But his Italian residence permit has expired!
"We exceeded to be more discordant .
He says to the bystanders came to the capital to attend the first national assembly of the clubs future and freedom. Fini
That is a confession and an admission of guilt that between his teeth with his usual language of the family pitched and polished.
The reference pro tempore president of the chamber is the betrayal of the mandate, to the dripping of the President of the Council that continues from the beginning of term and then culminated with the attempted cowardly shoulder from behind for another failure last December.
F ini notes the imminent defeat of his obituary and now pulls the oars.
For the first time even with the usual complacency ricomincia ad usare parole dure nei confronti della sinistra
" La loro unica bandiera è l'antiberlusconismo ",enuncia e annuncia. E riguardo alla riforma della giustizia,che sarà dibattuta in parlamento il prossimo giovedì..aggiunge
continua a leggere..>
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