Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wat You Need To Start A Event Plannning Business

" If not now When?

F irenze, nell'italiano poetico Fiorenza , ( fjoˈrɛnʦa ): All'ombra del campanile di Giotto hanno sfilato in 300 come quelli di Sparta. Definitely a little 'bit for a city with over 370,580 inhabitants! The appeal of the movement's ideology post / delivery " if not now when" the sexy and bulimic Concita De Gregorio director pro tempore of the unit at least here in my Renaissance Florence, the cradle of art and culture has been is not it practically unheard. The army
indignation subtitled for the occasion "Down the mask " it seemed indeed as a funeral procession announced that the tsunami of indignation and trumpeted by the deus ex machina of The Unit.

( Ndr.con this opposition the government and Berlusconi can continue to sleep soundly )
In other Italian cities was better, but the famous "Wake Up " feared and heralded by the left there was!
I sum antisilvio yet another crusade has been a resounding flop ! Poor public success, the bad opinion of the critics. But it matters little to the left of the numbers and criticism .. it was important to highlight the event and media coverage. " We demonstrated not only his inability to govern but also violation of the dignity of women. He should resign already seen that in other countries, simply copy a few chapters of the thesis to leave his post "was the comment .. and Bindi Bersani has weighed in:" Berlusconi led us to believe that the commodification of women is a space of freedom. We must react to this poison which threatens to destroy the antibodies moral of this country. " phony and gathering signatures to send home Berlusconi added," This is not morality, but is not justicialism good citizenship. E 'seriousness in the conduct of public affairs, the dignity of public affairs. "The petition of the Democratic Party" is the mimosa that we want to deliver to the Italians, the best gift to our country. "


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