A l grido querulo e contraffatto" Tremate le streghe son tornate " è dunque iniziato il count down, per l'inedita rivisitazione in chiave radical chic della pitched day dedicated to women, organized by the notorious and well-known Committee If not now when "
As stated by the beautiful sexy and cunning Concita De Gregorio, Rome is planning to make epochal unique and unforgettable 's March 8 that will be! At least 50 cities and streets will be involved in dozens of initiatives sponsored by L ' Unit and PD.
I calm the comment of the minister Gelmini: "I hope the March 8th is a day in which we women know to clear the field from all claims falsely egalitarian e sessiste ".
R oma aprirà la kermesse con flash mob mattutini per le strade della città.
continua a leggere..>
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