Friday, March 4, 2011

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Ferrara ritorna in RAI con Qui Radio Londra. E a quelli de Il Fatto Quotidiano non piacciono le radio libere

Q ui Radio Londra, il nuovo format condotto da Big Giuliano , partirà il 14 marzo.
 La notizia è ancora ufficiosa ma pare che il direttore del Foglio firmerà un contratto di due anni ( con l’opzione per il terzo ) con mamma  RAI . Qui Radio Londra inizierà tra due settimane e finirà a marzo 2013, coincedenzialmente proprio nei giorni di campagna elettorale salvo previe dimissioni o colpi di stato a Palazzo Chigi.
Ovviamente a noi liberals fa piacere sapere che finalmente per tutta la durata della legislatura ci sarà un topgun della parola come Giuliano a fare da contraltare alla sequela impressionante di trasmissioni antipremier RAI .. but by the parties dell'accrocchio paper The Daily Without seems to have not taken the news well.
"The journalist will earn three thousand euro per episode
Ferrara may extend to 2014 its editorial daily, for hundreds of evenings will have the last word in line at Tg1 Minzolini of Augustus. The bureaucratic with RAI ' Elephant found an efficiency that was lacking for some time: the meeting yesterday in Viale Mazzini lasted a few minutes, however, the public invests in Ferrara for the next three years and about 1.5 million € . "thunder the newspaper the couple Padellaro Travaglio.
Again " Radio London will be here on the air for five days a week from Monday to Friday, with no advertising (and thus no revenue for RAI) as soon as you close the code of Tg1. For each episode, the former Minister Berlusconi will earn little more than 3 000 € gross and, calculating that there will be over 150 nights a year, the annual engagement will be 500 thousand euro. The remuneration of Ferrara is less than the minimum guaranteed by Bruno Vespa, in line with the salary of a network manager "
So what? Where is the scandal, I mean the comic gossip does not go down to the fact that they did Giuliano Ferrara a contract while the duo of comical performer Labor / Vauro working AnnoZero are without a contract for months. Get paid by Don Michele Santoro stalks there for them all!
( Ndr.l 'vitriolic article from The Fact .. clearly tended to oppose the new format of Ferrara would not it far more structured and long-winding .. dall'Annunziata goes to a variety of different kinds of recriminations .. to end up condemning the actions of the leaders of the RAI .. guilty of having dared to put under contract the quintessential Berlusconi Ferrara.


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