inheritance tax as it changed over the years What taxes in case of succession New Measure for ipocatastali, stamp duty and mortgage rates
number of important innovations have recently focused on the formalities required in the event of succession.
The issue of succession, in recent years has been the subject of a series of interventions by the legislature in terms of tax, aimed mainly at reducing the compliance by the taxpayer, in the sense of easier and less burdensome to the obligations of heirs. These include the Law 383, October 18, 2001, which eliminated the requirement, with effect from October 26, 2001, submitting the declaration of succession in case the axis there are no hereditary property, and, more recently, the law n . 326, 2003, which replaced for sequences not yet expired al 26 novembre 2003, il termine "storico" di sei mesi, entro i quali doveva essere presentata la denuncia di successione, col nuovo termine di un anno.
In questa direzione, è prevista a breve termine un'altra significativa novità, grazie alla dichiarazione unica telematica che sostituirà il modello cartaceo, nell'ottica perseguita dall'Agenzia delle Entrate di modernizzare e facilitare i compiti dei contribuenti, migliorando i servizi, come già avviene per le dichiarazioni dei redditi o per gli atti notarili.
Altri interventi importanti sono invece intervenuti nel campo dei tributi collegati alla successione, attraverso una serie di modifiche alle imposte; tra queste, la stessa legge 383/2001 che ha abolito inheritance tax, and the most recent changes introduced by Decree-Law 7 of 31 January 2005, which established mortgage and land tax increases, limited to the fixed minimum amounts and taxes, together with the changes that have affected the stamp duty and mortgage duty payable for registration formalities.
By Decree-Law 7 / 2005, the registration fees, mortgage and land, from the firm in January 1996 in a fixed and a minimum of € 129.11, € 168.00 rose to 1 February 2005. The new amounts are effective for claims submitted on or after that date.
The changes affect only the minimum tax and stationary rates were unchanged del 2 per cento per l'imposta ipotecaria e dell'1 per cento per quella catastale.
Come già detto, relativamente alle successioni aperte dopo il 25 ottobre 2001, la dichiarazione va presentata soltanto se nell'asse ereditario sono presenti beni immobili o diritti reali immobiliari, per i quali devono essere corrisposte, in autoliquidazione, le imposte ipotecaria e catastale, entro il termine per la presentazione della dichiarazione di successione (un anno dal 26/11/2003).
Tali imposte, oltre all'imposta di bollo e alle tasse ipotecarie, costituiscono i tributi previsti per le successioni, che gli eredi devono versare prima della presentazione della denuncia di successione al competente ufficio dell'Agenzia delle Entrate.
Legislative Decree 31 October 1990, No 347, provides for the mortgage and land taxes, respectively, the rates of 2 and 1 per cent to be applied to the estate, commensurate with the gross value of the property and interests in land.
If the resulting tax is less than the minimum established - as already said - € 168.00, you must pay this amount.
In some cases the sequences are serving the mortgage and land taxes in a fixed amount of € 168.00, the most common hypothesis is that of the facilities required for the first home. These sequences have the effect of transfer of ownership of dwellings and their appurtenances that do not have luxury features, on the part of beneficiaries or any one of them must be fulfilled the requirements and conditions to benefit from the facilities as required under the tariff attached to the Presidential Decree 131/1986.
mortgage and land taxes represent the cost of the update service registers, following the transfer of real property or interests in land for the benefit of the heirs would require the formalities of registration in the land register and cadastral registration: they are These are the tax requirements of the two taxes.
rates by 1 percent and 2 percent will apply to the taxable amount, based on the value declared by the heirs. The values \u200b\u200bof the property and interests in land should be considered without taking into account any liabilities imposed on them (18 October 2001 Circular No. 91 / E).
proportional taxes are rounded to the nearest euro for failure if the fraction is less than 50 cents, or in excess, otherwise.
Remind that, for the additional submissions, which indicate the heirs of the additional properties not previously reported, thus increasing the total value of the tax base from that stated in the first statement, apply the taxes corresponding to the higher proportion declared value, always with a minimum of € 168.00. For
declaration changes, which require the formalities of registration for confirmation or correction another transcript of the same act, are always paid taxes on a fixed (ministerial resolution No. 23 of 02.12.1997).
The other important change consists of changes to stamp duty, increased from € 41.32 to € 59.00 for each request to the appropriate precautionary formalities, and mortgage rates, rose to 35.00 euro.
Even those taxes should be granted and paid by the heirs prior to the declaration of succession, along with others, self-assessment with model F23, in accordance with Article 11, paragraph 1, letter e) of Decree-Law 79/97, at any dealer, bank or post office.
For buildings located in the province di Bolzano, Gorizia, Trento e Trieste, vigendo per essi il sistema tavolare di registrazione, non grava sull'ufficio l'obbligo di trascrizione; pertanto, l'imposta di bollo e la tassa ipotecaria non sono dovuti.
Variazioni delle imposte ipotecaria e catastale
ipotecaria catastale minima/fissa (lire) minima/fissa (euro)
dal 01/01/70 0.80% 0.20% 2.000
dal 17/03/76 0.80% 0.20% 5.000
dal 26/05/78 1.60% 0.40% 20.000
dal 29/12/82 1.60% 0.40% 50.000
dal 02/10/89 1.60% 0.40% 100.000
dal 22/05/93 1.60% 0.40% 150.000
dal 01/01/96 2% 1% 150.000
dal 20/06/96 2% 1% 250.000 129.11
dal 02/02/05 2% 1% 168.00
Alfredo Carnival
posted on 18/07/2005