Saturday, March 5, 2011

Big Bang Nike High Tops

Pierluigi Bersani:"The Mentalist"

C he Pierluigi Bersani, terzo in ordine d'apparizione e grandezza pro tempore segretario del PD, fosse l'antitesi di persona che ricorrendo all'acutezza mentale, ipnosi e/o suggestione padroneggia la manipolazione del pensiero lo si era evinto.
Lo abbiamo visto salire sui tetti della rivolta student drugged harangue the crowds in Red Square, plead the case of the former justicialism Torquemada Marsicano Antonio Di Pietro.E yet to occur in flights of fancy on talk shows, yelling apostrophe and slander majority in parliament and prime minister, glancing languidly to third pole love and red roses delivered letters to the Minister Tremonti, indecent proposals to Senatur Umberto Bossi and hold up "the and their primary " and finally set up a gazebo for the separate collection of 10 million signatures to send home to Silvio Berlusconi!
I nsomma after so much work is logical to automatically assume that the comb has picked up the doll end of what he has sown. But
nisba, niet, nada .. to the ethereal party secretary of losers there has not been picked up!
Poor Bersani has not strung a tip! Anzi.E 'failed with the story of the ten million signatures bootleg " ndr.tra signatories brand names such as Julius Caesar, Elvis Presley, The Count of Monte Cristo, Totò Peppino and the gang of counterfeiters, and even Snow White ".. to make further ridiculous!
There is nothing to do, is Murphy's Law .. if something can go wrong for the PD, it will!


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