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Italo Bocchino: The "cunning" indignant editorial in La7

" N on there was but no blocking of the contributions due to the simple and follow directions of the Authority for Communications and Technical Advisory Committee for Publishing . " Replica Palazzo Chigi with a note stating that" this disbursement of contributions to the publishing companies is prepared according to procedures established by law and implementing regulations that establish requirements and indicate that firms must have access to the state contribution. S and the contribution does not show up because it should not and could reach, not because the government refused.
R esponding inopposability cards with the executive to the delusional accusations by Italo Bocchino Sunday evening by the microphones La7! The cunning
publishing, as well as last cavalier servant of the high trumpet history Gianfranco Fini, omnipresent in the schedules if this time is taken with the director of the Newspaper Alessandro Sallusti. However, his flight of fancy he did not convince the audience of bystanders Sallusti do it nor the government.
C onsecutio temporum: the temporal sequence of the facts as they actually happen: So the quarrel began because the groom Fini for most of the episode had not even swallowed a recorder insisted that proves Sallusti the amount of his salary to the Journal. Beats mena and tired of refrain at the end to which the director does not lack the verb he answered, "Both .. Bocchino but worry instead of the wages of journalists (Rome ) that are without pay for months! "
hell broke loose! Mouthpiece spear and bluntly accuses the government formally. According to him, the Naples Daily The Rome would be targeted by Prime Minister's office because antiberlusconiana voice.
(I the newspaper close to the spouses Mouthpiece fact navigate navigate in troubled waters, the cooperative that publishes it continues to close in the red and editors are not paid. ) E dell'incresciosa situation that has come to see .. according to the company is solely the fault of the government .. because they were frozen in 2009 and by € 2 million of public funding by the Department for Publishing .
( ndr.per those who were not aware of the members of the cooperative that publishes the newspaper ... stands out as the wife of Italian Gabriella Buontempo ) So the second Bocchino, for purely political reasons Berlusconi would turn off the taps to anyone dare to criticize him.
I n conclusion Italo, a member of the Future and Freedom and vice president pro tempore of the Fli / flop, sostiene di percepire uno stipendio annuo di circa 110mila euro. Uno cifra,congrua e assolutamente nella media per un parlamentare
Tuttavia il palissandro dimentica omette di dire che in qualità di coniuge della signora Gabriella Buontempo, proprietaria della casa di produzione Goodtime Enterprise e azionista del quotidiano partenopeo riceve dallo Stato e dalla tv pubblica una fraccata di soldi. (ndr.tra tv e carta stampata il «l'ammontare dei doni» annuo si aggira sugli otto milioni di euro. Che ovviamente paghiamo noi contribuenti, trattandosi di finanziamento pubblico ai giornali e di produzioni televisive vendute alla tv pubblica.


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