Sunday, December 26, 2010

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"La gente ormai va solo in discesa..."

È questo quello che ho pensato ieri mattina quando percorrevo in macchina il nuovo tratto della Ss 42 che porta da Brescia in Valle Camonica.
Tutte le macchine in coda a 50 km/h, costanti come una maledizione che grava sul capo di un derelitto.
Poi si apre un tratto di rettilineo in discesa e uno pensa: "cazzo, adesso sorpasso questi handicappati del volante..".
E invece niente da fare.
All you accelerate and lead to a speed that would make impossible any overtaking safely.
you return to a normal cruising speed? Nothing to do, just finished the downhill all changes back, the pace of the grandmothers.
A flock of sheep, that's what they seem.

I am reminded of a barber.
As I cut my hair told me that he never in a hurry in the car.
Go around the state at 70 and 30 in towns.
He looks around, he says.
When you're on the third lane on the freeway at 90 and said to surpass the combination of vehicles playing and cursing.
He cares.
When he wants to exit the highway un casello qualsiasi e si ferma in un bar a bere un caffè per guardarsi in torno, vedere dove si trova.
Non ha mai fretta, dice.

Quel barbiere ha il negozio a qualche centinaia di metri da dove vive.
A mezzogiorno va a casa a mangiare.
Poi ritorna a tagliare i capelli.
Così da 30 anni, forse più.
Ha un tremila turbo-diesel e usa la macchina 4-5 volte l'anno.
Cambia la macchina ogni 2 anni perché così non diventa troppo vecchia.
Io faccio 30.000 km all'anno, in media quasi 10 ore a settimana di automobile.
Ha ragione lui, sono un coglione.
La prossima volta che vedo una discesa rallento.
Dopotutto, che cazzo me ne frega.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

I Love Lingual Braces


What I would like to save: the skyline aligned on different levels
The river makes a winding path that leads to an expanse of roofs and chimneys lined up on different levels, including bell towers and arches of a bridge old, destroyed and rebuilt after a war. The town is a tangle of narrow alleys and solitar i, old buildings with brick facades in brick rosso, finestre murate o affrescate da secoli. I portoni , diversi l’uno dall’altro, sono sempre chiusi e lasciano immaginare che, oltre, in quei cortili domestici, raccolti e nascosti allo sguardo, qualcuno non voglia essere disturbato . Le torri antiche rimaste in piedi sono poche ma restano a difendere la città e a mostrare la grandezza di chi le ha fatte costruire.
Torri nuove sono cresciute: c’è un grattacielo a guardia del fiume, c’è la torre Aids ed ora il nuovo Policlinico, a difendere la salute e a dar lustro alla città in campo medico.
L’Antica Città dei saperi vive con la sua storica e prestigiosa Università che keep up with the competitors large and small, a new university center outside the city walls is ready to accept students of all backgrounds in its colorful buildings.
The profile of the city today include modern forms and functional, the service of vital centers of the cities that feel a strong need for continuous renewal, that is, its hospitals and its universities. However, it remains always a little 'hard to identify the places of social and cultural spaces to be together .
When I return to Pavia, in the evening, I am reassured to see at a distance the outline of the dome of the cathedral and the sleek tower of Caramel. E ' This foreshortening of Pavia that best applies, speaks to me clearly and I orientation for years, so I did not lose more.
I like
The fountain in Piazza Petrarca
The people coming out of theater and the street that comes alive
Go in New Road during the graduation sessions, see the guys with the laurel wreath in head, hear the joyful songs of their friends and participate in their joy.
The museum which is open to citizens free of charge as often as I can
fio dla fog, their songs, poems and dialect of Pavia.

Historical memory 65-70 years:
For those who lived in the country, Pavia was:
  • the city where he attended high school only if they intend to subscribe to 'universities in Milan offered many alternative job opportunities and guidance
  • the town where care , because Milan was the most complicated move in traffic
  • the city's covered market and Piazza Petrarca where to find what you need
  • the miccone to try, soft, lightweight, single
  • pasta route Demetrius, good and cheap
  • the butcher and equine cacciatorini tasty horse

Friday, December 17, 2010

Making Popcorn In Trangia

Roma e l'inverno dentro di noi

Rome is cold as I've ever heard.
A beautiful and mysterious city, perhaps the last open-air museum in the world.
I'm here for work, but a little distance from home 'burden to me, was nothing but the habits die hard.
This blog helps me feel at home, but the cold out of this stagnant superalbergo asking you for a € 5.5 wi-fi for an hour ...

would hate to ever travel for work frequently, my kind of animal from the province, under these circumstances, manifests itself with all its force. But I think

if you were born and lived in a big city would have something together.
People born in the province but if you combine something I wonder why the combine in the city.
People move from the periphery of the empire to the city, only to discover that that city is none other than the periphery of something else.
and start again as if nothing had happened.
Looking for another great city in which to try to achieve anything in life.
Looking for someone with whom to share an idea, experience or just the cold that envelops us.
With the conclusion that perhaps there is no point at all and that coleremo peak, whether we like it or not.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Arabic Wedding Table Name

Cacciati due dita nel cuore. E vomita...

Ieri sera ho visto un programma fantastico.
Ok, probabilmente era sull'orlo del trash, ma in quanto tale certamente interessante.
Un team di esperti si occupava di recuperare alla vita una ragazza mollata a pochi giorno dal matrimonio, con il vestito da sposa nell'armadio e il ristorante prenotato.
C'erano una sessuologa, un personal trainer, parrucchieri ed estetisti, un chirurgo plastico e perfino un love trainer (che cazzo sarà poi un love trainer dio solo lo sa).

Non si trattava di uno di quei programmi farsa tipo Forum, la ragazza era davvero disperata. Non riusciva ad entrare in bedroom and his attitude flowed into fetishism.
he kept the hair on the pillow, crazy stuff.
Well, the pundits have all risen.
The diary of the heart, the slippers that he had given her, the first plush.
you always in tears.
And I wonder what ever.
How do you identify a story of love with objects?
How do you feel better to burn? What
mentally handicapped human being must exit from a situation before exiting material from a mental situation?
fact the chick threw all objects with desperation, perhaps as evidence that in fact did not want to do it.
Like if you were talking about a dead man. But
he was not dead, it was probably to get the cocks her with another girl
Maybe a little 'smarter and smarter.
If I were a team of pundits would have had only one tip for the poor wretched moaning.
"Driven two fingers in his heart. ... And vomits"

- Posted by iPad with Blogpress

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Remedies For Puffy Upper Eyelids

Moltheni. Air and light to my eyes

am speaking out of time to express my amazement at the beauty of the DVD "Novus ingredient" of Moltheni.
know you do not give a shit to anyone but now are so few things that surprised me positively that I wanted to do this in a late afternoon all, including a fix for a chapter and reinterpretation of another.
not stop to these lines.
Below I have written another post.
read that too.

- Posted by iPad with Blogpress

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Someone has to do the dirty work ... First

I started a few days to "clean up" the pages of my new book.
What seems more difficult than expected.
I saw almost in its entirety the first chapter (and the public preview at the time on this blog is now quite useless) while I'm using dozens of hours to fix terms, streamline shape, eliminating frills.

The need is to run the floor more, making it less heavy and more fluid. Remove the unnecessary details, the pedantry is not desired, the loophole without justification.

Writing a novel is obviously not how to make a record, of this I had already noticed long ago.
But I realized something.
When writing songs for an album comprises the first and is judged fit for purpose. Then it goes ahead with the second and so on.
In the meantime, however, continues to play well as earlier and these are gradually changed in the light of subsequent developments of the album.
In summary: When the last piece ends with all the songs are updated and last updated in some way the development of things.
For this you have a product that reflects the taste and photographed at that instant the artist.

By writing a book that does not happen. Once
certainly be re-read a chapter, but it is impossible to get 23eimo chapter and reread everything from the beginning.
This causes a disconnect between the first and last chapters I am trying to dab with a vigorous review of almost any material.

is not content but the form of exhibition.
But it is a big problem.
It takes time and patience, and both begin to run low.

I did the final bill and have exactly 25 chapters, spread over about 160 pages in A4 format.
I should do conto precise delle cartelle, ma non l'ho ancora fatto.
Ecco i nomi:

1 La stanza (parte I)
2 Il ballo dell'Est (maggio '86)
3 S.B.C. Solito Blocco Creativo
4 I mocassini del Professor Mangari
5 La scena dello scantinato
6 L'urlo di Rivetti
7 Funny Farm
8 Succhiare e farsi succhiare
9 Amore, lussuria ed eternità (parte I)
10 L'ennesima dimostrazione della pazzia dilagante di mio fratello
11 E' forse ora di cena?
12 Amore lussuria ed eternità (parte II)
13 Piccolo cuore-atomico-animale
14 Sala d'aspetto per un'inconcepibile serata d'estate
15 La stanza (parte II)
16 Eccesso di lucidità
17 The iron maiden
18 Meeting with Dr. Ceretti. The sixth line
19 Lessons of thermo-fluidics: the behavior of liquids
20 Wrath of the Righteous 21
three fingers and four cards yet to be discovered
22 Nice 23
worth a mass change of clothes, and a wild taximeters 24 The warning
room (Part III) 25
Photography final

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Tar Puglia agrees surveyors seismic design

Progettazione in zona sismica: il Tar Puglia dà ragione ai geometri
Annullata la circolare regionale che limitava la competenza dei
geometri alla zona 4

di Rossella Calabrese
23/11/2010 - È illegittima la Circolare interpretativa del 6 luglio
2010 con cui la Regione Puglia stabiliva che i geometri potessero
progettare esclusivamente nella zona sismica 4, perché non in possesso
delle conoscenze tecniche richieste dalla normativa sismica. Lo
afferma il Tar Puglia, con la Sentenza 3920 del 18 novembre 2010,
accogliendo il ricorso dei geometri pugliesi.
Secondo i giudici, la Circolare non è meramente “interpretativa” ma
introduce delle limitazioni oggettive all’attività di progettazione
dei geometri, in violazione delle norme sulle competenze
professionali, ed è quindi lesiva e modificativa dell’ordinamento

La vicenda
Con la Circolare interpretativa del 6 luglio 2010, il Servizio Lavori
Pubblici della Regione Puglia ha chiarito che “la competenza della
categoria professionale dei geometri in zona sismica può essere
consentita per la esclusiva zona classificata 4, alle attività di
progettazione, direzione lavori e vigilanza su lavori di riparazione
delle costruzioni esistenti, […] con esclusione, in ogni caso, di
opere che prevedano l’impiego di strutture in c.a. and steel. "

According to the Region Apulia, in the light of technical rules on
Construction (DM 14/01/2008) and Council Resolution 1626/2009 on
throughout the region you plan and carry out checks on the buildings following the rules
earthquake resistant structures
and testing the so-called "threshold states". In order to incorporate these methodologies
, engineers, architects and geologists
updated their knowledge gained in college courses for high school
the surveyors, however, does not teach technical
graduates to design in seismic verification methods with comparable
those within the competence of graduates.
On October 13, 2010
surveyors Puglia have appealed to the Tar
for the annulment of the Circular, arguing that it violates the rules
on skills of the surveyors. The ruling

According to the Tar, the Circular of the Puglia region circumscribing the
where surveyors can design buildings in seismic zones, has introduced
limitations not related to State legislation,
neither justified by the particular situation
Apulian territory.

says in fact that the Tar
the identification of individual figures and their professional skills up to the State, the Regions can
solo disciplinare gli aspetti strettamente connessi
alla realtà regionale.

Per questi motivi, il Tribunale amministrativo ha annullato la
Circolaree condannato la Regione Puglia al pagamento delle spese
(riproduzione riservata)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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scaffolding, plastic components to cover pipes and joints

L'elemento in plastica impiegato per rivestire i giunti dei ponteggi a tubi e giunti

Con la Circolare n. 29 del 27 agosto 2010 il Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali risponde ad alcuni quesiti concernenti le norme per la prevenzione degli infortuni sul lavoro nelle Construction and working at heights (Chapter II, Title IV, Leg. No 81/2008 and subsequent amendments).

Question No 7
element plastic used to cover the joints of scaffolding pipes and joints can be one of the solutions to fulfill the provisions of paragraph 1.5 of Annex XVIII of the Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, for what concerns the projections of the dangerous crossing points? In addition, the plastic element is subject to authorization / omlogazione compulsory subject issued by the public?

"The realization of that element with the objective of limiting the risks due to projections of the coupling parts is to be established in connection with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 108 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, which reads "Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 (Traffic in yards) of Annex XVIII, while working on construction sites must be ensured the viability of people and vehicles." Therefore, in the first question, it is believed that the realization of this dispsitivo may be one of solutions to meet the said Article 108. Regarding the second question aimed to know if there must be a possible authorization / approval of this device, note that the rules do not provide for any type of authorization / approval for the element of that question. "

Source: Ministry Labour

Sunday, October 31, 2010

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security, including security costs

"Sicurezza, costi omnicomprensivi"
fonte Italia Oggi, Carla De Lellis / Sicurezza sul lavoro
25/10/2010 - Le spese di manutenzione, quelle di riscaldamento/ condizionamento e di pulizia dei baraccamenti si computano tra i costi della sicurezza dei cantieri temporanei o mobili. È quanto precisa il ministero del lavoro nella nota protocollo n. 17549/2010, rispondendo a un quesito formulato dall'Ara' ce, l'associazione nazionale dei costruttori edili. I costi della sicurezza. Il codice dei contratti pubblici (digs n. 163/2006) prevede, tra l'altro, che, gli oneri e i costi relativi alla sicurezza sul lavoro, che derivano dall'aggiudicazione di un appalto, devono essere evidenziati nei bandi di gare and are not subject to reduction of the auction. This is to, obviously, to avoid that companies can reduce the estimate of the costs of security measures. The Tu Security (Legislative Decree No 81/200) provides that, when it is planned the preparation of the security plan and coordination (PES) in the cost of security should be estimated for the entire duration of the work provided on site, charges relating to: ) What to do to set the PSC; b) the preventive and protective measures and personal protective equipment may be provided in the PSC for processing interfering c) to track and protect against lightning, the fire safety systems, plant evacuation smoke; d) means, and security services collective e) the procedures contained in the PSC and planned for specific security reasons, f) to any interventions aimed at security and the time lag required for spatial or temporal processing of interfering g) measures to coordinate the use of preparing common , equipment, infrastructure, transport services and public protection. For works falling within the scope of the Procurement Code (Legislative Decree n.163/2006) and pearls which no preparation of the PSC also provides that the contracting authorities can justify you in security costs should be estimated for the entire provided for the duration of working in the yard, the cost of preventive and protective measures aimed at safety and health of workers. The estimate must be fair, analytical individual items, or a body to measure, referring to price lists, standard or specialized, or based on official price lists or price lists in force in the area concerned, or the list price of the security measures of the client; if a list price is not applicable or not available, will be referenced to complete and cost derived from market surveys. Individual items of security costs, still must be calculated by considering the cost of their use for the site concerned, including, when applicable, the installation and subsequent removal, any maintenance and depreciation. The security costs as identified sono compresi nell'importo totale dei lavori, e individuano la parte del costo dell'opera da non assoggettare a ribasso nelle offerte delle imprese esecutrici. Il T.u., infine, stabilisce che il direttore dei lavori liquida l'importo relativo ai costi della sicurezza previsti in base allo stato di avanzamento lavori, previa approvazione da parte del coordinatore per l'esecuzione dei lavori quando previsto. Relativamente alle spese che possono rientrare nei «costi della sicurezza», come detto non soggetti a ribasso d'asta' negli appalti, l'Ance ha sottoposto al ministero del lavoro un quesito in cui ha chiesto di conoscere se, in relazione ai «baraccamenti», possano essere ricomprese oltre alle spese di installazione iniziale degli stessi, including those relating to heating / air conditioning, cleaning and maintenance. The Ministry replied in the affirmative. First, he recalled that Annex XV of the security you provide, ja alia, that "in the cost of security should be estimated for the entire duration of the work planned on the site, the costs of What to set the security plan and coordination (PSC). " In addition, it pointed out that the same Annex XV recalls the preparations between the "... toilets, washing rooms, dressing rooms, canteens, shelter and rest rooms and dormitories ;...», adding that, Grandma, What to them are made by using prefabricated cylinder blocks, commonly referred to as 'barracks'. Ultimately, in light of the circumstances and taking into account, again, that more and Annex XV provides that "each item of security costs should be calculated by considering the cost of their use for the site concerned, including, when applicable, the laying on site and subsequent removal, any maintenance and depreciation., the Ministry concludes that the costs of maintenance of 'barracks' may be (indeed 'go') part of those security costs. Similarly, he adds, finally, the ministry, including heating costs and those of packaging and cleaning costs, are required to use the horn of the same barracks, should be included among the costs of security. Facilities classified according to use. The machines' and equipment, for safety at work, are classified according to their function and not to denominazione.E As stated, inter alia, by the Ministry of Labour in the note Protocol 17495/2010. The clarification came in response to a question put by ISPESL, in which he was asked to explain what rules should be subject to the use of auxiliary hoists installed in cars and piling equipment. The first explanation is that the ministry is on the classification of the machines, then the classification from which they derive constraints for security. The classification of a machine is identified by the function it performed in practice and not by its name. So, the actual classification is determined by its intended use and not the way it is called by the manufacturer or by type of construction to which the manufacturer declares that it belongs. The consequence of so much, then, is the manufacturer to identify and use the correct mode of use, emphasizing the possible misuse and those reasonably foreseeable misuse, defining, thus intrinsic. cally the features of the machine. Entering the specific question, then, the ministry noted that the lifting part and parcel of machines that target specific operational such as winches for pile-driving, apparatus for performing drilling, drilling, therefore do not fall into the category of lifting equipment (listed in Annex VII of the Tu safety) which require testing with predetermined intervals (at pursuant to paragraph 11, Article 71 of. digs No 81/2008). However, the ministry added, when the auxiliary winch has such a design to be used outside of its specific destination, then it becomes in effect for lifting equipment of undifferentiated material for which there is an obligation of periodic checks. In this case, the ministry noted, the use can be considered as inappropriate behavior but reasonably foreseeable and that this may result in risks not taken into account in the design and construction of the machine. Therefore, if not properly highlighted in the manual, you can configure it gives the manufacturer the violation of the relevant requirements of Annex I to the digs No 17/2010. In conclusion, the ministry says that, with respect to security requirements related to its functionality, although associated with the drilling as a hoist, winches installed in the auxiliary machinery and piling equipment: - from the construction point of view, must be meet the safety requirements for risks relevant to this type of functionality, whether this is expressly provided by the manufacturer, whether this is the result of improper use but reasonably foreseeable in relation to the specific target of the same - with regard to safety during the period, are be brought under control and, if included among the equipment identified in Annex VII of the Tu security, should be subject to procedures dl occurs periodica.http: / /

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barracks heating costs to void contract

"Security, domestic cost under penalty of nullity
source Il Sole 24 ore, Peter Manzari / Safety at Work
25/10/2010 - The legislation sicurezza del lavoro prevede particolari misure per ridurre e prevenire i rischi legati alle prestazioni lavorative svolte durante un appalto. I contratti di appalto devono contenere, a pena di nullità (articolo 1418, codice civile), i costi concernenti la sicurezza del lavoro. Sono le disponibilità necessarie per eliminare o ridurre i rischi da interferenza delle lavorazioni, inoltre tali costi non sono soggetti a ribasso, secondo il disposto di cui all'articolo 26 del decreto legislativo n. 81/2008. Il datore di lavoro, in caso di affidamento di lavori all'impresaappaltatrice o a lavoratori autonomi all'interno della propria azienda deve: verificare l'idoneità tecnico professionale delle imprese appaltatrici o dei lavoratori autonomi in relazione the work by subcontract, to provide companies with detailed information about those specific risks that exist in the environment in which they are intended to operate and on prevention measures and emergency measures. Employers, including subcontractors, are also required to cooperate in the implementation of both prevention and protection from occupational hazards incidents with the working of the contract is to coordinate the actions of protection and prevention Uzziah risks workers are exposed. The client altresìla promotes cooperation and coordination by creating one document for risk assessment (DUVRI), which must state the measures taken to eliminate or, where that is. possible reduce the risk of interference. The DUVRI must be attached to the contract or work and should be adjusted to reflect the work, services and supplies. The requirement to prepare a document evaluating the risks of interference does not apply to services of an intellectual nature, the mere supply of materials or equipment, as well as works or services which do not last longer than two days, provided that they do not their risks arising from the presence of carcinogens, biological, explosive or by the presence of particular risks to health and safety is believed that the two days will be computed with reference to temporal aunarco not necessarily continuous, but result of a combination of individual performance, anche episodiche (nota del ministero del Lavoro del 12 maggio 2010). L'imprenditore committente risponde in solido con l'appaltatore, nonché con ciascuno degli eventuali subappaltatori, per tutti i danni per i quali il lavoratore non risulti indennizzato dall' Inail. Tuttavia questa responsabilità non si applica ai danni che siano conseguenza dei rischi specifici propri dell'attività delle imprese appaltatrici.

Friday, October 8, 2010

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Lazio, the new house plan

Piano Casa Lazio, i numeri della nuova legge
Incluse zone agricole, sopraelevazioni, demolizione e ricostruzione di edifici industriali
di Paola Mammarella
05/10/2010 - Via libera al nuovo Piano Casa del Lazio. La norma, approved last Friday by the Government, the Regional Law 21/2009 amends by introducing more permissive for the volumetric expansion of buildings and replacement buildings through demolition and reconstruction. Ever since the installation of the new regional government president Polverini had indeed expressed a willingness to introduce more liberalization to support the revitalization building.
The main novelty is the extension of measures to raise agricultural areas, the green light to the elevations and demolition and reconstruction for industrial buildings, but also the ability to monetize the secondary infrastructure works are impossible to achieve with the payment of an extraordinary contribution equal to 50% of the concession fees payable under the Presidential Decree 380/2001.

The buildings consist of several building units can be extended in proportion to the percentage applicable to individual homes.

The seismic resulting from enlargement of the right to a premium of 35% in a seismic zones and subzones 2a and 2b. In sub-3a and 3b, however, accept a bonus of 25%.

The intended use must remain unchanged for five years. The change from non-residential to residential use is permitted instead, except in areas D and E, for the renovation or replacement building with extension to 30%, aimed at the recovery of housing to meet the population live.

The demolition and reconstruction of residential buildings and production areas that fall outside the C and E pay a bonus of up to 35%, rising to 60% on multi-family residential buildings over 500 square meters state of decay. In any event must be observed distances and heights provided by the NTC.

interventions can be made with Dia and building permits to be submitted by December 31, 2013. The new draft does not incorporate the innovations of the maneuver and then summer, which brought the Shah in place of the Notice of logins. The municipalities may decide a reduction in concession fees up to 30%.

I can find common areas to be allocated to the construction of residential housing and public office. Are obliged to do so municipalities with more than 25 000 inhabitants.

(reproduction reserved)

Monday, October 4, 2010

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booklet accompanying the assembly of scaffolding

When it is attached to 'buy the book for ministerial?

With Circular No. 29 of 27 August 2010 the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy answers some questions concerning the standards for the prevention of occupational accidents in construction and the work in part (Chapter II, Title IV, Leg. No 81/2008 and subsequent amendments).

Question: Every time you buy them
elements of scaffolding must be attached to ministerial authorization to purchase the book?

Answer: In this
roposito please note that paragraph 6 of art. 131 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, Arranges states that "anyone who intends to use scaffolding by the manufacturer must obtain a copy of the ministerial authorization referred to in paragraph 2 and the instructions and diagrams referred to in paragraph 1, letter d), e), f) and g) Article 132 "of the same Decree is called the book of ministerial authorization. In addition to paragraph 1) of Article 134 of the same decree establishes che "nei cantieri in cui vengono usati ponteggi deve essere tenuta ed esibita, a richiesta degli organi di vigilnaza, copia della documentazione di cui al comma 6 dell'articolo 131" del decreto di cheui trattasi, "e copia del piano di montaggio, uso e smontaggio (Pi.MU.S.)".

fonte: Ministero del Lavoro
2 ottobre 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Largest Frog Ever Caught

Ministry of Simplification: The trail is also applicable to common building

20/09/2010 - Arrivano i primi chiarimenti del Governo sulla Segnalazione certificata di inizio attività (Scia) con una nota firmata dal capo dell'Ufficio legislativo del ministero della Semplificazione, Giuseppe Chinè, inviata alla Regione Lombardia, che il 30 agosto scorso aveva posto un quesito.
"La nota - precisa Chinè - è frutto di un lavoro di coordination with the Ministries of Public Administration, Infrastructure and Economy and expresses, therefore, the government's position. "
remember that the trail (Article 49, paragraph 4-bis of Legislative Decree 31 May 2010, n.78, converted the Law of 30 July 2010, n.122) entered into force for over a month and a half and so far was creating doubts as to interpretation, applicability to construction but also on coordination with the Consolidated Building.

The note states that the Ministry takes place in the wake of "any act of authorization, license, grant is not constitutive, permit or cleared however denominated, including applications for entries in books or roles required for the performance di attività imprenditoriale, commerciale o artigianale, il cui rilascio dipenda esclusivamente dall'accertamento di requisiti e presupposti richiesti dalla legge o di atti amministrativi a contenuto generale e non sia previsto alcun limite o contingente complessivo o specifici strumenti di programmazione settoriale per il rilascio degli atti stessi" ed è corredata dalla documentazione specificamente richiesta dalla normativa di settore.

Sulla base delle precedenti premesse il Ministero, nella citata nota precisa che il quesito in ordine all'applicabilità della disciplina della segnalazione certificata di inizio attività alla materia edilizia non può che trovare risposta positiva, sulla base del fatto che assume rilievo l'argomento letterale, because, pursuant to Section 4 - ter of Article 49 of Law No 122, 2010, the terms "certified signaling the beginning of activity" and "Wake" substitute, respectively, those of "declaration of commencement activities" and "Dia", "everywhere also occurs as part of a wider expression, both in regulations state that in those regions.

The note is also made clear that the discipline of Shah applies to their building while maintaining the same field of application than the DIA, thus not interfering with the scope of the other qualifying title (eg planning permission, which is characterized by a discipline detailed in the text and complete single building, the which is not attributable to either the literal level, nor on the functional one, that of the new Trail).

Note, finally, with respect to construction matters, clarifies the following additional points of relevance:
in the case of building work in the area under constraint, there remains the burden of acquiring and reporting the allegation of the specific act of certified agreement the entity responsible for the protection of the bond itself, such an act, by virtue of the express provision of Article 19, paragraph 1, of Law 241, 1990 ("with the exception of cases where there are environmental, heritage and cultural") can not be replaced by the Shah, Dia
for building filed before the entry into force of the news article 19 of Law No 241 of 1990, even in the event that the date of entry into force had not yet expired the deadline for the exercise of power by inhibition of the administration, applicable regulations can only be that which applied at the time of the Dia , the possibility for the private use of the effects of presenting news, for the same action, a wake.

By Paul Oreto

[Playing reserved] edilizia_7131.html

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sonicare Won't Charge

Sezze and problems of the safety camera

Martedì 27 Luglio 2010 Il messaggero

Crea sempre più difficoltà per il Comune di Sezze la vicenda degli autovelox giudicati irregolari dal giudice di pace, che nelle ultime settimane ha accolto decine di ricorsi presentati dagli automobilisti multati. A dirsi preoccupato dagli ultimi sviluppi e a chiedere informazioni al sindaco Andrea Campoli è addirittura il collegio dei revisori dei conti del Comune lepino. L’organo chiamato a vigilare sulle casse comunali ha chiesto conferma all’amministrazione degli ultimi sviluppi del caso sottolineando che «le notizie apprese attraverso la stampa locale, se confermate, prospettano rilevanti conseguenze per il bilancio dell’ente». Asking to know what steps the City intends to put in place to protect its position, the three components of the audit calls the junta "to a prudent management of all budget items associated with the management of speed cameras." The consideration of the appeal of
fined, after the technical assessment has highlighted numerous irregularities in the permit and the installation of two speed cameras on street Lepinis is actually producing negative consequences for the city. After the presentation of a copy of the order confirming the reduction of ANAS speed limits from 90 to 70 mph, but was related to a road other than the one chosen to place speed cameras, the City has been condemned by the justice of the peace for "vexatious litigation", thus tripling the legal fees for the appeal won by fined. The latest developments also fueling criticism of political opposition: the director of the PDL Rinaldo Ceccano presented a new question to the mayor, asking, among other things, "because the administration still does not appeal the cancellation of fines in self-defense and which chapters of the budget will accommodate the planned spending for lawyers "to which the City has relied on after the acceptance of first appeals. PLAY PRIVATE

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Head Table Seating Plan Template

"Risk-stress for employees, a further five months to comply"

"Risk-stress for employees, still five months to comply "source
Italy Today / Safety at Work
19/07/2010 - Five more months to adapt security measures to combat stress at work. The entry into force of the provisions of the Tu scheduled for the August postponed to December 31. For both AR (already provided for under Decree Law No. 78/2010) and for companies. The management of risk from work-related stress has made debut in You (Legislative Decree No. 81108), which with explicit reference to the principles of the Europe October 8, 2004. Amendments to Legislative Decree No. 106/09 established that the assessment of the risk must be carried out in accordance with specific indicators to be developed by the Standing Advisory Commission and the new obligation stress risk assessment, and pa for businesses, starting on 1 August 2010, a term which, with the approval of corrective action, postponed to 31/12/2010. The move then another 12 months to "the actual identification of specific needs for services performed or to the specific organization," which must be identified with specific ministerial decrees. The rule affects the armed forces and police, firefighters, civil protection services, judicial structures prisons, universities, educational institutions, the Carabinieri, the police. The extended period (one year) was established 24 months after the entry into force of You (May 15, 2008).

Pro Keds, Royal Court, Skittles

buildings acoustics Classification: Published UNI 11367

buildings acoustics Classification: UNI 11367
published shortly in the Council of Ministers decree on the classification of the acoustic requirements of buildings
Ross Calabrese 23/07/2010 - It was published last July 22 to the UNI 11367 "Acoustics in buildings - Rating of sound housing units - Evaluation and verification work."
The standard defines the acoustic classification of buildings based on measurements taken at the end of the work, which will inform future owners / residents on the acoustic characteristics of the dwelling and to protect the various actors involved in the construction process (designers, manufacturers of building materials, manufacturers, vendors, etc.). from possible future claims.

The UNI 11367 applies to all types of buildings, except those used for agricultural, industrial and handicraft. Within the scope of the rule, the acoustic requirements of hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and schools are defined by a specific appendix.

The UNI 11367 provides four different classes of acoustic efficiency, ranging from Class 1, which identifies the highest level (quieter), class 4, which is the lowest (louder): It is considered that, although the level performance "Basic" is represented by the third class, the vast majority of Italian buildings that currently exist do not even reach the fourth grade.

The class is given - on the basis of measurements of noise levels and not only design data - with the individual units and not the whole building (for example, in the case of a condominium, the class must be assigned to each of the apartments that compose it, and not generically to the entire building). If, on the one hand, this makes it difficult to determine acoustical efficiency, the other is a better guarantee on the final result.

The overall evaluation of efficiency must be accompanied by tests for each requirement considered: they are subject to a classification of facade insulation, isolation from neighbors (both for aircraft noise, both for foot traffic noise) and the noise level of the plant. In the case of the hotels are also considered as the noise insulation between rooms in the same housing unit (eg, between the rooms).

development of standards was attended by over 60 experts representing all interests "at stake". In fact, all the steps that converge in the completion of the building are key to the acoustic results: planning, execution of works, the laying in place of the materials, construction management, any inspections during construction, etc..

"The rule of acoustic classification of buildings - Piero said Torretta, UNI-President is in addition to the energy performance of buildings (UNI TS 11300), by improving the information available to the user of the asset building. Framework, with the mechanism of graded classification gives the building a fine new economic value related to the ability to meet the needs of that user often intangible (convenience, privacy, CO2 emissions, material consumption ...).

Recall that by July 2010, the Government must enact the new rules on sound insulation in buildings, implementing the delegation referred to in Article 11 of Law No 88, July 7, 2009.

One of the next Ministerial Council will consider two measures:
- an enactment relating to noise standards;
- a legislative decree on the classification of the acoustic requirements of buildings.

The definition of "criteria for the design, construction and renovation of buildings and construction of transport infrastructure, in order to protect against noise" will come with a decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, in consultation with Minister for the Environment (read more).

Source: UNI (reproduction reserved)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Drinking Chicken Eggs

Deductions 36% 55%: Apart from the withholding tax of 10% of expenditure on subsidies

Deductions 36% and 55%, apart from the withholding tax of 10% of expenditure on subsidies
07/05/2010 - It is operational from 1 July 2010, the withholding tax of 10%, as stated by art. 25 of Decree-Law May 31, 2010, No 78 entitled "Urgent measures for financial stabilization and economic competitiveness," which banks and Poste Italian SPA will be made for the payment of income tax due to the beneficiaries, with the requirement rivalsa, all'atto dell'accredito dei pagamenti relativi ai bonifici disposti dai contribuenti per le spese agevolate con la detrazione del 36% per il recupero edilizio delle abitazioni, o con quella del 55% per la riqualificazione energetica degli edifici.

Per far fronte all'operatività della ritenuta, l'Agenzia delle Entrate, lo scorso 30 giugno 2010, ha emanato il provvedimento n. 94288 concernente appunto l'effettuazione delle ritenute alla fonte ai sensi dell'articolo 25 del decreto-legge 31 maggio 2010, n. 78, sui pagamenti relativi ai bonifici disposti dai contribuenti per beneficiare di oneri deducibili o per i quali spetta la detrazione d'imposta. In particolare, con il provvedimento n. 94288/2010 l'Agenzia ha individuato types of payment made by bank transfer or check, in relation to areas covered by withholding, as well as certification and reporting requirements imposed on banks and one of the Italian SPA, which should include:
operate, when 'crediting the withholding tax, with the obligation of revenge;
transferring the corresponding amount in the manner provided for in Article 17 of Legislative Decree 9 July 1997, No 241;
issue a certification of withholding made to the beneficiary;
indicated in the declaration of withholding data on the payments made.

The measure establishes the Agency, In addition, the withholding tax of 10% must be placed on payments for transfers to storage costs
recovery of the housing stock within the meaning of Article 1 of the Law of 27 December 1997, no 449 and amended;
cost energy saving measures under Article 1, paragraphs 344, 345, 346 and 347 of Law December 27, 2006, No 296, as amended. The measure

Agency has also given other obligations, and subsequent attached, which are required financial players:
pay the withholding F24, using the tax code 1039, established by Resolution No. 65 E
certify the same to the beneficiary's bank by 28 February of the following
made in the declaration of withholding (770).

Finally, we the ANCE initiative that is seeking a reconsideration of the Government on this restraint in the belief that, for companies 'regular', this only translates into lower cash flow, which goes to add to the already huge financial problems linked to the current economic downturn and the "credit crunch" is going through the area. In any case, the operational difficulties related to the implementation of the withholding by the Banks and the Italian Post Office, it seems likely that, in the conversion of DL 78/2010 (Currently before the Senate), is provided for an extension of the entry into force of the provision.

Access Focus Deductions 55%, and read all about it.
By Ilene Cicirello

[Playing reserved] on-credit-payment-of-the-spese_6843.html

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Harold Et Kumar Bottomless Party

property sale Borgo San Donato

Copying LTB0382 PROPERTY LOC. BORGO SAN DONATO - Sabaudia (LT) of 10 May 2010

photos on 1 / 1
https: / / / demaniovendite / index.php? DettaglioOfferta & page = 2431 & idt = backPage & hmac = = = cGFnaW5hPWxpc3RhT2ZmZXJ0YSZpZHJlZ2lvbmU9MTI 863d08baab699171cdc2bac94c713b3c
Su Via Migliara 47, zona centrale si Borgo San Donato si vende compendio immobiliare costituito da 5 unità immobiliari. L’unità immobiliare contraddistinta al sub 6 è occupata con titolo scaduto. L’unità immobiliare distinta con il sub 9 è occupata senza titolo. Il bene si vende nello stato di fatto, anche relativo agli impianti, e di diritto in cui si trova e si rende noto che nella determinazione del prezzo si è tenuto conto di tutte le condizioni manutentive dello stesso nonché dello stato occupazionale dei sub 6 e 9 che rimane a carico dell’acquirente.
Regione: Lazio
Provincia: Latina
Comune: Sabaudia
CAP: 04016
Ubicazione: Centrale
Dati tecnici
Proprietà: Demanio dello Stato
Tipologia: Fabbricato
Destinazione: Mista
Superficie lorda: 815
Stato manutentivo: Mediocre
Stato occupazionale: Occupato
Stato contratto:
Data inizio contratto:
Data fine contratto:
Ultimo canone:
Dati catastali
Rendita: Sub 1 € 818,07 - Sub 6 € 954,41 - Sub 7 € 818,07 - Sub 8 € 387,34 - Sub 9 € 355,06
Foglio: 20
Mappale: 23 - 127 - 128
Subalterno: 1 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Termini di vendita
Lotto: 6
Bando: LAZIO_Avviso_vendita_prot_6310_08_04_2010.pdf
Terms of sale: Call for public offering
Classification: Property
Base price: 330.000,00
Deposit: 33.000,00
Expire: 07/06/2010 at 16:00
Consideration of Bids: 10 am: 30 of 08/06/2010
Contact: Paolo Mancini
Email: @ paolo.mancini
06/480241 Fax: 06/48024289
Address: Via Piacenza No 3 -00184 Rome
Availability: 09:00 to 13:00 / 14:30 to 16:00
Contact Center: 800,800,023

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meeting ctu court Latina

Judge Execution Dr. Lorenzo Ferri Realty has set a meeting with the consultants Technology Office members of the Chamber for the day Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 16:00 in the Aula of the Court of Assizes of the Court of Latin America, regarding the operational procedures in the performance of advisory activities.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Trailers Buy Northern Ireland

land and building amnesty amnesty

Maneuver financial amnesty amnesty
register as uncertain amounts of income from the settlement; suggested extension of the measure in Parliament
Paolo Mammarella
26/05/2010 - A regularization of unauthorized building for the modification of the consistency and destination of a property.
The demand for amnesty, which must be submitted by December 31, 2010, will pay the required fees from 1 January 2009 and third penalties. Expiry date of December 31, interested parties could be fined up to one third of the land value.

This would be the measure on the properties contained in the 2011-2013 budget package of 24 billion euro, launched last night by the Council of Ministers.

According to the investigations of the Agency of Natural Resources, launched two years ago, the buildings would be about 2 million "ghost" that is not declared to the register (read more). For the regularization, open until Dec. 31, there are incentives to municipalities equal to 33% of additional revenue.

Thanks to the overlap of cadastral maps with aerial photographs have been identified over 2 milioni di particelle non ancora registrate. Per 518 mila sono state presentate le pratiche di aggiornamento, con un incremento delle rendite catastali di circa 250 milioni di euro.

Sono state diverse le manifestazioni di dissenso. “La regolarizzazione catastale è uguale al condono”, ha affermato il Presidente della Conferenza delle Regioni, Vasco Errani, al termine del Consiglio dei Ministri. Sull’emersione degli immobili sconosciuti al catasto, Errani ha sottolineato che se si regolarizza una casa senza nessuna concessione edilizia si tratta di fatto di un condono. È stato infatti ipotizzato un ampliamento della misura da parte del Parlamento. Il Presidente ha annunciato per giovedì prossimo l’apertura del confronto in the Conference of the Regions.

uncertain the amount of revenue from the second regularization Nens, association new economy new society, since according to the techniques used can not be established if all particles are found to be piled. The annuity may also be reduced if the buildings to residential use should be passed, in warehouses or garages.

There are other cases of doubt, as the first houses, which are not subject to income tax and ICI, and payments of pensions alleged pending adverse possession, which do not constitute evasion.

To quantify the effects of maneuver, however, are still required filings with the technical parts and adjustments before signed by the President of the Republic.
(reproduction reserved)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Causes Of Night Binges

with the operation comes the amnesty register

with the operation comes the amnesty will register
regularization of land changes. Reduced the possibility of building amnesty circulated in recent days

Paolo Mammarella Read 1633 times Vote Results 4 votes
25/05/2010 - CdM will be discussed tonight in the decree on emergency measures for financial stabilization and economic competitiveness. The budget for 2011 and 2012, which among other measures providing for the regularization of "property fantasma”, ha fatto discutere per il possibile inserimento del condono edilizio, che sembra al momento escluso.

Nel testo sul tavolo del Consiglio dei Ministri resta quindi la razionalizzazione catastale, una misura che consentirà la regolarizzazione degli immobili sconosciuti al Catasto, ma che risultano dai rilievi fotografici ottenuti con un’operazione di verifica avviata due anni fa.

Per la regolarizzazione degli immobili fantasma ci sarà tempo fino al 31 dicembre con sanzioni ridotte di un terzo. In caso di mancata risposta, all’immobile sarà applicata una rendita presuntiva. Decorsa tale data si rischierà d vedersi attribuita una rendita presunta, e di pagaare una multa fino ad un terzo value catastale.Il working group also examined three possibilities:

- the immediate regularization within two months after the entry into force of the norm, with the payment of taxes due in the last two years without penalties;

- by the regularization six months with the payment of the last five annual installments without penalty;

- the payment of the last five annual installments added to the sanctions.

It is estimated that the regularization of undeclared property could generate a revenue of 1.5 billion euro.

However, it remains to solve the unknowns of unauthorized. According to many practitioners, in fact, buildings are not declared in some cases may also be associated with the building permit violations. For this purpose the Government had thought that the amnesty planning, along with further declarations land, approximately 6 billion would be handled.

The hypothesis of amnesty, as well as agreed on property ghost, however, has aroused a wave of criticism and controversy. "A new amnesty - said ANCE - would be a serious mistake. Especially at a time of economic crisis like this, such a measure is likely to play a role of unfair competition and damage companies that operate under conditions of transparency and legality. "

After meeting with Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, President of Italy Carlo Sangalli Network Enterprises has declared himself optimistic about the possibility of permanent deferral of the building amnesty.

On the other hand, without amnesty municipalities may face a number of buildings in areas where it would not be possible to build, having to turn on long, costly for demolition.

The ball is now in the CDM, from which 18 will start the debate on the maneuver.

(reproduction reserved)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How Much Provisional Licence In 1982

inheritance tax as it changed over the years

What taxes in case of succession New Measure for ipocatastali, stamp duty and mortgage rates
number of important innovations have recently focused on the formalities required in the event of succession.
The issue of succession, in recent years has been the subject of a series of interventions by the legislature in terms of tax, aimed mainly at reducing the compliance by the taxpayer, in the sense of easier and less burdensome to the obligations of heirs. These include the Law 383, October 18, 2001, which eliminated the requirement, with effect from October 26, 2001, submitting the declaration of succession in case the axis there are no hereditary property, and, more recently, the law n . 326, 2003, which replaced for sequences not yet expired al 26 novembre 2003, il termine "storico" di sei mesi, entro i quali doveva essere presentata la denuncia di successione, col nuovo termine di un anno.

In questa direzione, è prevista a breve termine un'altra significativa novità, grazie alla dichiarazione unica telematica che sostituirà il modello cartaceo, nell'ottica perseguita dall'Agenzia delle Entrate di modernizzare e facilitare i compiti dei contribuenti, migliorando i servizi, come già avviene per le dichiarazioni dei redditi o per gli atti notarili.

Altri interventi importanti sono invece intervenuti nel campo dei tributi collegati alla successione, attraverso una serie di modifiche alle imposte; tra queste, la stessa legge 383/2001 che ha abolito inheritance tax, and the most recent changes introduced by Decree-Law 7 of 31 January 2005, which established mortgage and land tax increases, limited to the fixed minimum amounts and taxes, together with the changes that have affected the stamp duty and mortgage duty payable for registration formalities.

By Decree-Law 7 / 2005, the registration fees, mortgage and land, from the firm in January 1996 in a fixed and a minimum of € 129.11, € 168.00 rose to 1 February 2005. The new amounts are effective for claims submitted on or after that date.
The changes affect only the minimum tax and stationary rates were unchanged del 2 per cento per l'imposta ipotecaria e dell'1 per cento per quella catastale.

Come già detto, relativamente alle successioni aperte dopo il 25 ottobre 2001, la dichiarazione va presentata soltanto se nell'asse ereditario sono presenti beni immobili o diritti reali immobiliari, per i quali devono essere corrisposte, in autoliquidazione, le imposte ipotecaria e catastale, entro il termine per la presentazione della dichiarazione di successione (un anno dal 26/11/2003).
Tali imposte, oltre all'imposta di bollo e alle tasse ipotecarie, costituiscono i tributi previsti per le successioni, che gli eredi devono versare prima della presentazione della denuncia di successione al competente ufficio dell'Agenzia delle Entrate.

Legislative Decree 31 October 1990, No 347, provides for the mortgage and land taxes, respectively, the rates of 2 and 1 per cent to be applied to the estate, commensurate with the gross value of the property and interests in land.
If the resulting tax is less than the minimum established - as already said - € 168.00, you must pay this amount.
In some cases the sequences are serving the mortgage and land taxes in a fixed amount of € 168.00, the most common hypothesis is that of the facilities required for the first home. These sequences have the effect of transfer of ownership of dwellings and their appurtenances that do not have luxury features, on the part of beneficiaries or any one of them must be fulfilled the requirements and conditions to benefit from the facilities as required under the tariff attached to the Presidential Decree 131/1986.

mortgage and land taxes represent the cost of the update service registers, following the transfer of real property or interests in land for the benefit of the heirs would require the formalities of registration in the land register and cadastral registration: they are These are the tax requirements of the two taxes.
rates by 1 percent and 2 percent will apply to the taxable amount, based on the value declared by the heirs. The values \u200b\u200bof the property and interests in land should be considered without taking into account any liabilities imposed on them (18 October 2001 Circular No. 91 / E).
proportional taxes are rounded to the nearest euro for failure if the fraction is less than 50 cents, or in excess, otherwise.

Remind that, for the additional submissions, which indicate the heirs of the additional properties not previously reported, thus increasing the total value of the tax base from that stated in the first statement, apply the taxes corresponding to the higher proportion declared value, always with a minimum of € 168.00. For
declaration changes, which require the formalities of registration for confirmation or correction another transcript of the same act, are always paid taxes on a fixed (ministerial resolution No. 23 of 02.12.1997).

The other important change consists of changes to stamp duty, increased from € 41.32 to € 59.00 for each request to the appropriate precautionary formalities, and mortgage rates, rose to 35.00 euro.
Even those taxes should be granted and paid by the heirs prior to the declaration of succession, along with others, self-assessment with model F23, in accordance with Article 11, paragraph 1, letter e) of Decree-Law 79/97, at any dealer, bank or post office.
For buildings located in the province di Bolzano, Gorizia, Trento e Trieste, vigendo per essi il sistema tavolare di registrazione, non grava sull'ufficio l'obbligo di trascrizione; pertanto, l'imposta di bollo e la tassa ipotecaria non sono dovuti.

Variazioni delle imposte ipotecaria e catastale

ipotecaria catastale minima/fissa (lire) minima/fissa (euro)
dal 01/01/70 0.80% 0.20% 2.000
dal 17/03/76 0.80% 0.20% 5.000
dal 26/05/78 1.60% 0.40% 20.000
dal 29/12/82 1.60% 0.40% 50.000
dal 02/10/89 1.60% 0.40% 100.000
dal 22/05/93 1.60% 0.40% 150.000
dal 01/01/96 2% 1% 150.000
dal 20/06/96 2% 1% 250.000 129.11
dal 02/02/05 2% 1% 168.00

Alfredo Carnival
posted on 18/07/2005

Thursday, April 29, 2010

On Time In Full Calculation

Lazio, via the certification of sustainability of buildings

can enroll at 'Lazio also list the certification on the lists of other regions

12/04/2010 - has been published in the Bulletin of Lazio No 11 of 20 March 2010, the Council Resolution of 72 until February 5, 2010 approving the Rules for Regional System for the Certification of the environmental sustainability of the interventions of green building certification and accreditation of individuals. "The regulations, developed in collaboration with University "La Sapienza” e dell’Istituto ITACA, attua laLR n. 6 del 27 maggio 2008 in materia di architettura sostenibile e bioedilizia. Si rifà al “Protocollo ITACA”, sulla base del quale la Regione Lazio aveva elaborato un elenco di criteri approvato con la Delibera 634/2009.
Il Regolamento definisce: a) la procedura e le modalità per la richiesta ed il rilascio della certificazione di sostenibilità degli edifici; b) le procedure, le modalità ed i tempi per l’effettuazione dei controlli sugli interventi edilizi, per accertarne la conformità alla certificazione rilasciata; c) il sistema di accreditamento dei soggetti abilitati al rilascio della certificazione di sostenibilità degli edifici e l’individuazione dei requisiti professionali, in coerenza, relativamente alla certificazione energetica, con l’articolo 4 del Dlgs 192/2005.

La certificazione di sostenibilità degli edifici ha carattere volontario e ricomprende la certificazione energetica obbligatoria di cui al Dlgs 192/2005 e alle Linee Guida Nazionali (DM 26 giugno 2009).

Il sistema di certificazione è articolato su 5 aree di valutazione: qualità del sito, consumo di risorse, carichi ambientali, qualità ambientale indoor, qualità del servizio.

Per essere abilitati al rilascio della certificazione, i soggetti in possesso dei requisiti richiesti devono accreditarsi preso un apposito Organismo regionale, che si occupa anche to manage the land for sustainability of buildings, to develop software for the calculation of the certification and to develop guidelines for training courses.

can subscribe to the list of regional certification engineers working either as employees of public utilities or public or private (including engineering company), and free of professional or associate members to its orders and colleges professional degrees in engineering, architecture, agricultural sciences, forestry, environmental science and chemistry. They are also enabling the diplomas of a land surveyor, surveyor, valuer industrial or industrial expert graduate, graduate agronomic or agro-technicians. It is mandatory, Furthermore, having participated in a special training course approved by the Lazio Region.

can also subscribe to the list certifiers on the lists of other regions and qualified professionals to design buildings and systems that operate within its competence.

(reproduction reserved)à-degli-edifici_18446_27.html

Rossella Calabrese

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Letter For Disconnecting Telephone

closing afternoon cadastre Latin

The office of the province of Latina (Cadastre) indicated that for 3 months the office will be closed in the afternoon is open from Monday to Friday from 8 to 12.45

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road construction manual

"road works, a Handbook for the Prevention Inail"
source inail / Safety at Work
23/04/2010 - The road construction is a complex work environment that presents a multiplicity and variability risks both for the workers, and for those who are somehow in contact with the area of \u200b\u200bwork. The Provincial Advisory Committee Inail by sharing the direction of the registered Inail of Verona, has developed the "Project Work safety in roadworks." Aim of the project is to provide industry support and a tool for knowledge on the general risks and specific road construction site to facilitate the full implementation of existing legislation on health and safety in the workplace, with particular reference to the necessary preventive measures and information and training for workers. The manual provides a general guide on the main risks and prevention measures are not exhaustive, but must be accompanied by mandatory training implemented by the employer, including through the Operational Safety Plan (POS) and the Security Coordination Plan (SGP) specific each site, the user manual and maintenance of equipment and other information tools. The project also aims to develop a simplified version, translated into several languages, for direct information and distribution to employees, including a questionnaire to be used to verify the actual level of understanding of knowledge and information gained from the work in training provided by employers.
for the document

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health and safety prevention in cold rooms

Health and Safety in the cold

The Ministry of Labour has prepared an area in which answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the Consolidated.

What are the rules that govern the safety of work in the cold?

The Leg. April 9, 2008, No 81 and subsequent amendments or additions, also known as "Unified for the protection of health and safety in the workplace", developed in full compliance with EU directives and international conventions relating to Title II, entitled "places of work has provided many burdens imposed by the employer to ensure proper working conditions to reduce the risk of accidents and occupational diseases.

In particular, Article. 63, TU, paragraph 1, refers to Annex IV to the detailed provisions on safety in the workplace by providing in section, in relazione all’argomento in esame, che “quando non è conveniente modificare la temperatura di tutto l’ambiente, si deve provvedere alla difesa dei lavoratori contro le temperature troppo alte o troppo basse mediante misure tecniche localizzate o mezzi personali di protezione”.

A tal uopo è essenziale, tra l’altro, la conoscenza degli ambienti e la individuazione di ”rischi interferenziali”, che possono sussistere per il fatto che, nel medesimo contesto, si trovano ad operare addetti con mansioni diverse (addetti ad attività di installazione, manutenzioni edilizie, attività di produzione, ecc.) e dei rischi ambientali e intrinseci. I lavoratori che prestano la loro attività in low temperature environments should be equipped, under the general rules laid down in Title III of TU, \u200b\u200bthe personal protective equipment appropriate to ensure their adequate protection against the cold weather (jackets, gloves, etc.).

Given the above it indicates a good technical standards established by UNI EN ISO 15743:2008 on the "Ergonomics of the thermal-jobs in the cold-Assessment and Risk Management" which sets out the requirements to be followed in the workplace low temperature for safety and health of workers.
This rule, applicable both indoor and outdoor environments, indicating in particular models and methods for evaluation and appropriate risk management, a checklist for the identification of problems related to cold, a standard questionnaire dedicated to healthcare professionals, guidelines for the application of scientific rules for the problems of work at low temperature and also a practical example. "

Source: Ministry of Labour
April 21, 2010

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work-related stress

Risk Assessment of work-related stress: a guide operators in the region

In connection with the provisions specified in Article. 28 Legislative Decree No. 81/08 regarding smi assessment of work-related stress, the technical committee of the Inter-prevention in the workplace found it necessary to activate a specific working group, responsible for coordinating the Lazio region.

Following the invitation to participate in the group's extended to all the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, have given their support (in addition to Lazio) Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Tuscany and Veneto.

The group was established December 16, 2009 in Rome. On that date has been identified documentation, including their addresses and proposals already developed by individual regions, which the group was inspired for the preparation of the operational guide. The drafting of individual chapters was given to group members on a basis that valued the documents already adopted by some regions.

The products are developed gradually been discussed in meetings of the entire group on a monthly basis. The work took a total of four meetings, the last of which, 15 March 2010, in Florence, they arrived to the final draft of the document.

The operational guide was approved March 25, 2010. The region of Lombardy has approved the document some reserves that are reported in Appendix.





communicative actions 5.2 Analysis of documents and information

5.3 Actions 5.4 Risk assessment training

5.5 Risk Management 5.6 The risk assessment document

6.1 1 ° phase: objective indicators of risk
6.2 2 ° phase: investigation of subjectivity
6.3 Companies with fewer than 10 workers
6.4 Examples of assessment tools




The document is available in the Annex:

source: April 21, 2010 = 8731

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Converter Of Internet

guarantee economic divestment photovoltaic Pontinia

No resolution for City Council 73, April 8 2010Premesso:

that DCC No 7 of 18.2.2010 were made to the Guidelines for the implementation of photovoltaic systems in the area identified as agricultural in the current PRG

that DCC No 22 of 23/03/2010 were repealed the guidelines referred to in the preceding paragraph, subject to certain unspecified requirements in the same deliberation;

having DGRL No 16 of 13/01/2010 for approval of Guideline regional installation for the production of electricity from renewable sources.

noted that the single authorization under Article. 12 of D. Decree n. 387/2003 for the construction and operation of photovoltaic systems, is issued by the relevant Province with the provision that, as a guarantee for the decommissioning of the disposal or in case of inactivity, is produced appropriate insurance policy for an amount commensurate with the value calculated from common territorial jurisdiction;

considered that with the repeal of the municipal guidelines, operated with DCC No callback 22/2010, failed also to the provisions of paragraphs 3-4 - the same guidelines with respect to commitments and guarantees that the proponents of the economic construction of the plant must be provided;

felt obliged to provide to identify the commitments and financial guarantees related to the dismantling and restoration of the rule of forgiveness in place in case of idle plant PV made;

seen the Legislative Decree. No 267/2000;


1) determine that the installation of photovoltaic systems of any kind in the agricultural zone by the existing PRG, where these systems have a generating capacity of more than 20 kWp peak, both subject to the signing of a unilateral act of obligation for the City recorded and transcribed, in which the responsible entity and the landowner agree to the dismantling and restoration of sites in remission when idle the plant for a period exceeding six consecutive months or divided over the year 's operating system itself. To this end, before the work will be taken out special insurance surety, for the duration of plant operation, for the City of an amount to the cost of rehabilitation work to be indexed using the coefficients Istat. This amount related to the cost of rehabilitation work in the absence of other regional or provincial or other determination, is assumed to be equal to 3% of construction cost (initial value subject to indexation).

to declare this immediately enforceable and in accordance with art. 134, paragraph 4 of the TU, approved by Legislative Decree 267 of 18/8/2000.

Phased Array Sat Dish

common Pontinia offering amnesty

No resolution for City Council 72, April 1, 2010
Subject: Determination offering for notification of activity beginning in sanatoria, Art. 22, paragraph 2, lett. c, regional law 11/08/2008, n. 15.

Given that:
- on 11/08/2008 Lazio Region has legislated on the subject of town planning and construction supervision, by adopting the Regional Law 15/2008
- financial penalties and the payment of sums by way of oblation, in the case of conformity assessment, commensurate with the type of abuse committed, are laid out, with the entry into force of the above mentioned regional law 15/08, in an amount between a minimum and a maximum ;
- still, at present, a dual system of penalties for violations of administrative building: the first provided for under Title IV of Decree 380/01 and the second is contained in Chapter II of the Regional Law 8.15;
-in the past this administration has already done so, with various acts, to dictate policies, procedures and amounts for the procedures laid down in Title IV of the DPR 380/01;
-identified, then la necessità ed urgenza, ai fini del buon andamento e di trasparenza dell’azione amministrativa, di fornire primi criteri per la concreta applicazione della nuova disciplina in materia sanzionatoria dell’attività edilizia, relativamente, in questa prima fase, ai procedimenti più urgenti, contemplati dall’art. 22, comma 2, lett. c, della legge regionale 15/08, inerenti la richiesta di sanatoria edilizia per denuncia di inizio attività, nelle more dell’approvazione di una disciplina organica che regolamenti tutte le fattispecie previste dal vigente ordinamento;
Richiamata la legge regionale n. 15 del 11/08/2008;
Richiamato il DPR 380/01;
Visto il D. Lgs 267/2000;

1) - to establish that the submission of a complaint Logon for amnesty in the case provided by art. 22, paragraph n. 2, lett.c of Regional Law No 15/08, is applied to a penalty payable in respect of offering of € 1,000.00;
2) - to establish that the amount referred to in paragraph 1 above, must be considered on a presumptive and "subject to compensation", since that, upon approval of a general framework for regulating all cases referred by the existing regulatory framework, can be changed;
3) to authorize the Planning Sector of the abuse that the person responsible to take note of this fact and impegni a versare l’eventuale importo residuo dovuto, a semplice richiesta dell’Amministrazione;
4) di dichiarare la presente deliberazione immediatamente esecutiva.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wasps Rugby Birtday Cake

for DIA in the revolt of shareholders Piccollo Acea

RICORSO AL TAR SULLO STATUTO di Giovanna Lantini il fatto quotidiano 30 marzo 2010
Entro domani al massimo, l'associazione dei piccoli azionisti Acea impugnerà d’urgenza davanti al Tar le modifiche statutarie approvate il 22 marzo e in base alle quali la nomina degli amministratori della concessionaria dell’acqua della capitale avverrà in proporzione alle quote azionarie, lasciando spazio solo per i 5 consiglieri del Comune (51 per cento), i 2 del socio Gdf-Suez (9,981 per cento) e i 2 di Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone (8.94 percent). Out of small investors and employees. If the Court should grant the request for urgency, we could arrive within 10 days of a suspension of the pending change of the merits. It is therefore assumed that the new mechanism for appointment of counsel may be used for the meeting of April 30, when there is the renewal of the Board of Directors of ACEA, the intent of the City, should the ferry company to privatization. It is not ruled out that the story also intervenes Consob, which today will be lodging a complaint, although his powers on this issue is limited to moral suasion.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What Does The Admin Department At Adidas Do

ici first house for more housing units

The first house may consist of several units cadastral

The Supreme Court: ok ICI facilitated multiple land units. The conditions to be met.

The simultaneous use of multiple unit land as "primary residence" is not in itself prevent the application for all land units on the rate provided for in Article easier for ICI. 69, paragraph 3, of L. 342/2000, on condition that the housing complex are using does not transcend the category of cadastral units that compose it.
It is expressed in these terms, the Supreme Court of Cassation, the sentence no 3397 of 12/02/2010, to explain that in order to assess the existence of the requirements in the preceding sentence should not have regard to the number of land units, but the test of 'effective use of the property as a whole as a primary residence of the person, subject of course, attributable to the deduction only once all housing units.
This seems particularly relevant in the face of Article. 1 of Decree 93/2008 (ratified by Law 126/2008), which are excluded from the scope of the ICI all buildings used as a main residence of the taxpayer, except those included in the cadastral categories A1, A8, A9 .