Thursday, March 10, 2011

Desktop Mt1700 Driver

censorious of the young" old "president ANM Palamara reverberates anywhere

I magistrates "voyeur" have themselves been intercepted and the pro tempore president of the National Association of togas what is unconstitutional is a crime indeed! At the deus ex machina of the enclave did not like the page of comments published in the newspaper Il Giornale world vision. So much so that brought together the leaders of urgency and calling upon the Guarantor privacy to "lock" the newspaper directed by Sallusti.
U na mossa azzardata e un autogol clamoroso. Aver intrapreso questa azione disciplinare nei confronti dell'informazione libera potrebbe avere conseguenze devastanti per l'intero ordine.
Il Giornale ha fatto sempli­cemente il suo lavoro, cioè pubblicato riportato delle notizie.
Il Palamara di fronte alla pubblica­zione dei deliri cartacei dei suoi colleghi golpisti af­fidati a una rete inter­net, che sarà si anche riser­vata ma non certo "segreta" da costituire reato..non può ricorrere in nessun modo in appello, ne tanto meno comminare sanzionare una multa a chicchessia.
I l grido Luca Palamara then the querulous as well as his delusional request intervention by the data protection commissioner is inadmissible and idifendibile! The judiciary, the judges of fter undermined the justice and detract from the policy, now would also act on 'information to decide what can and should be published.
.. The complacency of these servants of the state is incredible! And their ability to understand and will absolutely out of control!


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