Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reinstatementvalue - Insurance

justice reform. "If not now when? "The Scream

R oma: The Council of Ministers gave the green light to D dl Constitutional Reform of Justice. After decades of hesitation
opposition referrals .. finally our country has a judicial system to measure in Europe!
The consensus was unanimous, and following approval, according to rumor dell'agognata government, those present have paid tribute to the Keeper of a long applause, Angelino Alfano. " prefect Iron "
Now you go to the final verdict to the test of truth. Since the constitutional reform must be approved twice by both Houses of Parliament .. obtained the consent of two thirds of parliamentarians enter into force immediately otherwise, be submitted to a referendum confirmatory among citizens.
I the Minister Angelino Alfano ( ed. that fate preserve him in health ) explained to the audience with an abundance of the salient features Law, sums up the corpus with a joke that should be preserved for future memory shouts: "This new system provides the high court with the prosecutor and the public at the same level ".

A concept that the prime minister himself has shown an explicit design representing two different scales : one of the first two dishes prevail because there are both the prosecutor and the judge , while on ' another is the only defense attorney , while the second the judge is on the central pin and two plates are balanced with the prosecutor on one side and the other defense.
The Keeper of the finally defended the broad architecture of the reform, said with a certain dose of optimism a suo modo di vedere non c'è alcun motivo affinché i magistrati indicano scioperi e mobilitazioni perché la riforma non è punitiva nei loro confronti.
Il provvedimento "è un punto qualificante della nostra azione di governo, una riforma organica, di prospettiva e di profondo cambiamento che non ha nulla a che fare con i processi in corso». E che per di più era tra i suoi obiettivi già dal 1994, anno della sua discesa in campo ."ha ribadito il premier "Questa riforma costituzionale  sarà affidata a 10 leggi che avranno percorsi parlamentari singoli e che presenteremo in successione al parlamento. In ogni caso " ha assicurato news conference. " we will do everything in order to discuss these rules with the opposition and will do the justice minister." Moreover, he finally remembered " these issues have been for fifty years, their ideas being put forward by the left .

T mong the many points of the reform of justice there is an obvious and legitimate reasons for that is particularly dear to the premier. has explained himself in a press conference " regulate irrevocably to the acquittals in the first degree" because a citizen, but acquitted at first instance and appeal process again in the third degree, "he has ruined his life: he, his family, his relationships with the company and its finances . The heart of the reform then required to repeat it .. "due process" which must not only be completed in a reasonable time, but contradictory to ensure and guarantee equality between the prosecution and defense. The due process is a right of all citizens .
So it would seem that this right .., is the right time ... to carry through a reform of justice too long delayed. With all due respect of 'opposition Palamara of those whitewashed tombs ( ndr.non all) of the Superior Council of Magistracy ... and especially in the face of that pool in Milan Inquisitors of coordinated and controlled by certain Boccassini .. magistrate with many shades, so many gray areas .. and no light.


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