Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Amd Athlon Xp Socket A New

Criminal Minds: @ intercepted the e-mail addresses of judges antiriforma

M babbling in what we as political independence as a body? The caste of judges è trasformata in un vero e proprio potere dello stato!
Intercettate le e mail di alcuni togati che come dei perfetti cogl**ni ignorantemente o per la troppa sicumera hanno inteso veicolare i loro messaggi golpisti on the web.. ma in rete ai loro come nelle procure non esiste il segreto istruttorio!
Che figura di m***a una cospicua parte di magistrati si sono fatti beccare con tutte e dieci le dita nel vasetto di marmellata mentre si spedivano messaggini e si scambiavano le reciproche preoccupazioni per la paventata riforma della Giustizia. Tanto che più d’uno di queste volpi in the net si dice preoccupato per la fred­dezza di alcuni amici della sini­stra , ossia del socio di maggio­ranza.
L afraid to press the government makes 90 acelleratore sull'epocale scassatissima Justice Reform, and the enclave of the cardinals is putting agree (in secret ?) To thwart and oppose the free activity of Parliament.
Angelino Alfano, "the prefect of iron" has risen to the Quirinal and the Council of Ministers tomorrow finally face justice reform. Opposition has come some timid signs of openness to dialogue .. the circle is closing and the caste goes into fibrillation.
F shame: The @ Article : quick excerpt part of Sallusti "Magistrates attack, the emails revealed staging a coup," The Uncle Berlusconi must remove the noise. Today we publish
the mailing list of judges, namely the e-mail system where the robes are exchanged views and agreed steps away from prying ears. What you letters on our pages is staggering. The exchange of emails shows not only a climate of hatred against the political majority, the Parliament, the robes more moderate. There are indeed some evidence that prosecutors have targeted Silvio Berlusconi as a person, regardless of of offense. These gentlemen are political, they want to interfere with the legislature, and most importantly during office hours, as reflected in the printed messages exchanged.

( If they were not judges, would risk prosecution for criminal association and secret )


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