dozzina di volte, forse più.
Ieri sull'orlo dell'esaurimento nervoso ho deciso di riscriverlo interamente.
È la mia ultima spiaggia.
Ci ho passato sopra altre tre ore, con fatica.
Con frustrazione, per un risultato che tendeva un'altra volta a non soddisfarmi pienamente.
Alla fine porto a casa un pareggio, dopo essere stato lungamente in svantaggio e avere sbagliato un calcio di rigore al novamtesimo minuto.
Proprio come il Brescia ieri sera in casa contro l'Inter.
Va bene così, non sarà il capitolo migliore but the book is to be hoped that the reader will not stop at that first chapter Damn. Moreover
I really sick and tired of writing that chapter. The
reread in a week and if not go well again in the toilet and throw him to write it for the third time.
What can you do, the nervous esaurimanto is a terrible beast.

- Posted by iPad with Blogpress

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the sterile pursuit of the mystery of Karim el Mahroug

Yellow dell'Anagrafe Moroccan

G Hedin counsel for the premier with the highest rate of adrenaline in the blood of the planet cut short on the story of the Moroccan yellow bin.
" trappolone a crazy idea. work made by someone who wanted to sell it around ." The assumptions made by Niccolo Ghedini, however, many are converging.
Episode criminal word, revealed by Mis / Done Daily is the son of the wind Maghreb .. nothing but a "fart Saharan "
The conspiracy theories of the mission model "international intrigue "at the Alfred Hichcock in that of Morocco's two mysterious Italians who were trying to bribe an employee of the Registry to make up back-dating the date of birth of Karim el Mahroug, Ruby Heartbreaker at best ... looks like a B movie by Quentin Tarantino !
G Hedin, explained that the complaint against persons unknown for incitement to corruption has already been sent to the Prosecutor of Rome and copied to that of Milan, confirming and reminding hard of hearing that the "whitening "the mysterious pair of fools, could never get through .. the system of civil status in Morocco - Ghedini said - is based on a series of four or five records that all show the same data. You tell me what would be served sbianchettarne one.
I nsomma the comic gossip directed by Pan-ro in the absence of early antipremier I think he invented a story suitable for this purpose.

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the guerrillas against the PDL of the Judges and the Government began

A ppena approved by the Council of Ministers, the major reform of justice and
can already see the first effects.
Accelerate Mills, groped for the trap of Premier Silvio Berlusconi
and play the card to be able to make it ineligible.
lifted the parliamentary immunity to Gasparri and bring to trial the judge expressed an opinion
Woodcock, never happened before a parliamentary
could not express an opinion .....
This caste of Untouchables "The Judges", there are to give up some of their privileges
and their powers and started guerrilla
We'll have to wait for Everything!
The reform will not be painless for most government
and I hope that does not make too many victims, but I hope that the Minister Alfano
not ever move back and to take forward this reform is so necessary and urgent
, request a loud voice from the Italian.
I hope that for once the opposition to set aside ideology and not instrumental contrasts the government, and responsibly
cooperate, noting that for Italy and for Italians this
and fundamental reform to make finally in Italy , a country with
a fair justice. Carla Fi

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Roberto Saviano: The complacency of an ascertained "fake page"

R oberto Saviano " writer himself " stigmatizes rises indignant champion of legality, that the guidelines will nominate PD a premier, discourses of mafias without adding anything else to what hundreds of others di colleghi giornalisti " seri e veri " hanno già scritto prodotto affermato migliaia di volte.
Saviano il francescano afferma che la sua vita è cambiata che è prigioniero della sua scorta che vive segregato blindato, che ha perso la sua libertà.. che ci dica allora dov'è che l'ha persa questa sua ( libertà )che la raccogliamo e gliela restituiamo!
R oberto Saviano dagli studi di Radio due torna ad attaccare
continua a leggere..>

Friday, March 11, 2011

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And thus spoke of "constitutional law" the Sexy and bulimic Concita De Gregorio

M entre justice minister " renamed the prefect of iron " Angelino Alfano and the Government are preparing to fight a pitched battle and epoch-making in both houses of parliament on behalf of the Italians in order to complete the reform of justice .. the side of one the usual Conca de Gregorio far more expert in constitutional law that escort launches into another of his usual flights of fancy.
I nadatto to the task: the querulous cry of protest Concita De Gregorio -source Unity.
it-" In disagreement with a number of views last read in newspapers right left and center - reasoned opinions, ironic, pensosissime or knowledgeable - I would like here to explain clearly why I believe that no reform of justice can and should discuss this with the government. I'll tell you a few words, I think that is enough: we do not reform the justice with those who are accused. It would certainly be an urgent need to get to work to make justice more efficient, to give more people the tools to administer. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to do because of the fact that the Prime Minister is now on trial as it has been many times in the past, almost without interruption. and again " not you sit down at a table of Justice to discuss across the table if there is someone who by all means eludes justice itself: it is not, how can I say, a party to the task. There is an endemic conflict of interest: his interest to have a justice's convenience conflicts a priori, by the mere fact of its existence, with the collective interest .
C ome expected, also the director pro tempore of the Unit in line with the directives of the party of the togas of the ANM agreement with Palamara The Fact and the entire printing system, the single thought of the Secretariat of the RAI-3 .. PD and that of ' IDV , opposes and condemns in hopes that the reform of justice can not be done!
.. The usual complacency of a left unwatchable and indefensible.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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justice reform. "If not now when? "The Scream

R oma: The Council of Ministers gave the green light to D dl Constitutional Reform of Justice. After decades of hesitation
opposition referrals .. finally our country has a judicial system to measure in Europe!
The consensus was unanimous, and following approval, according to rumor dell'agognata government, those present have paid tribute to the Keeper of a long applause, Angelino Alfano. " prefect Iron "
Now you go to the final verdict to the test of truth. Since the constitutional reform must be approved twice by both Houses of Parliament .. obtained the consent of two thirds of parliamentarians enter into force immediately otherwise, be submitted to a referendum confirmatory among citizens.
I the Minister Angelino Alfano ( ed. that fate preserve him in health ) explained to the audience with an abundance of the salient features Law, sums up the corpus with a joke that should be preserved for future memory shouts: "This new system provides the high court with the prosecutor and the public at the same level ".

A concept that the prime minister himself has shown an explicit design representing two different scales : one of the first two dishes prevail because there are both the prosecutor and the judge , while on ' another is the only defense attorney , while the second the judge is on the central pin and two plates are balanced with the prosecutor on one side and the other defense.
The Keeper of the finally defended the broad architecture of the reform, said with a certain dose of optimism a suo modo di vedere non c'è alcun motivo affinché i magistrati indicano scioperi e mobilitazioni perché la riforma non è punitiva nei loro confronti.
Il provvedimento "è un punto qualificante della nostra azione di governo, una riforma organica, di prospettiva e di profondo cambiamento che non ha nulla a che fare con i processi in corso». E che per di più era tra i suoi obiettivi già dal 1994, anno della sua discesa in campo ."ha ribadito il premier "Questa riforma costituzionale  sarà affidata a 10 leggi che avranno percorsi parlamentari singoli e che presenteremo in successione al parlamento. In ogni caso " ha assicurato news conference. " we will do everything in order to discuss these rules with the opposition and will do the justice minister." Moreover, he finally remembered " these issues have been for fifty years, their ideas being put forward by the left .

T mong the many points of the reform of justice there is an obvious and legitimate reasons for that is particularly dear to the premier. has explained himself in a press conference " regulate irrevocably to the acquittals in the first degree" because a citizen, but acquitted at first instance and appeal process again in the third degree, "he has ruined his life: he, his family, his relationships with the company and its finances . The heart of the reform then required to repeat it .. "due process" which must not only be completed in a reasonable time, but contradictory to ensure and guarantee equality between the prosecution and defense. The due process is a right of all citizens .
So it would seem that this right .., is the right time ... to carry through a reform of justice too long delayed. With all due respect of 'opposition Palamara of those whitewashed tombs ( ndr.non all) of the Superior Council of Magistracy ... and especially in the face of that pool in Milan Inquisitors of coordinated and controlled by certain Boccassini .. magistrate with many shades, so many gray areas .. and no light.

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censorious of the young" old "president ANM Palamara reverberates anywhere

I magistrates "voyeur" have themselves been intercepted and the pro tempore president of the National Association of togas what is unconstitutional is a crime indeed! At the deus ex machina of the enclave did not like the page of comments published in the newspaper Il Giornale world vision. So much so that brought together the leaders of urgency and calling upon the Guarantor privacy to "lock" the newspaper directed by Sallusti.
U na mossa azzardata e un autogol clamoroso. Aver intrapreso questa azione disciplinare nei confronti dell'informazione libera potrebbe avere conseguenze devastanti per l'intero ordine.
Il Giornale ha fatto sempli­cemente il suo lavoro, cioè pubblicato riportato delle notizie.
Il Palamara di fronte alla pubblica­zione dei deliri cartacei dei suoi colleghi golpisti af­fidati a una rete inter­net, che sarà si anche riser­vata ma non certo "segreta" da costituire reato..non può ricorrere in nessun modo in appello, ne tanto meno comminare sanzionare una multa a chicchessia.
I l grido Luca Palamara then the querulous as well as his delusional request intervention by the data protection commissioner is inadmissible and idifendibile! The judiciary, the judges of fter undermined the justice and detract from the policy, now would also act on 'information to decide what can and should be published.
.. The complacency of these servants of the state is incredible! And their ability to understand and will absolutely out of control!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Criminal Minds: @ intercepted the e-mail addresses of judges antiriforma

M babbling in what we as political independence as a body? The caste of judges è trasformata in un vero e proprio potere dello stato!
Intercettate le e mail di alcuni togati che come dei perfetti cogl**ni ignorantemente o per la troppa sicumera hanno inteso veicolare i loro messaggi golpisti on the web.. ma in rete ai loro come nelle procure non esiste il segreto istruttorio!
Che figura di m***a una cospicua parte di magistrati si sono fatti beccare con tutte e dieci le dita nel vasetto di marmellata mentre si spedivano messaggini e si scambiavano le reciproche preoccupazioni per la paventata riforma della Giustizia. Tanto che più d’uno di queste volpi in the net si dice preoccupato per la fred­dezza di alcuni amici della sini­stra , ossia del socio di maggio­ranza.
L afraid to press the government makes 90 acelleratore sull'epocale scassatissima Justice Reform, and the enclave of the cardinals is putting agree (in secret ?) To thwart and oppose the free activity of Parliament.
Angelino Alfano, "the prefect of iron" has risen to the Quirinal and the Council of Ministers tomorrow finally face justice reform. Opposition has come some timid signs of openness to dialogue .. the circle is closing and the caste goes into fibrillation.
F shame: The @ Article : quick excerpt part of Sallusti "Magistrates attack, the emails revealed staging a coup," The Uncle Berlusconi must remove the noise. Today we publish
the mailing list of judges, namely the e-mail system where the robes are exchanged views and agreed steps away from prying ears. What you letters on our pages is staggering. The exchange of emails shows not only a climate of hatred against the political majority, the Parliament, the robes more moderate. There are indeed some evidence that prosecutors have targeted Silvio Berlusconi as a person, regardless of of offense. These gentlemen are political, they want to interfere with the legislature, and most importantly during office hours, as reflected in the printed messages exchanged.

( If they were not judges, would risk prosecution for criminal association and secret )

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The tenant has again the Quirinal Paturnie

I the Minister Angelino Alfano in the afternoon will go to the hill in his hand the draft reform of the justice done and finished now .. and as institutional ritual already leaked the hassle! According to rumor of building it seems that our dear President Giorgio Napolitano that certainly no lack of complacency has not liked the shape how and when adopted by the majority. Yeah! Why do the tenant pre tempore del Quirinale now accustomed to disagree regardless, the appointment would be asked at the last minute. Georgie for short time between the meeting and the Council of Ministers institutional set for tomorrow, would not it seem too short by a mere act of courtesy institutional with no space for possible hints and tips. ( ndr.non see why the executive, subject to member regulation necessarily all the time and accept the lengthy debate and the suggestions of a figure only institutional, more so if the decree of is urgent )

It's rumored that the irritation in the palace of the Quirinale dell'iquilino is such that, to receive the Keeper will not be the president in person, but even the Secretary-General Donald Marra.
I nsomma Napolitano there is! The acts of the executive and looks like an arbitrary act prejudicial against the thinly-veiled attempt to cash quickly without the endorsement of the President to instruct the trial that it was desirable that instead. This is the response at the Quirinal 'meeting too late and therefore according to him "only formal and".
But maybe that Napolitano would claim to be the head of the council of ministers?
S i limiti ha attendere piuttosto al suo mandato..ricordandosi ogni tanto qual'è il suo ruolo e il suo posto!
Il suo compito non è di discutere un decreto legge ma di rilevare se in questo vi sia vizio d'incostituzionalita.quindi si limiti a leggere.. e si pronunci..e la smetta di considerarsi la vittima del sistema!
Che vada..a controllare i preparativi e il buffet per il 150enario dell'Unita D'Italia..ecchec****o!

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" If not now When?

F irenze, nell'italiano poetico Fiorenza , ( fjoˈrɛnʦa ): All'ombra del campanile di Giotto hanno sfilato in 300 come quelli di Sparta. Definitely a little 'bit for a city with over 370,580 inhabitants! The appeal of the movement's ideology post / delivery " if not now when" the sexy and bulimic Concita De Gregorio director pro tempore of the unit at least here in my Renaissance Florence, the cradle of art and culture has been is not it practically unheard. The army
indignation subtitled for the occasion "Down the mask " it seemed indeed as a funeral procession announced that the tsunami of indignation and trumpeted by the deus ex machina of The Unit.

( Ndr.con this opposition the government and Berlusconi can continue to sleep soundly )
In other Italian cities was better, but the famous "Wake Up " feared and heralded by the left there was!
I sum antisilvio yet another crusade has been a resounding flop ! Poor public success, the bad opinion of the critics. But it matters little to the left of the numbers and criticism .. it was important to highlight the event and media coverage. " We demonstrated not only his inability to govern but also violation of the dignity of women. He should resign already seen that in other countries, simply copy a few chapters of the thesis to leave his post "was the comment .. and Bindi Bersani has weighed in:" Berlusconi led us to believe that the commodification of women is a space of freedom. We must react to this poison which threatens to destroy the antibodies moral of this country. " phony and gathering signatures to send home Berlusconi added," This is not morality, but is not justicialism good citizenship. E 'seriousness in the conduct of public affairs, the dignity of public affairs. "The petition of the Democratic Party" is the mimosa that we want to deliver to the Italians, the best gift to our country. "

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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If not now when? The sexy and bulimic Concita De Gregorio doubles the appeal!

D to R EPUBLIC F to act through the ' expressed and' U nita until you get to Micro mega , Pillar, and crock outpost paper opiate online dell'antiberlusconismo .. it's all a unique chorus of calls on a personal basis! This time on standby to send to the Parliament, ie to crystallize the work of the Senate.
Micromedia / The Made in full synergy with the usual gruesome appalled Flores d'Arcais Camilleri, Dario Fo Margherita Hack, Copper and Spinelli, has published a handbook for the sort of parliamentary resistance. Virtually
detailed instructions to block the vital flow of the Senate using its regulations.
E always on the cover of that sort of brothel
paper read on ..>

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Italo Bocchino: The "cunning" indignant editorial in La7

" N on there was but no blocking of the contributions due to the simple and follow directions of the Authority for Communications and Technical Advisory Committee for Publishing . " Replica Palazzo Chigi with a note stating that" this disbursement of contributions to the publishing companies is prepared according to procedures established by law and implementing regulations that establish requirements and indicate that firms must have access to the state contribution. S and the contribution does not show up because it should not and could reach, not because the government refused.
R esponding inopposability cards with the executive to the delusional accusations by Italo Bocchino Sunday evening by the microphones La7! The cunning
publishing, as well as last cavalier servant of the high trumpet history Gianfranco Fini, omnipresent in the schedules if this time is taken with the director of the Newspaper Alessandro Sallusti. However, his flight of fancy he did not convince the audience of bystanders Sallusti do it nor the government.
C onsecutio temporum: the temporal sequence of the facts as they actually happen: So the quarrel began because the groom Fini for most of the episode had not even swallowed a recorder insisted that proves Sallusti the amount of his salary to the Journal. Beats mena and tired of refrain at the end to which the director does not lack the verb he answered, "Both .. Bocchino but worry instead of the wages of journalists (Rome ) that are without pay for months! "
hell broke loose! Mouthpiece spear and bluntly accuses the government formally. According to him, the Naples Daily The Rome would be targeted by Prime Minister's office because antiberlusconiana voice.
(I the newspaper close to the spouses Mouthpiece fact navigate navigate in troubled waters, the cooperative that publishes it continues to close in the red and editors are not paid. ) E dell'incresciosa situation that has come to see .. according to the company is solely the fault of the government .. because they were frozen in 2009 and by € 2 million of public funding by the Department for Publishing .
( ndr.per those who were not aware of the members of the cooperative that publishes the newspaper ... stands out as the wife of Italian Gabriella Buontempo ) So the second Bocchino, for purely political reasons Berlusconi would turn off the taps to anyone dare to criticize him.
I n conclusion Italo, a member of the Future and Freedom and vice president pro tempore of the Fli / flop, sostiene di percepire uno stipendio annuo di circa 110mila euro. Uno cifra,congrua e assolutamente nella media per un parlamentare
Tuttavia il palissandro dimentica omette di dire che in qualità di coniuge della signora Gabriella Buontempo, proprietaria della casa di produzione Goodtime Enterprise e azionista del quotidiano partenopeo riceve dallo Stato e dalla tv pubblica una fraccata di soldi. (ndr.tra tv e carta stampata il «l'ammontare dei doni» annuo si aggira sugli otto milioni di euro. Che ovviamente paghiamo noi contribuenti, trattandosi di finanziamento pubblico ai giornali e di produzioni televisive vendute alla tv pubblica.

Monday, March 7, 2011

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Critico d'arte dei miei coglioni

Sometimes the critics are just morons.
Mind you, considering that the writer (critic, not a dick ...) but sometimes the category is really unbearable. Sometimes I
fatto anch'io, è vero...

Quando scrivevo su una fanzine musicale (fanzine?? che roba è?? forse quella cosa anni '90 che è scomparsa nel nulla con l'avvento dei blog??) mi è capitato ancora di stroncare in malo modo un demotape (demotape?? volevi forse dire file MP3!!) che non aveva veramente nulla di buono.
Ho ascoltato la mia cassettina 5-6 volte e poi giù di mannaia sulle colonne della gloriosa e ormai defunta "La Pecora Nera" ( )
Però le recensione erano articolate, approfondite.
Insomma, si poteva dissentire dalla valutazione finale ma in ogni caso le ragioni erano all there.
For someone apparently was not enough, seeing that on one occasion I smashed the mirror of my old Panda and risked another to take two punches in a pub to have unmasked a Tramini between a municipality and a group Compliant .
But these are other matters.

page review of the film.
The Swan, the black swan.
At the movies I had seen two days earlier.
I think great film, nominated for several Academy Awards ... reached that goal on the "Best Actress".
A film visionary, cryptic ... ill.
Il regista è lo stesso di The Wrestler, altro capolavoro premiato con l'Orso a Berlino qualche anno fa.

Recensione dell'Espresso: n. 4 righe
"Regia kitch... involontaria comicità..."
Davvero un critico testa di cazzo, nessun dubbio.
Sono andato a letto dopo aver visto il film e ho passato in rassegna tutto il racconto, tutte le visioni e le allegorie. Il lavoro è enorme, immane.
I passaggi sono complessi, il film si spinge in territori mai esplorati, la recitazione perfetta ed efficiace.
Mi immagino quanti ciak, quanti studi...
Quanto tutto.
Poi arriva uno stronzo sull'Espresso in four rows and you throwing it denigrates sull'involontaria comedy.

I can see my book.
Two years of my life and there will be some idiot who liquidate with three lines or two words, like "Nice, not bad ... or "I did not like ... too ... too ... too short ..."
a nice cock too.
If you do not know what to say shut up, "film critic Espresso"
And if you really want to talk about comments, "Christmas Vacation" or the Vanzina Cookbook Parodi.
the most of what you can do.

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Tiziana Ferrario: The courts re-open the news geriatric

I l soldato Tiziana Ferrario deve tornare alla conduzione del Tg1. Così ha deciso enunciato sancito il solito Tribunale di Roma,sezione Lavoro/e ricollocamento coatto , che come da copione ha rispedito al mittente il formale reclamo proposto dalla RAI contro l'ordinanza che aveva disposto la reintegrazione piena della giornalista al ruolo di conduttrice del telegiornale di Riuno...con buona pace del direttore generale e del direttore di rete.
L a giornalista inoltre recita la carta potrà altresì mantenere il suo incarico di inviata per gli eventi di grande rilevanza . Lo studio legale D'Amati, che assiste la Ferrario, ha tenuto a ribadire che " anche l'ordinanza collegiale " come  quella del precedente Giudice, ha ravvisato sia la lesione della professionalità della giornalista sia la discriminazione da ella medesima subita".

LA NOTA DEI LEGALI - I legali annunciano che è scritto che "sussistono elementi indiziari che convergono univocamente nel far ritenere che lo spostamento della lavoratrice dalle mansioni di conduttrice di telegiornale sia da addebitare più che a effettive esigenze organizzative a una volontà ritorsiva posta in essere dai vertici della redazione al fine di sanzionare il dissenso manifestato dalla giornalista nei confronti della linea editoriale impressa al telegiornale dal direttore". A questo punto, proseguono lawyers, "RAI has no longer any pretext for not implementing the court decision. If need be, who is stubborn in the non-execution of the Court will be called to answer for yourself in the competent fora."
short for the series off to young .. re the news geriatric.
That prism Garimberti Paul as usual has not failed to make his contribution by singing plaintive voice heard on the prurient story by saying only a few prophetic words about the Court's decision " The rulings apply and did not comment "he stated excitedly as Paris Hilton the debutantes' ball ..
I the director / bomb ticking Augusto Minzolini ( ndr.a watch because you do not know when but it is certain that they will jump ) commented succinctly " Ferrari says will be as festive but surely will be in mourning the young conductors in the same potential Ferrario prevented from having a career is like glued to the chair for 28 years. To the words of Rizzo Nervo - added - shows all the partisanship and the failure of a part of ' company, to renew ". The assembly
" constituent" of Tg1 suddenly issued a statement rejecting the parole del direttore Minzolini. " Condanna le offese alla collega Tiziana Ferrario. Invita il direttore e l'azienda al rispetto delle sentenze della magistratura ".
(Questa, purtroppo è ainoi la RAI radio televisione italiana..un enorme postribolo che paghiamo noi!) titolo è in parte provacatorio..non ho niente contro le donne..che sono splendide a tutte le età .

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theory Chaos advocated by porn / Milan prosecutors

F oto di abiti esclusivi,fili interdentali firmati da Dolce & Gabbana scarpe extra lusso pitonate, borse griffate,una manciata di pagamenti effettuati con testimony Karima el-Mahroug-heads probably a majority at the time and in any case unreliable .. + 9 unpublished shots and stolen in "Villa " which portrays a host Barbara this Guerra dressed as a fake cop. S captive " lonely" and in addition considered irrelevant from the point of view of the case.
This is what holds the porn / pool of Milan.
R oba crazy! It took a few shaky circumstantial evidence to build the castle and the prosecution's argument supported by the magistrates of prostitution! If anyone should be prosecuted is not the chairman of the board .. but this bunch of inquisitors Spaniards who profess to be servants of the state recklessly! One of the indignant
" really! Not one of those established by the club cashmere Concita De Gregorio " certain Alessandra Sorcinelli tells how was raped by policemen sent from Boccassini to put them upside down and home life: " I took away computers and cell phones, then they took the pictures of the Dolce & Gabbana clothing, shoes and handbags Vuitton '.
A ncora .. Elisa Toti explains to his mother " police arrived, it was a bad thing, they made me strip to see if I him something, "then" I have seized the computer, the navigation system "and" I have pictures to clothing, shoes and everything. " From there, the police station. "You can imagine the situation to the police station," says Toti in another call, "they treated us like animals, we were locked in a room, even followed into the bathroom when I went to pee." "It's normal - he explains the point of contact - there is an ongoing investigation." less normal, however, is the voyeuristic practice that leads to board "the intimate things."
I nsomma matter how dutiful not investigate .. we fail to mention the fact that the modus operandi adopted by the pool of judges voyeur pericolosamnte .. looks like the one adopted by the Stasi .
(note: we are curious to know .. when the whole story Rubyrubacuori will be found the usual soap bubble .. who will pay for the side effects .. we hope that this time is not the state courts but rather these hardworking servants state!)

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Gianfranco Fini: "Homeless" in Monte Carlo!

G ianfranco the belated second thoughts and is Aut Aut!
But his Italian residence permit has expired!
"We exceeded to be more discordant .
He says to the bystanders came to the capital to attend the first national assembly of the clubs future and freedom. Fini
That is a confession and an admission of guilt that between his teeth with his usual language of the family pitched and polished.
The reference pro tempore president of the chamber is the betrayal of the mandate, to the dripping of the President of the Council that continues from the beginning of term and then culminated with the attempted cowardly shoulder from behind for another failure last December.
F ini notes the imminent defeat of his obituary and now pulls the oars.
For the first time even with the usual complacency ricomincia ad usare parole dure nei confronti della sinistra
" La loro unica bandiera è l'antiberlusconismo ",enuncia e annuncia. E riguardo alla riforma della giustizia,che sarà dibattuta in parlamento il prossimo giovedì..aggiunge
continua a leggere..>

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Michele Santoro: Re desnudo ends before the Supreme Court

S econdo alcuni rumour apparsi sulle pagine di quel postribolo cartaceo de Il Mis/Fatto Quotidiano , il direttore generale della RAI avrebbe ribadito che "la pruriginosa" vicenda del famoso v'affambicchiere ' ( ndr.nella quale Santoro con grande complacency sent their manager in this country live without ifs and buts in front of millions of Italians.) .. would be far from closed.
I nsomma apparently " it will stand just one! "
Masi therefore have the grudge.
the merits of the dispute was in fact explicitly and succinctly.
The case remains open just after the decision of the Director-General not to accept arbitration proposed by the defense of the Santoro and to refer instead ordinary court where the whole matter will be clarified in the most complete and accurate.
And not only over the question of " vaffanbicchiere " even the main story of the presence of Santoro on video as a result of judicial decisions will be short and finally re-discussed and debated before the Supreme Court "
may also be denied tomorrow .. but I think I see encouraging signs from maitresse / house on the left .. RAI public television call Mom! Ferrara Back Here with Radio London in the time slot that once belonged to Enzo Biagi, Sgarbi .. there are Vespa and Comparison .. Minzolini still feel good and Masi looks anything but prone. That perhaps it is time to put media on the grill and bring the bar Don Michele Santoro " the 'untouchable ?"

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between flash mobs, trash, screenings of movies hard arriva l'8marzo preconizzato dalla Sexy Concita De Gregorio!

T ra flash mob,trash, proiezioni di filmini Hot con Ezio Mauro e Lunetta Savino e concerti di Concita De Gregorio.. torna in piazza il comitato delle indignate/intrombate , nato da una costola de L' Unità il 13 febbraio a Roma in occasione della manifestazione per la dignità delle donne.
A l grido querulo e contraffatto" Tremate le streghe son tornate " è dunque iniziato il count down, per l'inedita rivisitazione in chiave radical chic della pitched day dedicated to women, organized by the notorious and well-known Committee If not now when "
As stated by the beautiful sexy and cunning Concita De Gregorio, Rome is planning to make epochal unique and unforgettable 's March 8 that will be! At least 50 cities and streets will be involved in dozens of initiatives sponsored by L ' Unit and PD.
I calm the comment of the minister Gelmini: "I hope the March 8th is a day in which we women know to clear the field from all claims falsely egalitarian e sessiste ".
R oma aprirà la kermesse con flash mob mattutini per le strade della città.
continua a leggere..>